
StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Pack 2

Blizzard Entertainment

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average

6.4 / 10
7.5 / 10
70 / 100
6.5 / 10
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StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Pack 2

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Critic Reviews for StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Pack 2


6.4 / 10.0
T.J. Hafer

Nova Covert Ops Mission Pack 2 is definitely more enjoyable when it comes to the meat - the actual missions - of the experience. However, the storytelling remains sub-par. Many characters Blizzard has spent years making us care about have up and disappeared, while others are given barely anything to do or only a tenuous reason to even be around. In its final moments, it did hook me with a plot development that would make me go out of my way to play Mission Pack 3, just to see where it’s headed. But it simultaneously fails to fill me with hope that there will be anything but another bucket of lukewarm storytelling waiting for me if I take the bait.

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I'm still not particularly impressed with Covert Ops' storytelling ability, but Mission Pack 2 contains concise objectives, maintains a strong sense of pacing throughout, and sports an impressive voice cast. At this point I feel like I can recommend the bundle to those of you who powered through StarCraft II's campaign and were left wanting more.

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While I applaud Blizzard’s effort to provide fans of the StarCraft 2 campaign a reason to jump back in, the large amount of time between each mission pack’s release is a massive buzzkill. The gameplay is a bit stale at this point, and this second mission pack is less adventurous than the first, but the cut scenes and soundtrack are still phenomenal and almost alone worth the price of entry. I recommend Nova Covert OPS DLC 2 to only the most ardent of fans, but otherwise urge you to wait until all three mission packs are available before deciding to jump back in.

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StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops Mission Pack 2 is a fun but short experience that any StarCraft II fan should enjoy, although the full package still hasn't entirely justified its cost of entry as of yet.

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