Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Reviews

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.3 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2016

One of the few Call of Duty games that offers a better campaign than its competitive part. On the single player side you'll find a great experience, but the multiplayer part of the game isn't as bright as we were expecting. Infinity Ward has followed Treyarch's step, making this game feel more like an expansion than a new game.

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Nov 9, 2016

Infinite Warfare takes the series to its logical conclusion, delivering one of the best single-player campaigns in ages. But the trademark multiplayer modes need a serious overhaul.

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4.5 / 5.0
Nov 3, 2016

It may not take Call of Duty to the heights of its galactic setting, but Infinite Warfare is out of this world.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2016

Infinite Warfare provides a huge package with a lot of fun gameplay throughout. There's something here for everyone, and enough to keep us all playing for another year.

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Nov 3, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is chock full of content. The campaign, multiplayer, and zombies modes all add up to a game that will keep you playing for hours. These individual modes might have their faults, with the campaign being particularly skippable if you just want that base action gameplay. The multiplayer remains true to its roots, even with the big shift in setting. And Zombies is the highlight of the experience in a lot of ways, offering a great co-op experience. All together, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a winner. It just might not be the biggest winner the series has had.

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9 / 10
Nov 9, 2016

Infinite Warfare's multiplayer may lack new ideas, but it's still first-rate, and its stunning sci-fi campaign is Call of Duty's best in years.

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93 / 100
Nov 3, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare delivers a familiar Call of Duty gameplay in an innovative new setting that should satisfy gamers who are tired of playing the same old thing.

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Nov 6, 2016

Infinite Warfare’s story mode is an expensive-looking spectacle without a single idea of its own, mechanically or narratively. Even Ethan the robot’s attempts to salvage the Marine vs Navy vs Army banter by playing off some well-worn robot tropes can’t save the story or dialogue from being hogwash. Even the rare glimpse of interesting ‘burning asteroid’ level design can’t redeem the rest of the grey corridors and flaming city streets. As for how good it looks (and it does look very good) that is no saving grace.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2016

If you want to hear gunshots in space and fly to Pluto in the blink of an eye, Infinity Ward has a great game for you

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8 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2016

On the other hand, if you enjoy a good story, with great writing, compelling characters and some deeply emotional moments, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is definitely the best choice among this year’s first person shooters. If only it had a less unremarkable villain, it would have gone down in history as a full-fledged masterpiece. Yet, it’s still awesome, and I personally hope to see a sequel in the future. We never got a Wing Commander VI, but I’d be very glad to play an Infinite Warfare 2.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is very much like Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate in that it’s a promising show of energy for a series that desperately needs a break. Despite alternating studios and the claim this game took Infinity Ward three years to make, the backbone of this series is tired and needs a considerable rest.

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Nov 9, 2016

Compared to the variety offered by the alternatives this year, I don’t see why either Battlefield 1 or Titanfall 2 won’t scratch the same itch, and then some. This raises a far more worrying question for CoD as an ongoing and risk-averse phenomenon: how long can it afford not to innovate? At some point even the faithful, even those incredible knife-wielding ninjas, will tire of running over the same old ground.

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Nov 9, 2016

'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' delivers one of the best campaign stories in the series history

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Nov 10, 2016

“Infinite Warfare” is arguably the most imaginative and wide-ranging game in the series, and yet every new idea it tries feels hamstrung by the conventions that have made the series so successful. There are a few interludes of space dogfights, but these feel strangely similar to on-foot levels, but with fighter ships that can come to a full halt and hover before zipping off again to chase a new enemy vessel.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2016

Outside of the innovative campaign, Infinite Warfare plays it safe by cloning and tweaking what’s worked in the past with multiplayer and Zombies, which makes neither really seem like products of Infinity Ward. Gameplay imbalance in multiplayer, with arguably more powerful weapon variants available in loot boxes, is a real concern, as is current map design and spawn logic promoting far too many instances of being shot in the back. Depending on where you place your weight, there’s a dichotomy of value from this package. The campaign and Zombies are definitely worth playing, but the multiplayer is as likely to leave people feeling frustrated as it is to see a fair and fun match, especially with so many other shooter options that have upped the ante out there.

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85 / 100
Nov 4, 2016

While Multiplayer feels largely like more of the same with a few new features and a fresh coat of paint, and Zombies in Spaceland is a goofy, funny romp through 80s nostalgia, the Campaign is where Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare really shines. Infinity Ward brings a level of narrative skill to the series not seen before, with a gripping space opera that makes this one of the best to come out of the series in a while.

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Top Critic
Nov 8, 2016

The latest instalment in the shooter series tries out some new ideas, including zero gravity combat, but it is held back by well-worn conventions

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Top Critic
Nov 4, 2016

Space-faring popcorn shooter is the best Call of Duty package in years

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is an interesting entry for the series. The parts I enjoy have been improved, and are the best they have been in years. The campaign is one of my favorites of the year, and Zombies continues to innovate and find ways to be super fun. The multiplayer though feels throwaway and not all that exciting, which is what gives the series legs.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 9, 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a somewhat odd addition to the Call of Duty franchise. The online multiplayer does not offer any notable improvements, and the zombie mode is a fun romp but nothing more. On the other hand, the game offers an impressive single player campaign that feels fresh and interesting. If you want a great sci-fi game this is the one to get.

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