The Invincible Reviews

The Invincible is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 7, 2023

Once we stop sharing in Yasna’s discoveries, the storytelling never quite clicks. Apart from a few stiff flashbacks, players simply don’t get to know enough about Yasna’s fellow researchers to get invested in how their fate drives her search for answers. Yasna’s quest feels detached rather than desperate, with all the game’s themes coldly laid out in dialogue choices. The Invincible does remain reasonably engrossing through to the end, but it never recaptures the interactive vigor of its first half, eventually becoming a bout of scientific calculus on autopilot.

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Jeremy Penter
Top Critic
Wait for Sale
Nov 2, 2023
The Invincible Review - Buy, Wait, Never Touch? - YouTube video thumbnail
Top Critic
6 / 10
Nov 2, 2023

An intriguing story of exploring new frontiers and an easy gateway into retro sci-fi literature, The Invincible is a powerful, engrossing cosmic drama that's held back by a lack of variety and innovation, rough edges around its core mechanics, and a supporting cast that can't quite match the energy of its stars.

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8.3 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2023

The Invincible is an apt, narrative-focused piece of science fiction. Avoid entrenched gameplay expectations as this "walking sim" aims to extend a curious, eerie hand, offering players a tense journey of alien discovery meant to be slowly absorbed.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2023

The Invincible brings Stanislaw Lem's work to life in a faithful adaptation that plays out as if it were ripped directly from retro-futurism art of the 1950s. Starward Industries have gone to great lengths to craft an experience that is visually appealing and makes great strides to maintain Lem's philosophical concepts while being grounded in hard science fiction. But where the game excels in some areas, it loses its way in others, falling victim to pacing issues and hollow choices, resulting in hurried endings that may leave you feeling lost in space.

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4 / 5.0
Nov 30, 2023

The Invincible is a beautiful, mesmerising and contemplative adventure that fans of retrofuturism and hard sci fi wont want to miss.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2023

The Invincible isn't really a game you play for its core gameplay. You play it to experience an interesting story that takes place on an alien planet with technology plucked right from the early 1900s. The game may not have too many action moments, but it definitely does quite well with its fantastic art direction and wonderful audio that sell you on its philosophical aspects.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2023

Adapted from Lem's works, The Invincible uses stunning art and intricate interactive gameplay to make the journey of alien exploration feel incredibly realistic and immersive.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2023

The Invincible tells the story of the iconic Lem's novel from another point of view and recreates the same atmosphere, tackling important philosophical themes.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2023

The Invincible offers a streamlined experience that is gripping from start to finish thanks to its captivating sci-fi thriller plot and killer atmospheric atompunk presentation.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 8, 2024

Like any good walking simulator, The Invincible thrives on its story. Even though it feels similar to what the book already touches on, the differences are enough to make the game feel new and somewhat fresh, considering how many people may be approaching the game without prior knowledge of the novel. The decision to go with a walking simulator works as far as being able to effectively deliver the story, and it pays off with a gripping narrative, but some of the dialogue sections can run longer than expected. If you can live with some of the bugs that still need ironing out, you'll find this to be a fascinating experience that's well worth checking out if you're a genre fan.

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69 / 100
Nov 19, 2023

The Invincible offers up plenty of sci-fi intrigue, but even as a fan of walking simulators, the gameplay just falls too short of the mark. I still enjoyed my time on Regis III, but there were definitely ways to improve the experience.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2023

If you like walking simulators and deep stories, this game is right up your alley. The atmosphere and the visual style will engulf you completely, making it feel natural to ponder the philosophical questions raised by your trek through Regis III.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2023

The interactive treatment of Stanis'aw Lem's literary work brings exactly what we expected. It also holds up as a game, it's a walking simulator with an excellent story and an impressive atmosphere.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2023

Numerous technical problems and a disappointing finish have prevented it from becoming one of the best.

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7 / 10.0
May 2, 2024

I desperately wanted to enjoy The Invincible more than I did. Unfortunately, it never grabbed me the way I expected. Yes, it is beautiful, and the audio was fantastic. Furthermore, I adore the protagonist and her plight. However, its gameplay is distinctly mixed and this was unfortunate. Yet, despite my disappointment, it is unique and unusual, and I recommend giving it a chance by buying it here! Can you piece together the mystery? Explore your surroundings, solve the puzzles, and discover a strange alien world.

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77 / 100
Dec 24, 2023

Still, when we combine plot and flow, The Invincible is a game worth giving a chance. Invincible is a sci-fi adventure blended with science and philosophy, offering players a calm and in-depth experience. The game's rich storyline, extensive graphics, and atmospheric world will draw us in for long periods of time, promising a special experience for sci-fi and adventure enthusiasts.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2023

The Invincible is fantastic, but it’s still little more than a story. As a game, it pushes the idea of a novel into a new realm, bringing it to life around you for those who might not have the imagination to make that happen while they read. I love that it sets the baseline for how good basic narrative-driven games need to be moving forward, but I wanted more from it. I wanted a few more mechanics, maybe some extra opportunities for exploration and collectibles, and to feel like I had a bit more onus on the events I played through. The Invincible comes so close to hitting the ethereal idea of truly ascended movie and novel narrative experiences and is very much worth playing, but there’s room for improvement.

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3.5 / 5.0
Nov 28, 2023

While it may not be for everyone, The Invincible is nonetheless a brilliant sci-fi journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2023

The Invincible is that simple game, released in a period (and year) of several AAA games that takes the player on a very pleasant experience both for their pockets and for those looking to take a break from blockbuster releases. The Invincible isn't for everyone, but everyone should try it.

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