Victor Vitório

76 games reviewed
78.7 average score
80 median score
57.9% of games recommended
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75 / 100 - Horizon Chase 2
May 29, 2024

Horizon Chase 2 brings more of the same very fun, even more so when we share the screen with more people. Wrapped in the infectious electronic musical score, the frenetic races have gains in the relationship between control and speed and the beautiful stylized representation of real locations, but also presents losses in the number of tracks and cars in its modest Round the World Round.

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85 / 100 - Animal Well
May 9, 2024

Animal Well is stunning and mysterious, a visual treat that offers open-ended and thought-provoking exploration. The total lack of explanations may put off part of the audience, but those who are willing to see how deep the iceberg, or rather the pit, goes, will have a lot to enjoy in this surrealist metroidvania.

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May 8, 2024

Tales from Candleforth is a slightly morbid and short point-and-click, good enough for me to wish that the plural of the title would come true and take the form of a collection of small stories that combine their strengths into a larger work. For now, Sarah's tale pleases, the puzzles mess with our logical associations and the art skillfully combines amazement, enchantment and surrealism, compensating for the feeling that the experience ends prematurely.

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Apr 21, 2024

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was clearly made with dedication to deliver an epic experience about assembling a resistance army in the midst of an inglorious war. The narrative cannot give importance to such a vast cast, but, overall, it does a good job with what it has at hand, telling an engaging, well-written and well-voiced story. Translation does not follow the same level and several systems seem to be too close to the old productions on which they are based, missing the chance to modernize to allow for more efficient management. The end result is a good JRPG that suffers from limitations, which can still be resolved with changes here and there to systems, options and menus, bringing with it the potential to really shine in its environment.

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70 / 100 - Moonglow Bay
Apr 9, 2024

Understood according to its focused proposal, Moonglow Bay is a quiet game of melancholic but hopeful daily life. The simplicity and conciseness make it fall into routine, but there is purpose in the cycle of actions that fits well with the narrative of, one day at a time, revitalizing the community and the life of a widowed person who will use the fishing rod to deal with her grief.

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Mar 26, 2024

Grandia HD Collection needs to be seen from two angles. As a game, it brings two excellent and charismatic adventures with one of the best turn-based combat systems in JRPGs, highly recommended for those who enjoy the style. As a collection to re-release old games, however, only the bare minimum has been made, with no extras or quality-of-life improvements. Even with the important step of bringing the games to more current platforms, these versions have technical flaws and are far from definitive.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Rebel Transmute
Mar 21, 2024

Even without innovating or impressing, Rebel Transmute executes its inspiration in Metroid very well. The adventure on an inhospitable planet is enriched with reasonable narrative doses, competent setting, challenging difficulty and exploration of secrets. The almost non-existent direction can be a hindrance and a source of frustrating repetitions, but it will certainly be worth it for those who enjoy metroidvanias, especially in the science fiction aspect.

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Mar 21, 2024

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake misses the chance to be a more relevant and creative reinterpretation, focusing only on the visual redesign. In the end, the tale of the union between two brothers to save their father remains charming and cozy, a story that can be enjoyed playing solo or as a couple. Even though the second option makes gameplay even simpler, the best way to get into the fantasy is up to each person's taste.

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Mar 11, 2024

Penny’s Big Breakaway is a good game but its show isn't surprising and the commands don't always flow like I'd prefer. There aren't big issues nor big qualities to highlight, making it recommended especially for people who love 3D platformers and colorful games with a cartoon feeling.

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Mar 5, 2024

The Mobius Machine is, at its core, a decent metroidvania hampered by the disproportion between the enormous size of its map and the low variety of scenarios, discoveries, rewards, and even resources that help revisit the world more efficiently. Those who like challenges will have something to find here, but for the rest, the real challenge will be to maintain interest and patience.

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With its well-executed retro personality, Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is a 2D platforming adventure with plenty of challenges and items to find. The protagonist could be a little more agile, but in general, the game fulfills its role of revisiting styles of the past and improving them.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Promenade
Feb 21, 2024

Promenade was an enjoyable ride from start to finish, keeping me hooked until I finally managed to find all of the many cogs. The caveats are minimal, overshadowed by the excellent execution that provides so much content for the fun and engagement of different ages and abilities.

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70 / 100 - qomp2
Feb 19, 2024

qomp2's peculiar movement scheme is, at the same time, its biggest differentiator as a puzzle and platformer, but also a possible source of frustration. With coherent mechanics, but little varied visuals and a creative potential that is not explored as it could be, it is a title that will please lovers of the genre while it lasts, as long as they do not expect something striking or surprising.

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Hidden Through Time 2: Myth & Magic brings a more of the same comfortable and fun hidden object search. I missed the aesthetic evolution, but the ambition was invested in the Architect mode for the creation and sharing of new levels, greatly increasing the possibilities of enjoying this lovely and relaxing game that, even if it is for only one player, can be enjoyed with the whole family.

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Jan 11, 2024

With Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, Ubisoft Montpellier used the solid terrain of the metroidvania legacy to bring new air to the classic series. Even without innovating, the game is built with the good parts of the genre, a confident and excellently executed combination that takes us to a robust, fun and challenging campaign, making it a highlight as one of the best of its kind.

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8 / 10.0 - Cookie Cutter
Dec 21, 2023

Fulfilling the promise of elaborate traditional animations, Cookie Cutter aims at the target of the metroidvania formula without the intention of innovating it. It's a precise, debauched and bloody hit, without a doubt, but it still leaves the feeling that the adventure and the songs are not in the same rebellious tone as the vigorous personality displayed by the protagonist in her fluid and brutal movements.

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70 / 100 - Raccoo Venture
Dec 16, 2023

Even with generic settings and simple controls, Raccoo Venture has a lot of the DNA that is crucial for a good 3D platformer, especially in the level design, secrets, animations, and music. The problem lies in the difficulty that will lead to unnecessary and frustrating repetitions, which can make the game more of a challenge of patience than of platforming. Changing simple things, such as the rules of counting lives, would make the experience much more pleasurable and accessible.

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Dec 14, 2023

Even with some mechanics that make gameplay more difficult, Laika: Aged Through Blood leaves a trail of intense emotions as you maneuver a motorcycle through the desert against a relentless army. The contrast between the raw violence and the beauty of the designed scenarios and, especially, the songs with vocals, converges to the representation of human tragedies in the fight for survival in this unique, bloody and beautifully melancholic metroidvania.

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8 / 10.0 - Rising Dusk
Dec 12, 2023

Rising Dusk treads its own 2D platformer beats with a fresh perspective on the collectible coins that have populated the genre for decades. The execution is as good as the idea, and the concept of “anti-currencies” is used to create intuitive puzzles and replayability through secrets, secondary paths and alternative exits. The visuals may not attract attention, but the lo-fi songs take a calming beat to drive a campaign with a flexible structure that will please fans of 2D games.

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85 / 100 - Roots of Pacha
Nov 27, 2023

Even if it's still limited by trends in the genre, Roots of Pacha builds a farming simulator with its own personality by centering the theme of community in its upbeat and relaxing campaign. Unfortunately, this didn't extend to multiplayer, which is online-only and doesn't allow you to share the screen locally with the loved ones who are next to you.

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