Lucas White

251 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
52.8% of games recommended
May 15, 2024

Despite the snags I’ve mentioned, I’m still thinking about Read Only Memories: Neurodiver well after I finished the story. It’s such a pitch-perfect execution on its premise, mixing the worlds of modern cyberpunk with ancient PC technology and western anime fandom. I had a blast spending several hours with these characters and the world they inhabit, and would gladly have spent several hours more. A little more narrative depth and some puzzle guardrails and we’d have a true all-timer on our hands. But as it is, Neurodiver still stands out as a dope slice of niche gaming in a month stupidly crowded with that kind of thing.

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I have my issues with Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age. It's a bit clunky when it tries to pretend it's cool like other video games. I wish I had vocations instead of skill points to play with, and it would be nice if I could get from point A to B a bit faster, or have more to do along the way. But at the same time, I found myself engrossed in the usual grind I've come to love over the years, the silly and fantastical creatures from my favorite artist, and the storytelling that met and even rattled my expectations. There's even a neat little crafting system I didn't have room to mention, secrets to find, and of course hours and hours of post-game content. If you want to go on an adventure, and I mean a real adventure that tugs on your heartstrings, makes you smile, and yells puns at you constantly, do not sleep on Dragon Quest XI.

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9 / 10.0 - Tempest 4000
Jul 23, 2018

It was tragic to see something as great as Tempest fall into obscurity, only to have the spiritual successor taken away before it could really make its mark. As weird and whiplash-y as it is, it's just as great to see the same developer get to make a comeback and do an officially branded sequel. It feels like a dream come true, and I can't imagine how exciting this is for the folks at Llamasoft. Sure, it could have benefited from some more bells and whistles, but Tempest 4000 is the real deal, a new version of a remarkable arcade classic that isn't spoken of nearly as much as it deserves today. It doesn't feel cheap or old; it's pure game design boosted by badass music and a distinct visual style that settles comfortably into high definition. If we continue to get stuff like this from the new Atari, then sign me up.

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Oct 16, 2018

Warriors Orochi 4 is the latest in a long line of Musou brawlers, a new entry in its own sub-series that assumes your fandom already as a multi-series crossover. Despite its roots in historical fiction, Warriors Orochi 4 allows itself to dip into over the top, supernatural territory, using mythology as an excuse to put real-life generals and warlords into even more bizarre combat situations. Bringing the likes of Zeus and Ares into the mix only makes things more fantastical, and the combat mechanics are bumped up to scale. The ceiling on combat potential has been shattered here, and using the new tools at players' disposal can allow them to more or less combo indefinitely to their hearts' content. While the breezy, fast and simple style of Musou isn't for everybody, fans will undoubtedly have a blast pushing this one to its breaking point, should one even exist. Warriors Orochi 4 is an easy highlight in a series that has consistently improved (Dynasty Warriors 9 being an exception) over the past few years.

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Jul 17, 2019

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a pretty cool game. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is an awesome extension of it, adding features that further distills the game's core appeal and adds an entire new game of shockingly excellent storytelling in terms of scale and quality. I don't really know what happens between those two points yet, and I have a long road of Final Fantasy XIV ahead of me yet. But after my experiences so far in learning the game, experiencing its latest expansion, and seeing just how much I have left to see and do, well, I'm in it for the long haul.

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As the third game in a set of direct sequels, tied into several other games set in the same world and timeline, it’s simply amazing those creative juices are still flowing and coherent. It’ll be over soon, but jeez, hell of a run.

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May 2, 2020

Streets of Rage 4 is unmistakably a sequel to this classic franchise; the developers understood what made the originals so great, and expanded upon them in ways that make sense. The most lovably crafted and well-designed brawler in ages.

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Jul 2, 2020

Despite being a port of a 2002 GameCube game, Mr. Driller DrillLand feels, looks, and hangs with games as they are today. There are tons of depth to the core game, but add a ton of built-in variants that really change your approach and you've got an exemplary entry. The new difficulty setting is a great touch, too.

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9 / 10.0 - Street Fighter 6
May 30, 2023

Even with my figurative shrug at World Tour mode, it’s easy to see Street Fighter 6 as an achievement for Capcom. There was so much up and down with Street Fighter 5 that sucked the joy out of having a new one, and really only people who showed up years later got the full package. The esports vibe was an understandable experiment, but not one that fully landed. Street Fighter 6 on the other hand is like smashing open a pinata. It’s bursting with energy, style and content in a way very few fighting games have ever managed, even ones praised for single-player offerings. It not only feels like there’s something for everyone here, but it feels like there’s a genuine foundation for a community to grow and thrive. And I definitely plan to stick around and see how that shakes out.

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9 / 10.0 - Diablo IV
May 30, 2023

That’s the fascinating thing about games like Diablo IV. There’s so much of it, and so much context, I can see so many ways it can be meaningful for players. It’s because of that near-perfect mixture of agency, progression, social texture and depth. The fidelity and polish afforded by Diablo being… Diablo is crucial as well. Diablo IV is a tremendous game in scale and scope, but it still feels authored and managed instead of bloated and frivolous. That it was put together amid so much external and internal strife and holds together as well as it does is a mind-blowing accomplishment. I’m beyond stoked to start it for real soon.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Tekken 7
Jun 5, 2017

Fans of Tekken should love Tekken 7. There's a ton to do, the roster is better than ever, and many of the new mechanics add even further to the depth and options players have at any given moment. The Treasure Battle mode and unlockable customization items add tons of hours and silly fun to Tekken 7's shelf-life, and the unlockable gallery items show a level of care and dedication to Tekken as not only a franchise IP, but a long-lasting art with an important, meaningful history. On the other hand, I doubt the sloppy, incomprehensible story mode will do much for anyone who doesn't care about, uh, Tekken lore, and a fighting game with the amount of depth Tekken has not having similar learning tools that most of the competition has is a glaring drawback. Ultimately, the core of Tekken is unlike anything else in the genre, and getting people together to figure it out and get your hands dirty is always a blast. Tekken 7 continues with the care and polish a series of its caliber deserves.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Madden NFL 18
Aug 17, 2017

If you don't know what you're doing, play Longshot and figure out if you're into it or not. Maybe go through some tutorials, maybe get a more knowledgeable friend to walk you through the basics, and play some couch co-op together. Once you get your feet wet, get into MUT Squads and let your buddies play offense and defense, while you pick head coach and continue learning. Or you're already familiar but you aren't great, so you set the game to arcade mode, play Longshot a few times, then build up your MUT game to a huge OVR rating. Or, of course, you're a huge Madden nerd and you're tweaking the minutia in the options for hours before you even start playing. Madden NFL 18 wants to be a Madden for everyone, and it's built to allow a player of any skill level to mold their experience around themselves.

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4.5 / 5.0 - God of War
Apr 12, 2018

God of War feels ambitious in the best kind of way: the messy kind. It's not afraid to get its hands dirty digging at something it thinks is interesting, while knowing it might not find it at that moment. It's fine with not telling you everything, or with dialing back on the usual tropes of loud music, brutal violence, and hamfisted emotional manipulation. Sometimes, God of War just wants you to take some time and think about how you feel, and compare notes with Kratos as he struggles through his trauma to relate to his kid. And sure, sometimes you beat group of monsters to death by juggling them in the air with a magic axe and a pack of wolves made of lightning fired from a bow. It's still a video game about a violent, hulking bald man, but it's thoughtful and, most importantly, genuine.

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Oct 2, 2018

If you have the time and patience, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is worth a look, if not for the meandering plot and lore, than for the history porn, the earnest humor, and the massive, mystery-filled world.

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Sep 2, 2018

Between the fun new story, excellent new game mode, and the buckets of new loot and equipment, I can seeDestiny 2 fans having a lot less to complain about… for now.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Devil May Cry 5
Mar 6, 2019

Aside from my story gripes with Lady and Trish and my couple of issues with the Devil Breaker, Devil May Cry 5 practically exceeded my expectations.

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Apr 14, 2020

Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be weird in so many different ways for so many different people, and for that reason alone I have to give it an enthusiastic recommendation.

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9 / 10.0 - Dreamscaper
Aug 4, 2021

The literature tells you you’re getting stronger and doing well, so do the people around you. But is that something you can perceive in the thick of it? All you can do is take it a day at a time, and do what you can. Am I talking about the game or real life? That question shows us Dreamscaper’s success at its thematic goals.

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9 / 10.0 - Scarlet Nexus
Jul 26, 2021

Scarlet Nexus, with its rambunctious and dynamic combat, crazy (but well told) story and awesome art design, is an easy standout in 2021.

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The discomfort of tragedy and survivor’s guilt, combined with the burden of faith and responsibility, make this a unique, memorable experience.

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