Andres Aviles

43 games reviewed
78.8 average score
80 median score
97.7% of games recommended
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At the end of the day, Agatha Christie – Murder on the Orient Express shows one of the world’s greatest authors’ stories at the height of her powers. The carefully interwoven plot, the characters’ well-thought motives, and the renewed presentation of it all by the time you solve the case will undoubtedly delight any mystery-loving follower.

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4.2 / 5.0 - Saltsea Chronicles
Oct 15, 2023

As the fanciful tale starts winding down and the end is in sight, Saltsea Chronicles’ metaphysical mysteries begin taking shape. It is a deeply moving story of love, loss, and understanding that no matter who you are or where you come from, that rooted sense of helping your fellow neighbor will always be there, and it is important to act and cause a positive change in your society.

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3.7 / 5.0 - Chants of Sennaar
Sep 5, 2023

Chants of Sennaar, once it clicks, undoubtedly makes you feel like a linguist and paleographer with its glyph-based and gesture-implying puzzles. Throughout the course of your playthrough, you will find the spark of languages and their history might make you want to study further your own and our world’s most profound historical writings as you decipher what each language has to offer.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Immortals of Aveum
Aug 30, 2023

Immortals of Aveum is a high-quality new AAA IP rarely seen in today's gaming landscape. Its relentless combat, strong worldbuilding, and lighthearted narrative offer a unique perspective as a First Person Magic Shooter. Although one of the most mentioned features of the game was that it was being made on Unreal Engine 5, it does not look particularly stunning or next-gen in most areas. But when it does, it has some of the most impressive-looking landscapes in modern gaming.

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Agatha Christie – Hercule Poirot: The London Case starts as a slow burn but, through the methodical observations of its titular detective, devolves into a satisfying ending. Avid readers of the Hercule Poirot series are bound to find a pleasant mystery to solve here. To be in the shoes of the detective and sniff out clues in scenes of the crime will satisfy the most eager of fans.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Moving Out 2
Aug 18, 2023

Of course, the most important part of this game is the chaos that unleashes when you get together with friends, be it now through real life or online. Much can be said about the hassle of hauling your belongings and asking help from a company to aid you in such a troubled time. But Moving Out 2‘s incredibly wacky and wild multiplayer adventure as a mover will keep you coming back for one more round.

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Aug 8, 2023

With elaborate ties to the first game, the wait was worth it. Night School Studio excels in poignant character studies and has proven once more that its creative writing knows no bounds. What OXENFREE II: Lost Signals lacks in the graphics or gameplay department the spectacular sound design and alluring interdimensional narrative more than make up for it.

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Aug 4, 2023

Playing this particular game feels like being part of a very well-structured high-end space drama. Stakes are raised every so often to keep you engaged. A triumphant return not too often seen on the gaming landscape, The Expanse: A Telltale Series hits the ground running and doesn’t stop. By the time the first episode’s credits are rolling, you’ll be utterly hooked and counting down the days for the next release of this masterful tale.

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3.8 / 5.0 - Frank and Drake
Jul 21, 2023

Sinister secrets begging to be uncovered and pieced together lurk beneath the surface, and with each playthrough, it’s even clearer to see this masterful tale’s endgame. Frank and Drake both have very complicated lives, and unraveling them, connecting the dots, and ultimately understanding their purpose in life is a thoughtful experience to witness.

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4.7 / 5.0 - Viewfinder
Jul 19, 2023

An ode to the creative spark is a direct correlation to all that is precious in our lives. Architecture, philosophy, and art are just as valuable as the nature that surrounds us, and Viewfinder urges us to look at things from a different perspective and challenge our worldview if it does not fit the task presented. Adapting and astute minds will flourish and appreciate the test that Viewfinder proposes in more ways than one.

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Jun 21, 2023

The people who work in healthcare have been particularly strained since the global emergency that occurred a few years back, and for a wholesome indie game to pay homage to their everyday efforts is something to be celebrated. Fall of Porcupine formidably shows the constant pressures of daily life, especially in a hospital setting.

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4.2 / 5.0 - Dordogne
Jun 13, 2023

A video game four years the making, the care put into each and every watercolor landscape and minute aspect of the game is quite notable. Discovering new things and getting out of your comfort zone can be a frightful thing. But Dordogne, by way of its carefully structured narrative, reminds us that it is worth it to live life to the fullest.

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May 26, 2023

Thanks to its impressive cinematic direction, In Tanta We Trust boasts a no-holds-barred, action-packed narrative that gives more of what people love in Forspoken. For its short runtime, it never lets up and offers a blockbuster-worthy adventure of Frey’s story, a huge climax, boss fight, and all. While the future of the series may be uncertain, In Tanta We Trust gives this daring new IP a deserved sendoff.

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Apr 28, 2023

A focused horror adventure with mature themes and cursed imagery, Bramble: The Mountain King is a hidden gem that will irrevocably leave a mark on some people. Inevitably all decisions carry their weight and change oneself, and Olle’s chilling journey must be witnessed by all who are interested in an epic, suspenseful tale.

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Just like the Frozen Wilds DLC for Horizon Zero Dawn explored new avenues and pushed the story forward with possible cliffhangers and ideas, Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores up the ante with its characters, boss fights, and exploration. To finally see Aloy so sure of herself and commanding one last time before the eventual third act is inspiring to see.

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Apr 22, 2023

What starts as an exciting adventure of a young savior traveling through different planets loses steam and becomes a tedious enterprise midway. In the end, Batora: Lost Haven aims for a contained narrative that ironically struggles to find balance in a simplistic combat that is marred by difficulty spikes. Alas, fans of isometric action RPG games will find something to love if they are willing to look past its flaws.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Marfusha
Apr 14, 2023

Considering the background of Marfusha, such as the one developer porting this PC game to several different consoles and its length and price, it is easy to give it a pass for what it’s going for. With a decidedly pick-up and play design behind it, Marfusha is a great choice for gamers who just want to kill time and enjoy a simple shooter.

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Apr 11, 2023

Sherlock Holmes The Awakened explores a haunting adventure that is unsettling to live through and succeeds as a creative take. Marketed as a Lovecraft meets Sherlock Holmes original story, there are tinges of both mythologies that will satisfy any eager fan of either world.

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4 / 5.0 - Tchia
Mar 31, 2023

Tchia shines at its best when you are immersed in its laidback, breezy islands with the peaceful music taking over, unwinding and relaxing while exploring the many secrets of the archipelago. All in all a solid indie adventure that gives homage to a beautiful culture, enriching and teaching you about them in the process.

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Mar 24, 2023

Season: A letter to the future is an incredible achievement as it is a risky endeavor to ask a gamer to slow down and breathe in the world they have painstakingly created, but once you let go of your preconceived notions, it will uplift you with its profound narrative.

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