Metal: Hellsinger Leviathan & Purgatory

Metal: Hellsinger Leviathan & Purgatory Media
Critic Reviews for Metal: Hellsinger Leviathan & Purgatory
The new Leviathan mode in Metal: Hellsinger is a whole lot of fun, though. It lets you jump into the game and engage with the combat in a way that feels less static than playing through one of the story levels again. The randomized boons make every run different and may sometimes push you to play with a different style than you normally would, and that's also a fun aspect of the mode. Meanwhile, the paid Purgatory DLC adds a great new weapon and a solid trio of songs, and between all of this, it's a decent excuse to spend six bucks and have a bunch of new fun with the game. I'm hopeful that the devs will tweak the ability to get those void crystals, though.
Without the free new Leviathan Mode, the Purgatory DLC would not be much to write home about on its own. However, for players who've yet to experience Metal: Hellingsinger, the addition of the new mode makes the game feel more than worth its $30 asking price. Those who've defeated Metal: Hellsinger's epic final boss and are hungry for more rhythm shooting gameplay have quite the challenge ahead of them with Leviathan mode, which is made even more enjoyable with the Purgatory DLC's new music and bow.