Just Cause 3 Reviews

Just Cause 3 is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2015

An open-world fill of exquisite explosions that, while often falling afoul of flaws, might well contain some of the most fun moments this year.

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6 / 10
Dec 1, 2015

Frustrating controls, a bland world, and various technical issues stop Just Cause 3 from being the mindless action classic it clearly wants to be.

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Nov 30, 2015

Just Cause 3 offers the tantalizing tease of a terrific open-world adventure, with weapons and tools that make blowing up the bad guys hilarious fun. The wide maps and great selection of missions, although fairly repetitive, means you always have something engaging to look forward to. Unfortunately, technical problems ranging from serious connection issues to NPC failures make the game nearly unplayable at times, and if the bugs don't drive you insane, the loading times will.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2015

Just Cause 3 is okay. It's far from great, but it's not bad either. It's just a decent waste of time. You can expect to mine at least twenty hours from it, with far more on top if you get really into it. Personally, I feel there are far better ways to waste your time, but there are far worse too. The wing suit's cute, at least.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2015

Avalanche Studios' latest is the very definition of a big dumb action game. But you can't say it's not fun

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Dec 1, 2015

It's a triumph of a game despite some flaws, and certainly one of my peak gaming moments of 2015. Bright, cheerful, ridiculous, and most of all, absolutely determined to ensure you have fun.

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Nov 30, 2015
► WTF Is... - Just Cause 3 ? video thumbnail
7 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2015

Just Cause 3 is fun game to take photos, stream or make videos of you doing something amazing since its "no-rules approach" to combat can create some uniquely stellar action scenes.

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Dec 4, 2015

Annoying as I found these technical hitches they hardly deterred me from creating new sequences of pyrotechnics. Perhaps, what that says about me is something that I don't want to think too hard about.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2015

Just Cause 3 is hardly game of the year material, and it knows it. The game constantly makes fun of itself, Rico has plenty of cheesy yet hilarious one-liners he likes to throw out while watching his exploding handiwork, and the NPCs constantly ask him how he does what he does. The game isn't meant to be deep or perplexing; it's meant to be fun and tap into that inner madman who just wants to make things go boom, and Just Cause 3 succeeds in doing just that.

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90 / 100
Dec 5, 2015

Just Cause 3 provides a ton of thrills. Its main goal from the outset seems to focus on raising the player's blood pressure and enthralling them with the action. While it achieves that feeling for a majority of the game, the console version suffers from some serious frame rate and loading issues that bog down their experiences. That being said, Just Cause 3 is a great game to simply sit down and have fun with. Turn your brain off, relax, and embrace the explosions happening on your television screen.

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Top Critic
Dec 7, 2015

The latest instalment in the brash action series provides a whole Mediterranean country to blow up – but there are problems in paradise

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Dec 1, 2015

When you liberate an enemy stronghold Rico sometimes says, "That was fun - let's do it again." This feels like a perfect summary for the game: it is 15 minutes of stupid fun on repeat. But that barely matters when you are firing remote-detonated cows at a military compound filled with the red stuff.

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7.8 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2015

A good, if not great, game that focuses on the simpler things in life, making things go boom while giving you a plethora of options to do so. It might not be the most engaging, but the ability to log-in really quick to let off steam is great. And the music is fantastic!

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8 / 10
Dec 3, 2015

Despite the technical problems – which need to be sorted out quickly, really – we've had a terrifying amount of fun with Just Cause 3. The freedom enabled by this game is second to none, and the island of Medici offers plenty of opportunities for creativity – or, of course, explosions. The campaign may have some low points, but attacking bases and liberating towns is some of the best fun that you'll find on the PS4 this year.

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Dec 1, 2015

The additions of the wingsuit, dual tethering grapple hook, unlimited C4 and regenerating health system are all fantastic additions that would've made Just Cause 3 a breakout game in the franchise, if not for the dull story, repetitive story missions and technical issues ranging from long load times, to poor framerate and to constant disconnections for a single player only game.

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80 / 100
Dec 5, 2015

As for the much talked about framerate drop, I was expecting for the game to be unplayable with plummeting framerates and glitches. Turns out that the framerates were mostly fine except when things got seriously chaotic.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2015

Just Cause 3 is truly a one-note experience, but one with a loop so addictive I can't stop playing it. This is the most fun sandbox I have toyed around in since the previous entry, and I can easily see myself sinking another couple dozen hours exploring the world of Medici. Those that found JC2 underwhelming or repetitive won't find much to change their mind here, but for fans like myself that simply can't get enough destruction, Just Cause 3 delivers on all levels.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2015

Filled with action, Just Cause 3 offers a massive and realized world with engrossing scenes inspired by works like those from Michael Bay. Skill development aside, this sequel delivers on all fronts.

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Dec 1, 2015

​From its intense firefights to its wanton destruction and carmageddon, Just Cause 3 ​has all the hallmarks of a classic action movie - it's just a shame the end result is more Van Damme in quality than vintage Schwarzenegger​ or Stallone.

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