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Marc-Antoine Bergeron Cote

98 games reviewed
74.4 average score
75 median score
58.2% of games recommended

Marc-Antoine Bergeron Cote's Reviews

Passionate about technology, music, video games, cinema and sports, I graduated in communication. Since 2014, I have had the opportunity to write for many sites such as Game-Focus, the Legendary Sword and even today at Geeks and Com '. I have also hosted several shows on the web, whether podcasts and live broadcasts, particularly on Gaming Live, the former Web-TV. I continue to explore my passion for video by having a YouTube channel known as HypnoticMarc.
7.5 / 10.0 - EA Sports UFC 5
Nov 16, 2023

The license doesn't suffer the same fate as some of the publisher's sports games, and this allows the developers to make some real changes. This is the case for EA Sports UFC 5, which benefits from the use of the Frosbite engine and brings a number of visual novelties while fine-tuning its gameplay. Realism is the order of the day, with an injury system that affects our fights and longevity in career mode. Nevertheless, the title remains relatively inaccessible to new players, while the content itself remains rather weak. If you're not a fan of career mode, online battles become very repetitive. It's clear, however, that the franchise is heading in the right direction.

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8 / 10.0 - Jusant
Oct 31, 2023

Jusant is undoubtedly one of the best surprises of 2023. Unveiled to gamers just a few months ago, DON'T NOD's title offers an unusual experience. The gameplay perfectly transcribes the movements of the climber, while the environment provides a dose of difficulty throughout the adventure. Although the experience is fairly short, and you sometimes feel a little lost in your progress, it's easy to immerse yourself in this adventure. I would, of course, have liked a little more, but I think the developers stopped at just the right moment to avoid the impression of doing the same thing over and over again. In short, a little nugget that I'd recommend to gamers looking for a slightly different experience.

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Oct 24, 2023

Wild Card Football's arcade experience succeeds in its main aim: to be above all a fun experience. We enjoy creating our own team, customizing it and using our powers to overcome any opponent. Nevertheless, matches quickly become repetitive, and the only interest is to play online. Frustration can set in if your opponent takes a malicious pleasure in waiting until the end of the countdown. Perhaps I'd have liked even shorter quarters, and why not cut the game in half? Technical problems also seem to greatly hamper the game on certain platforms.

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I was rather skeptical about having a sequel so soon, but I'm forced to admit that Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged has succeeded. The title offers several new features that further diversify the pleasures. While the soundtrack remains repetitive and I was hoping to keep the environments from the last game as well as the new ones, the game remains more interesting. The more comprehensive story mode is an excellent introduction to the different types of racing. The art direction remains faithful to the actual license, and will undoubtedly provide fun for young and old alike.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Highrise City
Oct 14, 2023

Highrise City is the culmination of an almost entirely solo project. The title makes a real attempt to distance itself from the other experiences available on the market. It offers an honest management aspect as well as a fairly advanced resource system. Nevertheless, the game fails to achieve the same overall quality in terms of interface, soundtrack and even visual proposition. There are still a few elements that need fine-tuning.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Paleo Pines
Oct 6, 2023

The idea behind Paleo Pines is interesting enough, and offers a little variety for the genre. However, the execution behind this idea still seems to lack polish. The title's content is rather weak. I would have liked to have been able to decorate my house and have more objects to place on my plot. The artistic direction of its content lacks punch at times and is a little too uniform. Fortunately, the way in which the dinosaurs are adopted makes up for the shortcomings a little, but I'd mainly recommend the game to regulars of the genre who are keen to discover a new adventure. For neophytes, other experiences are far superior to Paleo Pines.

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7.5 / 10.0 - My Little Universe
Oct 5, 2023

Quite simplistic, My Little Universe offers a refreshing experience with a unique concept and art direction. The game is very accessible and easy to understand, while the exploration of the planets makes you want to continue playing without stopping. The main drawback is the feeling of repetition that can be felt after several hours of play, and which may discourage some players. However, if you don't mind this element, you'll be overwhelmed by this survival adventure like no other. There's no doubt that this is an ideal game if you're looking for some mindless fun.

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Oct 4, 2023

For me, Assassin's Creed Mirage is the return to basics that many gamers have been hoping for. Infiltration makes a major comeback, without making the gameplay too rigid. The city of Baghdad is particularly dense and representative of the period. Even if the experience doesn't reinvent anything, it's pleasant to have a narrative put forward and a logical lifespan for this kind of game. While there are still a few technical problems, particularly with collisions, and there are few new features, the overall experience is fun. Now Ubisoft will have to roll up its sleeves for the next generation of this iconic franchise. A return to basics works for this time, and we mustn't repeat the mistakes of the past.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Mortal Kombat 1
Sep 30, 2023

Mortal Kombat 1 proves once again that it is without doubt one of the best fighting game licenses. This new opus offers a complete story mode with an artistic direction as successful as ever. Not to mention a reworking of the buttons to make the experience more accessible, without taking away any of the difficulty. The Invasions mode adds a fun experience, but perhaps deserved a little more love. While the microtransactions and numerous virtual currencies may put off some players, the overall experience remains more than interesting.

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8 / 10.0 - NBA 2K24
Sep 29, 2023

The first few hours of play on NBA 2K24 are very promising, especially with the changes to the gameplay, which offer a real sense of freshness and increased realism. The career mode is simpler, allowing players to focus on specific objectives without having to watch hours of cinematics. Even so, it's hard for me to rate it higher than the previous opus, with the additional addition of microtransactions and the lack of love for the mode featuring Kobe Bryant's career. It's a shame to almost have to pay again to play online. And let's not forget that, according to several comments, the PC version, which we weren't able to test, doesn't deliver the desired performance at all.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Crew Motorfest
Sep 27, 2023

En termes de jouabilité, The Crew Motorfest est sans aucun doute l’opus le plus abouti de la franchise. La possibilité de modifier de nombreuses options permet aussi de rendre le jeu très accessible. Sans oublier le fait d’en apprendre un peu plus sur la région d’Hawaï sans devoir visionner des dizaines de cinématiques. L’archipel volcanique a été un excellent choix pour offrir aux joueurs une petite escale exotique. Cependant, le titre souffre encore des comparaisons avec son plus proche concurrent et devient très répétitif malgré son nouveau système de playlist. Le jeu s’adresse principalement à ceux à la recherche d’une expérience d’une difficulté modérée et qui ne veulent pas se prendre la tête.

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7 / 10.0 - Under the Waves
Sep 19, 2023

Rather simple in its conception, Under The Waves immerses the player in a narrative dealing with several subjects. The atmosphere and the way the story is told are undoubtedly the strengths of this game developed by the Parallel Studio team. Nevertheless, loading times, the pace of certain phases and technical problems detract from the overall experience. Still, the game should appeal to players looking for an immersive narrative experience.

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Sep 6, 2023

Punch Club 2: Fast Forward brings some interesting new features to the first opus in the series, with more enjoyable training sessions, interesting side missions, especially in the first part of the game, and a whole new universe to explore. Humor is also on the agenda, with the integration of many 80s inspirations. Nevertheless, the title suffers from a marked sense of repetition in the second half of the game. Not to mention the technical problems that completely spoil the adventure for players who don't realize until very late that they have a problem in their adventure.

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8 / 10.0 - F1 Manager 2023
Aug 4, 2023

F1 Manager 2023 remains a fun experience for all fans of management games and Formula 1. The title features a fairly comprehensive team manager career mode. Nevertheless, the new features lack polish, and I would have appreciated the option of starting a career in lower categories before moving up to the premier class. Especially as Frontier Developments already has the licenses for the latter. The title is mainly aimed at players who haven't played the previous opus, while the lack of new features could put off older players.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Venba
Jul 31, 2023

Venba is a unique experience that clearly offers a different way of telling a story. While gameplay isn't the title's masterpiece, it's still fun to understand the recipes and try to complete them. Clearly, the title would have benefited from more stages in the preparation of dishes to prolong the adventure. In a way, while the game doesn't do anything particularly bad, we're left a little disappointed. Perhaps I'd have liked the gameplay phases to have been a little longer, even if this shifts the way the story is told. There's no doubt that the Visai Studios team is talented, and we'll have to keep an eye on their next projects!

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Jul 21, 2023

Construction Simulator is without doubt the most complete opus in the franchise, developed by the Weltenbauer studio. The missions are varied, there's dubbing for the campaigns, and there are two zones large enough to vary the fun. While there are a few machines that are more difficult to handle, the overall experience is pretty fun, especially since it's possible to play with 3 other people. The tasks may seem, and sometimes are, repetitive, but the accessibility options mean that there's something for everyone. The title is clearly recommended for simulation fans, but also for those new to the genre.

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Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Definitive Edition propose sans doute la version la plus aboutie sans pour autant dénaturer l’excellente expérience originale. La campagne est toujours aussi excellente alors que la jouabilité propose un défi assez relevé même pour les habitués du genre. Le multijoueur de son côté est très équilibré et il encourage les joueurs à monter les échelons. Sur Nintendo Switch c’est presque parfait, même si j’ai été surpris de constater que cette version n’est pas commercialisée sur console de nouvelle génération. Néanmoins, j’espère qu’avec les portages des dernières années et maintenant cette édition définitive qu’Ubisoft (qui détient les droits de la licence) offre la chance à un studio de créer une suite à cette aventure.

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Jul 12, 2023

Sold at a low price, Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine is certainly not the experience that fans of the Super Meat Boy franchise have been waiting for. The title offers an original variation on the puzzle games of the same type, with a world that's as well-realized as ever. Nevertheless, balancing and latency problems detract from the overall experience that the Headup Development team is trying to deliver. The idea isn't bad, but it lacks a little polish. Not to mention that it's more than a little strange to see this kind of game for the franchise when gamers are still hoping for a proper sequel to the first opus.

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Jul 7, 2023

Crash Team Rumble is a lot of fun, and you'll enjoy trying out the different character classes, even in single-player mode. Its pleasant gameplay and successful art direction won't be enough to keep the title alive for months if the developers at Toys for Bob don't add content soon. Despite its lower retail price than a traditional AAA, I'm not convinced that the game will work when users will regularly have to dig deep into their pockets to obtain the season pass. My advice, perhaps, is to wait for a discount unless you're a huge fan of the franchise.

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8.5 / 10.0 - F1 23
Jun 27, 2023

This year's edition of F1 23 is far more complete than last year's, with the return of the story mode, improved gameplay, the arrival of a central hub with several ways of racing, and the introduction of the red flag. Codemasters undoubtedly has what it takes to convince players to pay for the game this time around, despite the absence of an update for F2 or the lack of novelty offered by the career mode.

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