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Playstige Interactive
Mar 9, 2022 - Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
The Outerhaven Productions
2 / 5
5.5 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
6.1 / 10
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Critic Reviews for Frightence

Frightence has some good ideas behind it and builds a creepy ambience around its eerie apartment building, but technical, durational, and gameplay limitations plague it alongside a scarce amount of content.

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It’s hard to recommend Frightence, mainly because there’s just so little of it. Clocking in at under an hour of playtime, with no replay value, it’s tough to make a case for it. The idea is great, but the game ends just as things start to pick up and become interesting. It leaves off with a “To be continued” message, which leaves me hopeful that there is a more solid game in the works. As it stands, Frightence feels more like a demo or prologue than an actual game.

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Games that are designed to give people a scare remain quite popular as a whole, but more often than not (at least on the Switch) it feels like developers exploit that audience rather than reward them, with Frightence being a somewhat sad example of this joining many others...

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