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Leonardo Faria

São Paulo, Brazil

Favorite Games:
  • Perfect Dark
  • Rock Band 2
  • Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

792 games reviewed
70.9 average score
75 median score
52.1% of games recommended

Leonardo Faria's Reviews

Founder / writer at WayTooManyGames. Retro gaming dumpster diver. Plays plastic gaming guitars better than real ones. Owns an Ouya and never turned it on.
Apr 10, 2024

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a truly bonkers collectathon with some wacky ideas and excellent level design. There is a lot to do, a lot of places to explore, tons of gears to collect, and dozens of references and pop culture nods to unearth. It is an excessive game in terms of its presentation; it can be too much at times. It’s loud, it’s abrasive, and it’s (adorably) juvenile. But that’s also what makes it so charming, in my opinion. It might be ridiculous at times, but it wears that crown of stupidity with gusto.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Saviorless
Apr 8, 2024

I’m not taking its fascinating and heartwarming development history into account when I say that I liked Saviorless and recommend it… if you’re into this specific kind of slow-paced, artsy platformer.

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Let me be clear that I laud Saber Interactive for doing the impossible and managing to make a game like Kingdom Come: Deliverance run on the Switch in the first place. Sadly, just because they could, it doesn’t mean they should have done so. This game is not a good fit for the platform, be it for its excessive emphasis on immersion and realism, or the sheer amount of setbacks and limitations which had to be taken in order to make it run (poorly) on the console in the first place.

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Apr 3, 2024

Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game feels less like a mere logistics simulator, and more like a truck version of Death Stranding that feels more exciting to play than Death Stranding itself.

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4 / 10.0 - Krimson
Apr 1, 2024

From its overly sensitive controls to its questionable design choices, Krimson managed to irritate me throughout my entire gameplay. Not even its metal soundtrack, which should have been a slam dunk to my ears, managed to make this utterly irritating experience stand out in a positive way. It’s almost as if it was intentionally crafted to annoy me in every conceivable way. I simply cannot recommend it. Even if you like loud, abrasive and challenging games, there are better options elsewhere. This is just unnecessary sensory overload for the sake of it.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Welcome to ParadiZe
Mar 30, 2024

Welcome to ParadiZe‘s premise sounded a lot cooler on paper than in practice. The sheer limitations on the zombie taming aspect made the game feel like a mere Diablo-ish clone, at best, with the only difference that you and your friends have four more brainded AI allies to help you out on your raids. It’s serviceable with friends, and really boring if you decide to play it by yourself. All in all, it’s not inherently bad, but far from good either. I’ve played better zombie games, and worse zombie games.

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Mar 28, 2024

I tried not to compare South Park: Snow Day to The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole, but considering it is still a sequel of sorts, it’s hard not to feel massively disappointed with this game. We went from gorgeous and hilarious RPGs to a bland, boring, uneventful action roguelike with baffling graphical design choices, underwhelming controls, and an overall gameplay loop you have experienced dozens of times before. The sense of humor alone is not worth the admission ticket.

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7 / 10.0 - Felix the Cat
Mar 28, 2024

I was really impressed with how good Felix the Cat on NES is, and it’s now one of my favorite hidden gems on that system. It’s still a lot of money being asked for one excellent ROM, its Japanese counterpart, and a Game Boy port that’s basically a novelty item. I’d say that, if you have some cashback credits in your eShop account, Felix the Cat is really fun and worth your time. If not, maybe wait for a discount.

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8 / 10.0 - MLB The Show 24
Mar 20, 2024

MLB The Show 24 might be, in theory, more of the same if you’ve been playing all previous iterations of the game, but the handful of inclusions in this particular version were enough to justify its existence. Its Storylines mode impressed the hell out of me, not only with how detailed it managed to tell Derek Jeter’s career, but with how it managed to educate (and educate at the same time) someone not into the sport with all the importance behind the Negro Leagues. Add in the good presentation and excellent gameplay, and what you have here is more of the same, but also more of the GOOD same.

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Mar 14, 2024

Contra: Operation Galuga is not a long or groundbreaking title, but after the poor reception generated by its predecessor, a simple return to form for the franchise was the ideal way to go. It retains the gameplay loop, challenge and adrenaline from old school Contra, with a series of gameplay, accessibility, replayability, and quality of life improvements.

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So what you have here is a friendly reminder of why Battlefront was one of the coolest gaming sub-franchises of the mid-2000s. Aspyr didn’t exactly do a lot to remaster these games in this collection, but at the very least, they didn’t compromise them. The very few additions (bigger player count, online multiplayer, and a vast improvement on the Hero Assault variety) are still very welcome.

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Mar 12, 2024

I can’t help but feel like the BlazBlue branding in Entropy Effect feels tacked on, almost like a last minute addition to ensure some extra sales, but as a game, it’s actually a pretty good roguelike. It looks good enough, and its combat and powerup systems are really solid. Even though I didn’t care at all about its plot, I got hooked on its gameplay loop. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters. It might be BlazBlue in name only, but this little roguelike is a welcome surprise regardless.

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5.5 / 10.0 - The Inquisitor
Mar 10, 2024

I cannot stress how disappointed I was with The Inquisitor. It’s all due to how much I wanted to love it. Its setting and premise are downright amazing. I loved Königstein and the mysteries haunting it. I wanted to know what would happen next in this crapsack world. Sadly, that required playing the actual game, which ended up being janky, messy, and full of questionable design choices.

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The Warhammer 40,000 Special Pack doesn’t act like a pleasant surprise like the Final Fantasy VII-themed Midgar pack did, but at this point, nothing else would have achieved the same level of excitement. It’s just a handful of additional props to clean up, more content to enjoy in what is already a cozy but highly addictive casual pasttime. Warhammer fans will get a kick out of this neat piece of fan service, whilst others might still appreciate it for the fact it’s more stuff to do in PowerWash Simulator, for a very affordable pricetag.

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Mar 5, 2024

Top Racer Collection is a fantastic way for fans to relive the long-forgotten Top Gear games in one single package. Even i the games themselves didn’t exactly age very well, they have garnered a monstrous fanbase for a reason. There’s fun to be had with these dated, but iconic racing games, in a remastered effort that keeps the important bits intact, whilst updating menus and interface options to a more acceptable standard.

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Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is the worst kind of AAA game. It was clearly mandated from higher-ups. It’s incredibly obvious that this was not what Rocksteady wanted to do, as this game, like other lame AAA live services before it (Redfall comes to mind), feels uninspired, unfocused. What’s worse, Rocksteady really tried to come up with some good things, such as Deadshot’s admittedly fun combat mechanics. Sadly, for every good thing they were able to deliver, there are two or three other elements that bring the game down several notches.

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Feb 28, 2024

The Force is strong with Nightdive. They took an old, but iconic Star Wars shooter, adapted it to their magnificent engine, remade its assets, tinkered with the presentation and gameplay, and delivered the ultimate Dark Forces experience. A game once touted to be borderline forgotten is now available on modern platforms in way that makes its original build feel like crap in comparison.

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Feb 28, 2024

Ufouria: The Saga 2 retains the feel of a quirky Japanese hidden gem from a few decades ago. It feels like something that should have been released for the PS1 back in, say, 1997, exclusively in Japan, only for it to become a cult hit and a must-have import for retro fans. Its retro-esque simplicity doesn’t mean it is clunky or dated. Its controls are basic, but are responsive. It is replayable, all due to some slight roguelike elements. And it’s one hell of a treat for your eyes and ears.

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Feb 27, 2024

I had a great time with Penny’s Big Breakaway, despite some glaring gameplay issues. It features a confusing control scheme, and the lack of camera control is something I don’t exactly miss from the late 90s. Still, it managed to win me over with its infectious charm, innovative ideas (even if some of them didn’t exactly pay off), and exciting set pieces. It’s hard not to smile while playing it, it’s just that upbeat, it’s just that fun.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Feb 26, 2024

Despite featuring some interesting ideas, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin suffers from an uneven pace, excessively dark (and repetitive) visuals, and some poor level design. The excessive emphasis on storytelling was also a bummer, as this is not particularly what a retro shooter enthusiast is looking for in a game. Whilst blowing demons up with a loud shotgun was indeed fun, there are countless other shooters which allow you to do the same thing, but on a more polished foundation.

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