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Jordan Andow

Favorite Games:
  • Shenmue 2
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Metal Gear Solid 3

27 games reviewed
80.0 average score
80 median score
63.0% of games recommended
Aug 15, 2022

Two Point Campus is built on the strong foundations of its predecessor. When it works it's a great game! It's a shame that the experience is currently impacted by distracting bugs, that stop it from being on par with Two Point Hospital. Never the less one you'll liking enjoy if you played Hospital.

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It's constantly a good time on-court and that's all that really counts.

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Jun 27, 2022

F1 22 is about as close ask you get to an accurate simulation of a real-world sport. It manages to do this while continuing to offer an unprecedented level of customisation of the player experience. A game that others should be looking to emulate in terms of player control.

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Jun 4, 2022

Sniper Elite 5 is held back by a presentation stuck in the past and a forgettable story. Ultimately well-designed missions, player freedom, and great moment-to-moment gameplay win out. Resulting in a game that is fun on your own or with a friend.

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May 5, 2022

A masterful love letter to the films of Akira Kurosawa. Trek to Yomi’s inspirations are clear. It handles those inspirations with love and care. Ultimately standing on its own two feet as something unique in the current gaming space. Above all else, it is extremely fun to play!

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Apr 18, 2022

A great sequel, that carries the legacy of a franchise and only improves on it. Lost Judgment is a triumph in many ways. That in the end is let down slightly by one big issue and a handful of smaller annoyances.

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Feb 14, 2022

Crossfire X is a game truly of two halves and while neither is going to blow you away, it's a shame that two decent single player campaigns are completely let down by a lacklustre Multiplayer offering.

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