Jakub Kowalski

41 games reviewed
77.4 average score
76 median score
43.9% of games recommended
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Jan 17, 2019

TSA: NMH is a game I was looking forward to and, in all honesty, I can't say that it fully satisfied my longing for some Travis Touchdown action. As I've mentioned earlier, the game feels like a fun appetizer before the main course comes along. Thing is, we've been waiting for the main course for quite some time and I'm afraid that many of the fans might get up and choose a different venue.

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Nov 20, 2018

I have to say I enjoyed my time with this one. It's yet another "diamond in the rough" kind of title that needed just a little bit more polish to truly stand out. With that said, it's still easily one of the better installments in the series and a solid strategy game, both for Space Hulk fans and new recruits. It's precisely what a Warhammer 40K game should be - a well-thought-out, slow and methodical strategy game with a strong focus on squad-based tactics. If you feel that you can look past its flaws, give it a fair shake - after all, serving the Emperor is not a duty, it's a privilege.

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8 / 10.0 - Yakuza Kiwami 2
Sep 18, 2018

While by no means a perfect game, Yakuza Kiwami 2 is an example of a remake done right. It feels fresh and modern, it takes the original story of Yakuza 2 without losing its spirit or charm. If you've never played a Yakuza game before, Kiwami 2 is a good place to start as it introduces you to everything you've missed so far, keeping the doors open to new players. You've tried being an American gangster in GTA, perhaps being a Japanese one will be to your liking as well.

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Aug 19, 2018

MMXLC Vol.1 & 2 were most certainly fun to play and I'm glad that I got to review them as they introduced me to the series, but the collection has some inherent problems, not to mention that the asking price is simply way too high for what you get.

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Aug 19, 2018

MMXLC Vol.1 & 2 were most certainly fun to play and I'm glad that I got to review them as they introduced me to the series, but the collection has some inherent problems, not to mention that the asking price is simply way too high for what you get.

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10 / 10.0 - God of War
May 9, 2018

I said it once and I'll say it again - God of War is one of those few rare games that truly define a platform. I'm confident that many years from now it's going to be one of those titles you see scoring high in the Top 10's of our current gaming generation. The game truly pushes the hardware where it matters and the resulting product is nothing short of perfect - a must-buy for a PlayStation owner.

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Mar 30, 2018

Kirby Star Allies is the first installment of the series on a brand-new console and it bears all the signs of a somewhat rushed game that's testing the waters on new hardware. That being said, it has a gem of classic Kirby gameplay, it's nostalgic and immediately enjoyable from the moment you pick it up to the moment you put it down. If you enjoy Kirby, pick Star Allies up, but keep your expectations moderate - it's not a perfect game, it's just a good one, and that's fine.

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Feb 12, 2018

Dissidia NT carries over a lot from its arcade original, perhaps a little too much. It's clear that the developers put a lot of love and care into the product, but it didn't quite hit the spot for me. Dissidia NT fell a little short from achieving excellence, but nevertheless it's definitely a good game. Should you buy it? Yes, you should give it a try, although perhaps not at full retail price - it'll take more content to justify that. Seeing that the Season Pass promises to nearly double the roster, I can sense a Definitive Edition on the horizon, and that's the one I'd be aiming at.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Splatoon 2
Jul 22, 2017

Splatoon 2 greatly improves on every aspect of its predecessor without sacrificing much on the new platform. It's bigger, it's better, it's still fresh, and that's quite the recommendation. If you're an early Switch adapter, be sure not to miss out on this one. Splatoon 2's here and it's here to stay - it was a pleasure to be one of the first on the squid train, now excuse me while I scuttle off, I've got some turf to ink!

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9 / 10.0 - Nier: Automata
May 12, 2017

NieR: Automata is not a perfect game, but it's damn near close to perfection. I've enjoyed every moment of it, and although the post-apocalyptic Earth felt a little synthetic, perhaps that was the point. Missing out on NieR: Automata would be missing out on one of the better JRPG's I've played in a long time. The game explored interesting themes through the means of multiple genres, all executed to the highest of standards, and it deserves credit for that. If you're a fan of "the PlatinumGames touch", be sure to grab NieR: Automata - you won't regret it.

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Feb 28, 2017

TToN is excellent in every artistic department. The captivating writing, climactic music and gorgeous environments work together to create a unique ambience that will keep you captivated for hours on end. The game's shortcomings are structural, which goes to show that most of the effort went into creating fantastic content rather than polishing the more mundane mechanics. With a few polishing patches TToN can truly become an instant classic for the ages, and one that I can certainly recommend to RPG fans. If the names "Black Isle", "Bioware" or "Interplay" mean anything dear to you, you should probably look into inExile's latest game - you won't regret it.

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9 / 10.0 - XCOM 2
Dec 4, 2016

This game is a true diamond in the genre. A rough diamond, admittedly, but it shines through all the same. I've been waiting for this sequel for the longest time and, as expected, Firaxis delivered. XCOM 2 is genre-defining and exceeds expectations - it's a game you don't want to miss.

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6.5 / 10.0 - No Man's Sky
Sep 3, 2016

It's very hard to judge this game. On one hand, it has limitless potential, but on the other it's lacking in just about every area. It fails to deliver on the promises made by the marketing team, but I'm not sure to what extent I can blame the developers of the game in this regard. NMS doesn't feel like an attempt to squeeze money out of people's wallets, it's not one of those games that's sold unfinished, with gaps filled in with DLC. It's a genuine attempt at trying something new and innovative, in many ways it's a work of art, it simply grew in scale so much since inception that it grew far beyond the developer's capacity to complete. I sincerely hope that they complete to build upon the solid foundation they've created so far because NMS is a diamond in the rough - it deserves to be polished and enjoyed.

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May 10, 2016

Valkyria Chronicles was a joy to play on the PlayStation 4. If you haven't played the game before, now would be the best time to pick it up. If you already have then I probably don't need to convince you anyways. Valkyria Chronicles is just one of those games - the "one in a million" that does something completely different and "sticks". It definitely stuck with me and I sincerely recommend it, especially if you're a fan of unique strategy games. There's a little bit here for everyone, especially those fond of Japanese productions. Now excuse me, I have a war to win!

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Nov 15, 2015

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is the perfect game for someone who's played it all and seen it all - it's a nostalgic trip down memory lane. It's rough around the edges and some of its mechanics seem dated, but... that's the whole point. It's an old school roleplaying that isn't afraid to just throw you into the fray, and although it may not be a perfect game, it's definitely good enough to recommend to any fan of Western RPG's and tactical shooters alike. Considering the budget price point, you get so much bang for the buck that there's really no reason not to get it and see for yourself if you'd make a good Desert Ranger.

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I had a great time playing Broken Sword 5. Is it as good as my personal favourites, the first two games in the series? No, it is not, but it's still an excellent Point & Click adventure that I would personally recommend. It's quite a different experience to the more recent releases in the genre that adheres to a more classic format, which both works in its favour and against it, depending on how you look at it. It's definitely a solid title, especially considering the fact that it was funded via Kickstarter, and with the low price point in mind, I'd definitely consider giving it a go - you won't regret it.

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Jul 25, 2015

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition is a great game for fans of the series that has a lot to offer, both to those who have already played the title and those who are yet to pick it up. If you enjoy hacking away at never-ending hordes of enemies, this game is exactly what you're looking for.

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9.6 / 10.0 - Bloodborne
Apr 9, 2015

Bloodborne is a game I was looking forward to since it was announced and only a few titles hyped to that extent deliver on their promises - From Software delivered. This Souls spin-off is near-perfect and it's exclusives like this that can be platform-defining. If there's anything I could complain about, it's the fact that I already want more Bloodborne and anxiously await DLC - I'll be the first in line for it. The game established a solid foundation for a series and any expansion or sequels are most welcome.

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8.3 / 10.0 - Helldivers
Mar 16, 2015

Helldivers is a great title, I was hyped for it since it was announced and in my eyes it lived up to the hype. If you're a fan of arcade titles, this is a game you should definitely try, especially if you own more than one PlayStation platform and especially if you have friends who'd like to join you on your quest to spread managed democracy - the best system of government there is.

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Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart is definitely a title worth picking up, for a number of reasons. The concept is interesting, the audio-visual presentation is great, the gameplay is solid and it's one of those Japanese RPG's that are wacky, but not wacky to the point of being unplayable for a typical western gamer. If you've never played a JRPG or SRPG of this kind, this is a good game to start with. If you have, all the better, you'll feel right at home with Noire and her CPU friends.

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