
101 games reviewed
71.2 average score
70 median score
63.2% of games recommended
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The Frozen Wilds enhances an already excellent game. The improved dialogue for a number of the characters shows that Guerrilla have clearly taken onboard the criticism levelled at Zero Dawn, while the additional enemy creatures are welcome and make the game feel well rounded and complete. I really enjoyed returning to the world of Horizon Zero Dawn and simply can't wait for the next game.

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Oct 26, 2017

After spending many hours in the explosive world of Destiny 2, Detention's simple but horrific tale has reminded me just how affecting video games can be. A game based on the oppressive regime of 1960's Taiwain may not be for everyone, but if you fancy a break from head shots and kill streaks then this debut title from Red Candle games comes highly recommended.

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Oct 24, 2017

Raiden V tries to add something new the shoot 'em up genre which is admirable, but unfortunately most of the ideas don't live up to expectations. The Cheer system may have worked better if you could let spectators view your game, and the running commentary is like trying to listen to couple arguing at back of a bus when you're at the front and have someone playing loud techno music on their phone right next to you. For a shoot 'em up there is a lot of content and the main mechanics have clearly been honed to perfection over the last twenty five years, making this a good, solid entry to the series.

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Sep 8, 2017

X-Morph: Defense successfully mashes up the shoot 'em up and tower defence genres which is no mean feat. and the co-op mode is a really great addition and helps alleviate the repetitive nature of the tasks. There is at least fifteen hours of gameplay on the easiest difficulty level and as you are ranked at the end of each battle there's a good reason to go back and try again. If you like tower defence and big explosions it's well worth a look, especially if you have a friend to join the battle.

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7 / 10 - Sneaky Bears
Sep 4, 2017

Sneaky Bears is simply great fun while it lasts, so it's a shame it can be completed so quickly, as I would have loved to spend more time with Buddy and Frank. It's also a bit expensive (£15.99) given the content, but that's the case with most PSVR games. All in all, it's one of the best wave-based shooters on PSVR and definitely worth a look, especially if you have younger players in the family.

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9 / 10 - Observer
Aug 22, 2017

If you don't like ‘walking sims' then Observer isn't going to change your mind, even if it does include some rudimentary detective work. However, if you like to be swept away by a story and pulled in to a world where every door has a new experience behind it, then close the curtains, turn off the lights, crank up the surround sound and immerse yourself in this great cyberpunk horror tale.

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8 / 10 - Matterfall
Aug 15, 2017

Matterfall is a great shooter and will give you many hours of entertainment if you like chasing high scores and challenging gameplay. However, it does feel like a slight let down after Nex Machina and is the least essential of all the Housemarque games on PlayStation 4. That said, the least essential Housemarque game is still better than most games you will find on the console, so it's still recommended.

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6 / 10 - The Long Dark
Aug 9, 2017

I really, really, wanted to love The Long Dark, but a myriad of poor design choices and bugs teamed with a complete lack of instruction made it one of the most frustrating games I have ever played. You can pick some objects up, but not others, you can smash a crate to bits for firewood, but not a table, and none of this makes any sense. If you were freezing death, you'd burn  the frigging table! Survival mode is by far the best way to experience the game offering some gorgeous views and real sense of achievement when you make things nice and cosy, it's just a shame that Story mode is so poorly thought out.

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Aug 7, 2017

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Graceful Explosion Machine, and if you enjoy chasing high scores then it will provide you with a decent challenge. For the the rest of us, it's a dinky little shooter that you can complete in a couple of hours and will forget about in half that time.

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6 / 10 - Perception
Jul 4, 2017

There are some great ideas in Perception, but the execution is somewhat lacking. Wandering around a haunted house with no vision should be a tense, methodical, creepy experience, but this game has a sprint button. You are given a lot of help to navigate and solve puzzles because if you did not have your sight and were trapped in a mansion with moving walls and keys to find you would be utterly helpless. This means the whole premise to the game quickly becomes pointless, which is a real shame.

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9 / 10 - Nex Machina
Jun 19, 2017

Nex Machina is the pinnacle of all things Housemarque, with concepts and ideas that have been refined over many games in their purest form. That's both its strength and its weakness, as there is nothing you haven't seen before in one of their previous games. If you are a fan of the Finnish developer's game, this is still an essential purchase, but if you're a newcomer, this is the best place to join the party.

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May 26, 2017

Good games make headlines and bad games will also generate column inches, the one thing you don't want you game to be is average, but sadly that is what Demon's Crystals is. It plays perfectly well and is free from problems and bugs, but it's totally forgettable without a speck of originality. At just £3.99, it's a good price for a few hours entertainment if you have some friends on the couch to play with.

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Apr 26, 2017

Little Nightmares is something of a minor classic. Gorgeously gross and surprisingly inventive, it creates a genuine feeling of terror and tension. It's a bit odd to say a game that involves skipping over corpses is enjoyable, but it is, just don't blame Tarsier if you have nightmares.

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8 / 10 - Statik
Apr 25, 2017

I really enjoyed Statik. It's not particularly big, but it is very clever, and has clearly had a lot of thought and love poured in to it. VR is an integral part of the game rather than being a showy gimmick, making this a fine addition to the PlayStation VR library.

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Unscored - Everything
Mar 27, 2017

What you get out of Everything will depend entirely on you. You may get bored within minutes just as easily as you could spend hours wandering around alien continents as a slice of pizza. I'm not sure it can be described as fun in a traditional sense, and it sometimes feels like you are being forced to sit through through a complex lecture mixed with a dash of group therapy, but other times it can be utterly hilarious as you make baby tractors by dancing.

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Mar 17, 2017

FlatOut 4 is a single minded beast where destroying your opponents is just as important as good driving. There are very few games of this type on this generation of console and whilst it's not up to the standards of Motorstorm or Blur, it's still a lot of silly fun.

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Mar 3, 2017

Whilst fifteen minutes may seem an incredibly short time for a game to last these days, most arcade shoot ’em ups are short and barely last half an hour. There’s nothing really new or exciting in Ghost Blade HD, but it’s a solid entry to a genre that is almost non-existent on current consoles.

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Nov 15, 2016

The Martian VR Experience Is Utter Pants

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2 / 10 - Weeping Doll
Nov 7, 2016

The sad thing about Weeping Doll is that the concept could have generated some excellen VR games. Taking tales from across Asia and adapting them in to spooky VR experiences, a virtual reality version of Ringu, for example, would be brilliant. However, the execution for Weeping Doll is poor, from the laughable dialogue to the puzzles which can be solved in a matter of seconds. When rated next to the brilliant Here They Lie for PlayStation VR, Weeping Doll just doesn’t come up to scratch.

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Oct 17, 2016

It’s a shame we weren’t able to review the game prior to launch, because  Here They Lie is by far the best game I have played on the system. It’s definitely not for everyone and the weirdness may put a lot of people off, but I loved every moment and couldn’t wait to see what the game was going to throw at me next. Screaming creatures, cities on fire, underground stations that warp and shudder like an intestine, and a humanoid pig giving an antelope a high-five as they tag team a CRT television. What’s not to love?

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