TEKKEN 7 - Definitive Edition

Critic Reviews for TEKKEN 7 - Definitive Edition
Is Tekken 7: Ultimate Edition worth getting into? Absolutely, but only when it hits that sweet discount price it's been consistently reduced to this year. Beginners may have to do some online reading and watching to learn the fundamentals and beyond, but since the online scene is still strong, it's worth the effort if that's what you're looking for in a fighter right now. Otherwise, there is little offline to keep many entertained unless you have a local sparring partner.
If you haven't played Tekken in a while then Tekken 7 Definitive Edition is one heck of a cool package with tons of characters and gameplay that's familiar yet refined. It may be missing things here and there but it'll certainly get you pumped for a sequel.
This is one of the best 3D fighting games released in years, made only better since its original release thanks to patching and gobs of extra content along the way. This is the culmination of about four and a half years of new content and tweaks, and serves as a celebratory release, a call for hold-outs to finally jump in, and a closing of the chapter of Tekken 7. Surely all eyes will be looking for news of Tekken 8 next year and into 2023, and it will be exciting to see where Harada and Bandai Namco take the series next.