Outriders Reviews

Outriders is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Apr 6, 2021

Outriders absolutely excels when it lets combat, solid gunplay, and supremely satisfying abilities do the talking. Its unique blend of aggression really is something to behold in action. Rubbish characters, the requirement to maintain an online connection and couple with servers, and various technical hitches hold it back from greatness, but they don't muddy the picture so much to dissuade a recommendation. Outriders is pretty class in motion.

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72 / 100
Apr 5, 2021

What we have here are two stories told with mixed results. The grim, gorgeous sci-fi saga fell flat for me. I couldn’t get invested in this last leg of the human race turning to tribalism and violence in the face of adversity. I’m pretty bored with ‘special soldier saves the day’ stories. But the loot cycle was a different matter. This tale of frustration, anticipation, determination, and joy was immediately compelling. I dug into the mechanical guts early and easily. The combat is varied, breathless, and brutal. The character progression is a decent mix of stats and skills, there’s a ton of customization to mess around with, and the difficulty scaling is perfectly fluid. I can tolerate a lot of nonsense in exchange for a good gameplay loop. But if you’re hoping for a package as good as the prize, you might be disappointed. So long as you’re prepared to dig a little for that glittering pearl, there’s a ton of fun to be had with Outriders.

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8 / 10
Apr 5, 2021

While familiar and somewhat basic, Outriders has a lot of riveting action and a compelling gameplay loop that will satisfy people looking for their next looter shooter fix.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2021

Outriders is an excellent video game that doesn't drown itself in marketplaces and all the traditional systems we have come to know from a live service. By positioning itself as a complete experience, with dozens of hours of content to play through, along with engaging, varied, and deep combat, it exceeds expectations and manages to lay a firm foundation for a franchise that I hope manifests itself in the future.

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Apr 16, 2021

At its best, Outriders is a looter shooter that's surprisingly generous with its loot.

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Top Critic
Jun 30, 2021

Outriders offers a deeper narrative than its looter contemporaries, but it's ultimately a run-of-the-mill shooter that leaves no lasting impact.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2021

Despite the obvious uncertainties in the first game sequences, Outriders was able to conquer us. What might have seemed like a classic shooter in dynamics and uncertain in the story has instead proved to be a shooter with assuring gameplay, and able to stand out for its density and richness of content. The campaign unfortunately remains subdued on the narrative front, but the gameplay sculpted by People Can Fly has something magnetic.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2021

‎Therefore, Outriders complies with everything he promised in his day. A looter shooter focused on the campaign, but not closed to a bright future through expansions that allow us to continue to know Enoch and discover its secrets. And this does not mean that, after the close of the story, we will open up a range of game options to enjoy with our Outriders teammates.‎

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Apr 10, 2021

Outriders is an OK RPG shooter that can be thrilling in it gunfights, but it never takes off. Its weak narrative and numerous bugs and crashes and lack of memorable moments prevent it from sitting next to the most successful online TPS.

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4 / 5.0
Apr 9, 2021

Publishers, instead of trying to make everything the next Destiny-killer, should do what People Can Fly and Square Enix have done with Outriders. Offering a full experience with multiplayer, deep character customization, and plenty of post-game content works beautifully

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75 / 100
Apr 9, 2021

Despite its constant flaws and lack of originality, Outriders is a very fun game that manages to bring together the best elements of various contemporary titles

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2021

Outriders is old school action that stands tall as a satisfying and vulgar display of power that's fast, frantic, and pure fun.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Apr 7, 2021

People Can Fly's special brand of explosive gunplay is better than ever in Outriders, but the game loses its way by shoehorning in too many of the RPG mechanics that have become bog standard for the "looter shooter" genre. What should have been a rollercoaster all the way through ends up feeling more like a car in stop-and-go traffic.

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Apr 7, 2021

Outriders is a competent third person shooter with solid gunplay and a surprisingly developed story. This makes it a great game for any player on the hunt for a compelling third person shooter.

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7 / 10
Apr 6, 2021

Outriders' fast-paced combat and imaginative sci-fi setting make it a journey worth taking. And For all its flaws, this could be the start of something very special for developer People Can Fly.

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Top Critic
Wait for Sale
Apr 5, 2021
Outriders Review - "Buy, Wait Till it Works, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2021

Outriders is one of those rare games where it not only lives up to expectations, but completely surpasses them. The game's multiple character classes and seeming endless amount of customization makes for a fresh and engaging gameplay loop long after you finish the campaign.

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May 13, 2021

At the end of the day, Outriders has a lot going for it. The gameplay is fun, I love the fact that there is more than enough loot to collect and spec out my characters. However, once you hit the end game, the game is essentially dead and that's troublesome. Adding to that, the game still suffers from a number of issues including terrible online, random crashes, abilities either not working or working correctly and random crashing – Despite People Can Fly putting in overtime to get the game to a better place. For now, I'd wait for the game to mature, unless the lure of some fantastic running and gunning is the only thing that matters to you.

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May 4, 2021

Outriders makes for a solid, if slightly underwhelming, experience. Several elements left me scratching my head, and there are some bizarre glitches. But going god-mode with your abilities is good fun, even if battles can feel repetitive. Your enjoyment of the game will stretch further if you have a buddy or two to bring along with you for the (out)ride. People Can Fly threw a lot at the wall, and some of it definitely stuck. With DLC and updates surely to come, the Outriders crew will hopefully hone its focus on the parts that work. There is a solid core already, but I hope Square Enix and People Can Fly will take steps to freshen up the gameplay and story so the momentum doesn’t die out the way humans did back on Earth so long ago.

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7 / 10
Apr 20, 2021

Judging the game by the experience as it is now, I certainly had a good time with it, particularly when I could find a party to play with. However, if you’re only intending to play solo and want a good sci-fi cover shooter, the experience will eventually wear out its welcome as you hit the endgame.

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