Mass Effect Legendary Edition Reviews

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
95 / 100
May 13, 2021

The fact of the matter is, there are over 100 hours of game ahead of me across three games and more than 40 pieces of high-quality DLC like Lair of the Shadow Broker, Leviathan, and Overlord now folded directly into the story. So the saying goes, you can’t step into the same river twice, but Mass Effect Legendary Edition is certainly going to make one hell of an attempt at it. Now, if you will excuse me, I’ve got some Keepers to go scan.

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Jun 8, 2021

For all of the improvements that are most welcome (and will doubtless help court a new generation of fans) Mass Effect’s brilliance isn’t about technicality. Not really. It is about that total investment in its galaxy and its characters --be it your most trusted squadmate or the elephantine Elcor shopkeeper you bumped into-- that has fully enveloped me again. That hasn’t aged a jot.

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Top Critic
May 26, 2021

Collect three of history's most acclaimed space adventures and spruce up gameplay and graphics – can it end in anything but success? Yes and no. Because while The Mass Effect Legendary Edition includes over 100 hours of top-notch story and action, some parts are noticeably outdated – with some new bugs. On the other hand, there's nothing to stop Mass Effect Legendary Edition from being the best way to experience an acclaimed trilogy.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2021

Beautiful, engaging and every bit as fun as it was nearly 15 years ago, Mass Effect Legendary Edition lives up to the name. It's a gorgeous, robust title that will make veterans remember how much they enjoyed the series while giving newcomers a memorable ride for the first time. There's no question you should pick this up if you fall into either category because Commander Shepard deserves that much attention.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2021

The Mass Effect trilogy is one of the best RPGs in gaming history and now is the best time to jump in for the first, second, or tenth time. It showcases a type of game that we rarely get to see. Something that creates a world fun to get lost in. A game that makes talking to NPCs interesting. A world that is a joy to explore. We can only hope the next chapter continues the legacy these games have created, but for now this collection is a must own.

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9 / 10
May 28, 2021

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is the remastered collection that the trilogy deserves. Playing these games back-to-back showcases the immensely impressive scope of BioWare's series - an ambitious project the likes of which we haven't seen since. In some ways, all three titles are showing their age - but excellent character writing and exceptional world building make this a timeless trilogy. An emotional and truly memorable experience, from start to finish.

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90 / 100
May 25, 2021

The story of Commander Shepard as told through Mass Effect Legendary Edition is excellent. It was groundbreaking a decade ago, and it’s still a powerful tale open to interpretation. Veterans of the franchise need not hesitate: this is a faithful polishing of the original games, with thoughtful changes that modernize the experience. If you’ve never taken a trip with the crew of the Normandy, there’s no better time than now. There’s a mammoth amount of quality content in the Mass Effect trilogy, and it’s all well worth the time investment.

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Top Critic
17 / 20
May 22, 2021

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition offers you the opportunity to (re)dive into one of the most striking and solid sci-fi RPG sagas in the videogame landscape. Bioware has really worked on its copy to make it as accessible and enjoyable as possible, and it's successful. Mass effect 2 and 3 take advantage of the graphic smoothing and make the beautiful, but it is especially Mass Effect 1 that received the bulk of the bunch.

Review in French | Read full review

9 / 10.0
May 20, 2021

While Mass Effect Legendary Edition isn't a spectacular remastering of a frankly superb trilogy, it does enough right to make it an essential collection. The original Mass Effect benefits most from the overhaul whilst retaining most of its scrappy charm, while Mass Effect 2 and 3 are generally better-looking versions of already great games. At the very least, it's a great excuse to visit or revisit one of gaming's greatest sagas.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
May 19, 2021

Mass Effect trilogy feels as great as ever, but the tech side of things in Legendary Edition leaves plenty to be desired. Some of the changes are great, while others not so much. Hopefully a lot of troubles can be ironed out with more patches. But all in all, my return to the Mass Effect universe was a blast.

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8.7 / 10.0
May 13, 2021

Not every wrinkle can be hidden by a skillful make-up, but the in-game feeling is very good, and impersonating Commander Shepard gives the same vibrant feelings of the past. Saving the galaxy from the Reapers has never looked so cool.

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Jun 6, 2021

This set makes the galaxy that you'll gallivant across for 90-plus hours feel so much more immersive, beautiful, and tangible-seeming.

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Jun 2, 2021

With an absolutely staggering amount of content, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is the best way to relive one of the best RPG trilogies from the last decade and a half. Bioware has done its due diligence in fixing what didn't work and improving what did. The end result is a sleek remaster that retains the soul of the beloved franchise.

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9 / 10.0
May 27, 2021

I know I’m cherishing every second I’m spending within Legendary Edition. These games are a treasure and deserve to be recognized as such.

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7 / 10
May 26, 2021

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is the the best way to play the Mass Effect trilogy in 2021, but with an expensive launch price, some work on the graphics but none on the animations.

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May 21, 2021

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is still essentially what a remaster ought to be. It remains faithful to the original, emphasizing everything fans loved or loved to poke fun at while making necessary improvements that make gameplay far more enjoyable on contemporary systems. The inclusion of all three games, the new import system in the unified launcher, and the unified character creation options allows the series to feel like a single, cohesive story experience. Though not without bugs, and though Mass Effect 1 still suffers from its age, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a great way for veterans to revisit the series and new fans to dive in for the first time - and it seems almost a certainty that Mass Effect Legendary Edition will renew interest in the franchise as work begins on Mass Effect 4.

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8.2 / 10.0
May 19, 2021

Net of some technical roughness, especially visible on old gen, and of the indisputable limitations of the engine used, which are also reflected in the actual extent of the interventions made on Mass Effect 2 and 3, the Legendary Edition represents an excellent opportunity to visit once again the wonderful universe modeled by the Edmonton team.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9 / 10.0
May 20, 2021

BioWare's finest hour, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a package of passionate remasters and tweaking to create the definitive take on one of the best sci-fi adventures in gaming. I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite remaster on the Citadel.

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Top Critic
May 17, 2021

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition updates the classic trilogy to modern standards with vibrant visuals and streamlined controls. The collection provides the perfect way to experience the epic saga.

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90 / 100
May 14, 2021

The Legendary Edition impressively polishes the Shepard trilogy to a high gloss. A must for all RPG and sci-fi fans.

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