Dying Light Reviews

Dying Light is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jan 26, 2015

A more polished and focused game than their previous effort in open world zombie games, Techland marries graceful parkour and chaotic combat in this sandbox scavenger's fever dream.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2015

Dying Light keeps the best bits of Dead Island, forgets to get rid of the bad, but makes up for it with awesome parkour and a tense day/night dynamic.

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Top Critic
87 / 100
Mar 20, 2015

What a good game. It's really good. It's just so easy to pick up and get lost in for a few hours at a time. You can credit Techland for that success because it picked a few ideas and really got them right. The zombie-infested world is pretty and dangerous, and your character is fun to control. On top of that, the mechanics and the systems keep the core from getting boring.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2015

It's gory as all get out and pretty intense, but you'll probably forget all that round about the 50th time you plunge to your death from a bad jump

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Jan 29, 2015

Like the best open world games, it's a factory for anecdotes and you'll create plenty of gems in its company. That's worth celebrating, no matter how derivative the various machines in that factory might be.

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6 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2015

Despite its flaws, it's an enjoyable and still fresh experience, more than anything seen across the beautiful Middle East-inspired Harran that promises plenty to do, sights to see, and missions to complete.

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5 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2015

Parkour. Open world. Zombies. Online co-op. Crafting. Radio towers. Zombies. Collect-a-thons. Zombies. Zombies. Dying Light desperately tries to be all of the videogames in a bid to impress everybody. If only it had tried as hard to be its own thing, we'd have had an amazing horror game on our hands. Instead, we just have another indistinct jack-of-all-trades to throw on top of the ever growing pile.

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Feb 9, 2015

Dying Light can be great, but it doesn't understand its own strengths.

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Feb 5, 2015

The zombie is the perfect antagonist for this kind of interactive delusion, always justifying new abandonments by threatening another victim, a cycle which goes on until the entire world has been infected and stands in the streets, needed by no one, and with nothing left to want.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2015

Overall, my time with Dying Light has been incredibly exhilarating and entertaining. The ability to play with friends, but still improve my character without having to worry about losing out on any progress I have earned keeps me coming back for more and more. Tying this into a wonderfully designed climbing system, combat system and crafting system, Dying Light is easily going to be one of my favorite games of 2015. 

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70 / 100
Feb 2, 2015

Excitement was high for Techland's full Dead Island team to put a new game, and for good reason. They are clearly a group of very talented individuals that know how to create some enjoyable gameplay mechanics. In Dying Light's situation, their great mechanic, the free running movement, can be overshadowed at times by climbing frustrations. It feels as if they need to take the ideas from Dead Island and Dying Light and mesh them together into a wonderful product. Dying Light features some truly serene moments as you glide from building to building, but once that serenity halts, so does the player's enjoyment.

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Top Critic
Feb 2, 2015

What you do get, though, is a zombie scenario which is entirely plausible and believable and that, in itself, takes Dying Light to a higher plane, reaching toward the role-playing depth of State of Decay and the sheer nastiness of DayZ. Factor in the giant sandbox of a huge city, and the end result is a scarily immersive experience.

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Feb 22, 2015

Techland's open-world horror can be scrappy in places, but its parkour-inspired zombie hunting is tense, moreish and engaging.

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7 / 10
Feb 9, 2015
Dying Light Angry Review video thumbnail
Feb 8, 2015

Dying Light is Techland's best and most ambitious title to date.

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Feb 4, 2015

With Dying Light, Techland has most certainly improved on Dead Island's melee-focused, open-world formula, but it still hasn't perfected it. Improved enemies and better navigation mean that while the journey from A to B and back again is more exciting this time around, it's a trip you'll be making far too frequently.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2015

Dying Light is a thrill to play for any zombie enthusiast or someone who simply loves Shaun of The Dead without the comedy. It is a title which will leave you wanting more for good reason, and even though it falls short in aspects, it is a fun and solid zombie apocalyptic game.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2015

Dying Light is a really enjoyable game. The atmosphere is absolutely spot on and the game world is a joy to traverse with your parkour skills. It has issues with its mission structure and confusion in the direction of its protagonist, but you'll likely be having too much fun to care.

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8 / 10
Jan 31, 2015

Dying Light starts out disappointing, but once you allow its brand of undead action to circulate your bloodstream, it can be difficult to put down. The storytelling is expectedly lacklustre, but with some 40 hours' worth of quests to complete, this is the type of title that's made for kicking back in co-op and culling corpses to your heart's content. The best thing about it, though, is that it gets better as the time flies by.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2015

I could go on further about all the reasons why I love Dying Light, but I'll leave you on this note. I can say, without a doubt in my mind, Dying Light is one of the best zombie games ever made.

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