Gravity Rush 2 Reviews

Gravity Rush 2 is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
80 / 100
Jan 11, 2017

Beautiful action-adventure with innovative gameplay, but it lacks other improvements and diversity.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 16, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 serves as a modern throwback reminiscent of those times when Japanese games ruled the console roost. Like hard candy with a soft center, the game does a good job in balancing its more serious themes with whimsical moments. Its gravity mechanics, meanwhile, make for compelling action despite some of its niggles. If you’re looking for a unique open world game with a Japanese flavor, Gravity Rush 2 will attract you.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2017

I might not have known what was going on -- frankly I still don’t -- but Gravity Rush 2 is still a good time even for a new guy like me.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush is the celebration of a surreal and original fantasy, constantly balancing drama and irony. A perfect sequel, born from the magic imagination of Keiichiro Toyama.

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Jan 20, 2017

Sloppy combat inherited from its handheld predecessor thankfully fails to smother Gravity Rush 2's gleefully avant-guarde design and its enigmatic leading lady. Kat and Dusty's sophomore outing sees the series' potential explode in vibrant, joyous fashion. The rough edges are still there, but you'll have to squint to see them as PlayStation's refreshingly eccentric franchise soars to spectacular new heights.

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4 / 5.0
Jan 16, 2017

There were times where Gravity Rush 2 drove me nuts, and inner me was telling me to write this review more negatively. But then I’d get past whatever was bothering me, Kat would do or say something endearing, and I’d be back to flying around having a blast, instantly getting over what annoyed me.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is the first great game of 2017. It takes what made the original a cult classic and builds upon that foundation in meaningful ways across all areas of the experience. Few games will make your heart race and palms sweat with excitement from moment-to-moment like Kat’s physics-defying journey through the skies.

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Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 should be a sleek and swift experience, but it feels like a local train stuck in traffic.

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Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 takes the strange, quirky style and gameplay of the original and lets it loose on a larger canvas, dishing up its gravity-twisting action with real imagination and verve. It has the original’s charm and personality but more ambition, with a bigger setting, bigger set-pieces and a storyline to match. If Gravity Rush gave us a great heroine, some interesting mechanics and a different take on the action adventure, the sequel puts then centre-stage in a tale that does them justice.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

While the original Gravity Rush pushed the Vita to its limited, Gravity Rush 2 is unleashed upon the far more powerful PlayStation 4, giving us a game that’s as big in scope and substance as the concept designs its world and characters were born from. Among Sony’s efforts to give their console a wide array of more niche experiences, this gravity-controlling Kat is Queen.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 takes the charming original game and builds on it in important ways. The addition of armors makes the combat better, the characters are still fun, the new city is a blast to explore, and its all wrapped in a soundtrack I really enjoyed. Overall, it's a game well worth playing both for newcomers and fans of the original.

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8 / 10
Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush has a compelling narrative and gameplay reminiscent of some of Sony's best titles of years past, and some very intuitive character controls. Gravity Rush 2 is a return to form that I don't think I've seen in games in a long time. It has heart and soul, and is genuinely fun to play. Gravity Rush 2 is not for the fainthearted gamer; the controls and gameplay will frustrate many people, but in the end the payoff is worth it.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 12, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 develops the ideas of the predecessor, offering them in a well-matched open, living world. There are loads of interestingly written characters and very nice graphics that shines on HD screens.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2017

The mixture of frustration and amazement has been a problem in Gravity Rush since the original Vita release, yet none of the flaws are enough to make me outright stop playing. Despite some awful mission design and as annoying as combat and righting Kat during a bad fall can be, there’s always enough charm and beauty here to keep me going. So, Gravity Rush 2 isn’t as resounding a success as I was hoping, but it’s still ingenious and entertaining enough to stay on my hard drive for awhile yet.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

There’s a lot of good within Gravity Rush 2, but you’ll have to wade through the muck to get to it. A meandering story, repetitive open world and menial fetch quests steer players away from the things that makes the franchise great: goofing around and never knowing which way is up. Franchise fans will get a kick out of the continuation of Kat’s story – if they understand it – but those with a love of action or experiences like Jet Set Radio will also enjoy this different take on a beat ‘em up.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2017

If you enjoyed the first chapter and you declared your love to Kat in evening dress, in this sequel you will find a bigger version and full of what you have liked five years ago. If already at the time you have had difficulty with the controls, and you do not like jazz, you can lay your eyes away.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2017

Enjoyable enough if you liked the first game, but niggling issues stop this sequel from surpassing the original.

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4.5 / 5.0
Feb 19, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a fun game on the PlayStation 4 that offers players quite a diverse gaming platform/adventure title with plenty of things to do. I really enjoyed the stylised graphics that when matched with the special effects, audio and storyline, it created this quite immersive story from start to finish with fun characters. Sure, some of the control mechanics created a touch of controller rage but for the majority, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience from start to finish.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2017

It can be a slog at times, especially the previously mentioned stealth missions, and the combat against a large group of enemies can get a bit cumbersome, but it's still a thrilling game that I can't help but recommend.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a game designed for those who are looking for a lot of fun in a little package. There is never a shortage of tasks to accomplish - even if they are sometimes boring - and combat that takes getting used to but overall this game will leave a smile on your face.

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