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Forward to the Sky

Animu Game, Cosen
Jan 30, 2015 - PC, Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Enthusiast
3 / 10
5 / 10
Noisy Pixel
4 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
5.6 / 10
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Forward to the Sky Trailers

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Forward to the Sky Trailer

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Forward to the Sky - Indiegogo Trailer, please support this game!

Forward to the Sky Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Forward to the Sky

At best, Forward to the Sky is extremely unpolished; at worst, it's unfinished. It's one of the most generic games I've ever played, with almost no redeeming factors to it. Even Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia had a few things I enjoyed, and I would much rather be playing that than spending any more time on Forward to the Sky. It's almost bad enough to make me want to wish I had that time back, and I would strongly advise anyone to give this a wide berth, especially at its current price point.

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The developers did include some neat features, such as a story-focused reward system for collecting crystals and a (boring but still existing) horde mode, but at the end of the day, this feels way too clunky and unfinished for what’s basically a port of a Steam game released in 2015.

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Forward To The Sky on Nintendo Switch is not worth the price of admission. It’s almost comically bad and requires a lot more refinement than the Switch release provided. Everything is just dull, from the story to the platforming and combat; I don’t think I was ever really having fun. The moments of challenge in the platforming piqued my competitive nature, but it was only due to the game’s unresponsive controls and unpredictable camera angles.

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This is one of those games that feels odd to play since it's almost like it transports you back to another era in gaming, in this case the earlier days of 3D platforming and adventuring...

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