Empty Shell | Launch Trailer | #steam #survivalhorror
EMPTY SHELL Live Action Teaser of the #survival #horrorgaming rogue-lite, coming to Steam on Oct. 16
Critic Reviews for EMPTY SHELL
Empty Shell is a twin stick shooter with a horror-themed top-down view, similar in gameplay to Hotline Miami but with a less frenetic pace and a completely different look, here entirely in grayscale with various filters to simulate the now ancient CRT monitors. The variety of weapons and enemies is quite good, and when life points start to run low, there is a certain anxiety about opening the next door without knowing what we will be fighting. The gameplay is simple and the story picks up the classic experiment where everything went wrong, however the dark and claustrophobic atmosphere will manage to capture even the most demanding players.
Review in Italian | Read full review
I really enjoyed my time with Empty Shell. A game picked up on a whim and good vibes. Whilst it may not be the most original in terms of story, the survival horror elements have blended well with the twin stick shooter gameplay. It’s more precise and makes you take your time as a result of managing ammo and health pools. The methodic gameplay and presentation also marry together beautifully to enhance the horror elements. I enjoyed the light puzzling and I really got into the combat, to the point where I was a melee pro. Don’t let the Rogue-lite aspect put you off, as they aren’t overly intrusive and only really become an issue if you play too aggressively. This is a great survival horror experience, and I can’t recommend it enough.