
Re:Legend Trailers
Re:Legend Early Access Trailer
Re:Legend Early Access Announcement Trailer
Re:Legend Square Enix Collective Trailer
Critic Reviews for Re:Legend
Re: Legend tries to keep pace in the sector panorama and it seems to succeed at first, diminishing shortly proceeding in the story.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Re:Legend delivers a feature-rich RPG experience with, for better or worse, an old-school touch.
If you’re desperate for another farming life sim and have nothing else to play, or you really like the art style so much that you’re willing to overlook a relatively lackluster play experience, then you’ll get something worthwhile out of the game. I sure hope you do. But for the average player, I just can’t find much to recommend it over a lot of other games. Re: Legend falls far short of being a legendary experience.
Three years in Early Access has brought "Re:Legend" to a highly polished visual state, but hasn't found the right balance between the disparate game systems it's trying to weave into a cohesive whole.