Grand Theft Auto V Reviews

Grand Theft Auto V is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 5.0
Nov 17, 2014

Rockstar has improved upon one of the greatest games of all time. The original version of Grand Theft Auto V was a major accomplishment upon its initial release and remains that way even after a year of the new console generation.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2022

GTA V on PS5 is the best version of the game. The 60fps make it feel smoother to play, with faster load times being a welcomed improvement.

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Mar 19, 2022

Grand Theft Auto V was a landmark title when it was released, but its online counterpart has surpassed it in every way. This next-gen port is a great way to experience GTA Online, but the lack of single-player additions is disappointing.

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10 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2015

The best version of one of the best games in the last few years. Brilliant.

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Apr 14, 2015

Grand Theft Auto V finally hits PC after over a year of waiting. While the wait was hard it was completely worth it given the final product on display. Improved graphics are just the beginning as the game becomes an entirely new experience on PC.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2014

This enhanced edition of Grand Theft Auto V seems determined to make you forget it was ever last gen - and it will probably succeed, too.

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Nov 18, 2014

The visual upgrades in GTA V take what was an impressive game on 8-year old hardware, and makes it shine bright on the new consoles. The introduction of first person perspective, and the many refinements to the game make it a trip worth taking, whether you've been there and done that, or not.

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VideoGamer Staff
Top Critic
10 / 10
Nov 19, 2014

A beautiful, intelligent remaster that is worth double-dipping for.

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Apr 17, 2015

The structure of the game helps, but GTAV's singleplayer is not simply a case of making the best of a bad situation. I've been surprised over the past week how much I've enjoyed revisiting these storylines and missions, after first playing them on XBox 360 at release.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2014

The current-generation edition of Rockstar's crime saga looks better than ever and offers more to do, see, and hear

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9 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2014

Well, I already reviewed GTA V back in the day, I loved it back then, and I love it now. Its attempts at clever humor can be embarrassingly misjudged, its content is often alarming, and I think those who point out the game's problematic elements are perfectly within their right to do so, and they're very rarely wrong.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2014

So, if you haven't had a chance to play through GTAV on the PS3, stop reading this and go pick it up, as it was one of the best experiences of the last generation, and continues to be one this generation. If you're like me and spent an exorbitant amount of time with the game already, you may find that the new content will keep you busy for a some time, but ultimately it will be a trip down memory lane more than a new lease on life.

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85 / 100
Mar 22, 2022

It's somewhat unfair to compare the next-gen console versions to a PC as my video card costs more than both consoles combined. That said, what Rockstar has pulled off here is as close to a PC running at max settings, but with a slightly lower draw distance and less feature-rich anti-aliasing. On the other hand, if you are coming from the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One, the difference is staggering. Most of the time a next-gen native version of a game is just a higher-resolution minimal-effort wallet hug, but here it's clear that the developers are looking to deliver the best version of their most successful game ever, ahead of finally getting another proper installment in the series.

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Top Critic
95 / 100
Apr 21, 2015

Grand Theft Auto V on the PC takes an already amazing game and makes it better. Every aspect just seems sharper and better than previous releases. This is how all ports should be handled.

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90 / 100
Nov 17, 2014

While the narrative leaves a bit to be desired, Grand Theft Auto V on the PlayStation 4 is a technical marvel, a masterclass in world building, and absolutely worth exploring again.

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Andy Kelly
Top Critic
Apr 15, 2015

Stunning landscapes with dizzying visual detail, and a tool that lets you record and edit in-game footage and upload it to YouTube, puts this open-world game lightyears ahead of its competitors

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Mar 18, 2022

Grand Theft Auto V for Xbox Series X and PS5 isn't so much expanded but it's certainly enhanced. The common criticism here is that it looks the same, and there’s a small nugget of truth to that, the updated visuals aren't mindblowing, but they do add up to make a difference. While those graphical changes aren’t as dramatic as the difference between GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2, the drastically reduced loading times, higher framerates and improved audio on the current hardware does make the game much more enjoyable.

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8.2 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2022

After almost ten years, Grand Theft Auto V begins to show its age. It's a remarkable video game though, but three new visual modes can't hide the fact that some of its game systems are beginning to feel antiquated. Still, this next-gen version is obviously the best way to play GTA 5 and GTA Online.

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8 / 10
Mar 16, 2022

GTA 5 is beginning to show its age, but it's a testament to Rockstar's original vision that Los Santos still stacks up. The improvements to image quality and framerate give this sunny sandbox a new lease of life, and while some of the single player gags may not hit as hard as they did in 2013, there are still plenty of memorable missions across the release's 30 or so hour running-time. Meanwhile, GTA Online's freeroaming multiplayer lobbies remain unmatched, and while newcomers may find the learning curve borderline impenetrable, if you can overcome its idiosyncrasies there's nothing quite like the crime caper on offer here.

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Top Critic
18 / 20
Nov 20, 2014

The result of several years of titanic work, the game offers a playful pleasure rarely achieved, the result of the conjunction of wonderfully staged characters and a wealth of universes that force respect.

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