Ion Driver
Critic Reviews for Ion Driver
I want to have faith that Ion Driver is a proof of concept for something bigger and better from Gammera Nest, but what currently exists is less of a test of racing skill and more of a test of patience for a futuristic racing enthusiast. The lack of content, inconsistent hit detection, and buggy racing experience will leave you disappointed. You will see everything Ion Driver has to offer within a few minutes of playing the game, so don't expect an experience of progression, futuristic and high-speed racing, nor skill.
Ion Driver shows potential in its mechanics that could be achieved through good production work, but in its current state the title doesn't even meet the minimum requirements to be considered as a commercial product due to its complete lack of content.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Ion Driver is an arcade racing game with frenetic races similar to Wipout. It's a very entertaining game that adds interesting things such as the inclusion of the life bar. However, the game is short because it has a single "big" game mode, which once finished we will only have the local multiplayer.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Industry Coverage
Ubisoft Has Good News for Driver Fans
Ubisoft shares some good news for Driver fans, who have been waiting for a new mainline entry in the franchise for well over a decade.
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