Far Cry 4 Reviews

Far Cry 4 is ranked in the 91st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2014

Even though its plotline fails to engage and grappling play gets repetitive and boring, Far Cry 4's game-world and multitude of engaging missions and tasks draw you in. There's so much fun stuff to do in Kryat that you could get lost here for some time. Oh, and you can ride an elephant and flip over vehicles with its trunk.

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9 / 10
Nov 18, 2014

While Far Cry 4 doesn't feel like a major upgrade over its predecessor – except on the graphical front – the series still manages to retain its crown as the finest open world first-person shooter. The introduction of player choice to the narrative is great, but the lack of an interesting story makes this addition feel like a step forward followed by a step back. It's fortunate, then, that the game's negatives are eclipsed by its sublime sandbox gameplay.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2014

Far Cry 4 doesn't differ from Far Cry 3 greatly aside from it's obviously brand new story and setting and that's just fine for me. The series has become the first-person shooter for a fan of singleplayer-geared first-person shooters like me. Simply setting off into the bush on foot is as thrilling and fraught with potential as any game I've ever played. Every second really is a story, as per the game's marketing tagline. For once, the suits got it right.

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Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2014

Far Cry 4 is a visually beautiful game that borrows elements from Far Cry 3 and improves upon them, but the sad and lackluster storyline keep it from being worth the price of a full purchase.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2014

Far Cry 4 essentially boils down to a retread of the last game in the series with a different setting, a more polished story, and a handful of new traversal mechanics. It's a strong gameplay template to follow, but one that's much less compelling the second time around.

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Nov 18, 2014

Far Cry 4 deserves your time. While I don't want to say run out and spend hard earned money on it, that's your choice, but it serves as one of the best games I've played on the new generation of hardware. I look forward to organizing some incredible and random co-op hilarity, and will easily dump hours upon hours in to this game. If you're a fan of shooters, good story, and overall immersive experiences, Far Cry 4 is on a Golden Path of it's own.

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Nov 17, 2015

You'll struggle to find a game available now that looks or feels as immersive or as beautiful as Far Cry 4. And it's only games like Assassin's Creed Unity or Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that can match it in terms of breadth of gameplay. It just feels like the story lets it down in places. Make choices count and give the player real power. Don't just dangle the carrot.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2018

Choice is the driving theme in Far Cry 5, a game which opts to venture out of its comfort zone while fine-tuning every aspect of what makes the series so great. It's incredibly relevant, Montana is a gorgeous slice of new terrain that is fraught with peril and the road ahead that Far Cry Arcade represents is exciting to say the least. Simply put, the fifth numbered chapter in Ubisoft's series of madness, freedom and exploration is Far Cry perfected.

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Dec 1, 2014

For those desiring a more focused approach to gameplay, Far Cry 4 offers a lengthy campaign with over 40 missions.

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Will Greenwald
Top Critic
Dec 22, 2014

Far Cry 4 trades tropical islands for mountains, but otherwise, it offers pretty much the same great shooter experience as its predecessor.

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5 / 5.0
Nov 19, 2014

The game's cheesy tagline captures it perfectly: every second is a story. I couldn't have said it better myself.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2014

You'll find a lot to love in Far Cry 4 if you're willing to sink a lot of time into exploring every corner of Kyrat.

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Nov 19, 2014

Would it have been great to see Ubisoft crack the conundrum of delivering open-world freedom with an equally unforgettable storyline? It would, and I challenge them to do exactly that with the inevitable Far Cry 5. But until then, this trip to Kyrat is well worth taking.

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8.3 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2014

But is "Far Cry 4" fun? I enjoyed "Far Cry 3," so it's safe to assume that I also enjoyed "Far Cry 4." There just isn't much new here to call it a sequel. "Far Cry 3" was a change in direction from "Far Cry 2." I expected that same innovation from "Far Cry 4," but instead saw more of the same. Kyrat is a wonderfully crafted open world that encourages players to seek out all of its hidden adventures, but the sense of discovery is lost when it feels like the second time around.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2014

Far Cry 4 doesn't have the element of surprise afforded its praised predecessor but does more than enough to live outside its shadow, and thus stands alone as a great game in its own right.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2014

Is Far Cry 4 the best game in the series? Tough to say, but it's definitely a step forward in terms of story, gameplay, and art. You'll be spending a lot of time Kyrat this holiday season.

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Nov 24, 2014

If you thought Far Cry 3 was fantastic, then wait until you get a hold of Far Cry 4. It's not only a great game in its own right, but also a stupendous sequel that manages to expand upon its predecessor's greatness in impressive and memorable ways.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2014

A fine evolution of the Far Cry 3 formula, and an improvement in every way, but all without that same wow factor.

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Top Critic
Nov 15, 2014
Far Cry 4 Review video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2014

A disappointing sequel in many ways but a game of such stark beauty and manic fun it is hard to write off entirely.

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