Mad Max Reviews

Mad Max is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Sep 7, 2015

Every component of Mad Max is at least satisfactory: at best, fantastic. While it mostly relies on a tried and tired Ubisoft-open-world formula, the exhilarating car combat, the gleeful punk-rock absurdity of its world and the characters that populate it, and its almost flawless presentation make it something more than the sum of its well worn parts.

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75 / 100
Sep 8, 2015

Mad Max isn't a terrible game — it's actually well crafted. The problem here isn't that it's broken or unplayable but that it's just boring. It feels a game that should've released three years ago when designers hadn't mastered the open-world formula or reiterated on it hundreds of times already.

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Sep 14, 2015
► WTF Is... - Mad Max ? video thumbnail
7 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2015

[M]uch like the Max of the movies, there's something about this road warrior to which I've become attached.

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Sep 10, 2015

What you have here is a decent, if flawed game. And it's been released into a market with some really stunning games in the same genre. If you've bought it, and are playing it, the chances are you're having fun and not regretting the purchase. You would, of course, tick Yes when asked if you like it. So would I.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2015

When it comes to simply chewing through yet another open world game, Mad Max does suffice. It's a substandard but largely competent "AAA" game in a sea full of them, and those who do value the idea of content above all else will find more than their money's worth here. There's simply no reason to pick it up, however, if you've yet to try The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor or Batman: Arkham City. There are tons of better games that go for what Mad Max went for and do so in a superior manner.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2015

It has fun melee and vehicle combat mechanics, and it has an engaging upgrade and customization system in place. While things did begin to feel old after a while, players can still get many, many hours out of the game before that happens.

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55 / 100
Sep 10, 2015

The world of Mad Max is a wonderful and interesting one. It features a host of characters that can be very enjoyable to follow. They have great designs, and, in the case of some, even better character narratives. But the meat surrounding Mad Max feels derivative and tired. The mission structure constantly disappoints, and the hand-to-hand combat provides no thrills. If it were released five years ago, Mad Max could have been revolutionary. But it was released in 2015, so Mad Max will be just another open-world adventure lost in the dust.

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Top Critic
Sep 9, 2015

There's definitely a sense that, like Max himself, Avalanche's latest game has been left alone to find its own way to greatness. But the studio has given the series the attention to detail and authenticity that it deserves, and this is without doubt one of the most punchy examples of gaming post apocalyptia in quite some time.

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Sep 2, 2015

The road warrior provides a thrilling adventure, but the rust-ridden story can't keep up with the chase

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Sep 9, 2015

If the non-vehicular segments were on par, we'd have had a classic on our hands. But sadly they aren't, and we don't. Mad Max is at its best when you're hurling through the desert with a pack of murderous bandits on your tail, but the on-foot portion of the game feels derivative and largely uninspired.

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Sep 8, 2015

Whether you're a fan of the films or just open world games in general, this is a title that's well worth a look.

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Sep 17, 2015

Mad Max is a fine open world game with a seemingly large budget; however, it never really stands up tall enough among all the other much better stuff out there

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
7.6 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

Loads of fun to be had in this great game, though there are other open world games that deserve your attention more... But you should probably spare some time for Mad Max, too.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2015

While it's a jack of all trades and master of none, there is a distinct charm inherent with Avalanche Studios' take on Mad Max and provided you can get it cheaper than its full price listing you could certainly do a lot worse.

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6 / 10
Sep 13, 2015

As you wander the desert on the lookout for pieces of scrap, your enjoyment will feel like it's on a downward trajectory the longer that you play. As a result, you'll try to spend as much time as you can racing across its beautifully realised wasteland, while avoiding anything that pulls you from behind the wheel.

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81 / 100
Sep 8, 2015

With so many other fantastic open world adventure games on the market and as we head into the busy gaming season, there stands a good chance Mad Max gets lost in the shuffle, which would be a shame. Mad Max' glorious vehicle combat and unrelenting upgrade system lends itself to a game you can easily soak 50 plus hours into.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2015

Mad Max the game isn't only a fantastic time, it's a great addition to the franchise, and one of the few games that completely destroys the expectations that a movie based game has to be bad. Mad Max is bad to the bone… but in all the right ways.

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7 / 10
Sep 9, 2015

A chaotic dust bowl of an open world, rendered and recorded with Avalanche's usual technical excellence on PC. Like Max's car some parts are a little ramshackle, but if you stick to causing bedlam there's plenty of fun to be had.

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Top Critic
76 / 100
Mar 29, 2018

Mad Max catches the style of the template well, but relies too much on the proven and fails in the long-term motivation.

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