Gravity Rush 2 Reviews

Gravity Rush 2 is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Jan 10, 2017

“More of the same” could very well be the simpler way to sum up what players should expect coming into Gravity Rush 2.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

It’s great playing with gravity, especially in such a stylistically designed world, and there’s so much more to do this time around.

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Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a step up in almost every way from its already enjoyable predecessor. The sense of freedom and adventure is great, thanks to the gravity bending abilities of Kat. Combat is still kind of dull and frustrating, but it's less of the experience this time. The gorgeous art style and design eases this pain though, delivering a great action experience for PS4.

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90 / 100
Jan 10, 2017

It’s a much bigger game than the original, giving you plenty of land to explore and tons of missions to beat. It feels so much different from your typical big-budget console game these days. It’s more of a comic book than an action movie, allowing players to delight in their own heroics. It’s one of the PlayStation 4’s most stunning and entertaining exclusives.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

Not only Gravity Rush 2 is a worthy successor for the first game, but it surpasses its predecessor (and its remaster) in ever aspect. Not only it’s extremely fun, engaging and even challenging, but due to its production and artistic value, it’s  definitely one of those titles that you’ll want to show your friends when you need to demonstrate why you’re proud to be a gamer. They’re bound to be impressed.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

Even if it wasn’t a good game at its core – which it is – it’d at least get some credit for the soundtrack. I realize this is an odd note to end a review on, but I couldn’t find a natural fit for it in the rest of the text and just had to make a note of how great these bloody tunes are!

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Jan 19, 2017

‘Gravity Rush 2′ is a gorgeously animated, exuberant game

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Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a surprisingly massive and extremely beautiful Japanese action RPG that stands tall despite its flaws.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 lacks quite a bit in the story department, even with the side missions, but the improved combat and series-unique exploration make it difficult to put the game down. Even when Kat’s flailings are incredibly annoying and detrimental, and even with the awful stealth missions, it’s even more difficult to not have fun this adventure. Previous experience isn’t required either, as Kat basically has to learn everything all over from the beginning anyway. If Gravity Rush was always a game you meant to get into, there’s no better place to start than Gravity Rush 2.

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80 / 100
Jan 16, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a charming and fun game. The impressive AI does a fantastic job of building bonds between players and characters. A wonderful soundtrack alongside a wide variety of mission types come together to create a vivid and large open world. The game is hampered by poor camera controls and some hiccups in the story, but overall, the experience is one that I thoroughly enjoyed and will be playing again.

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Jan 20, 2017

There are too many unanswered questions when it comes to the game’s story, but to get bogged down in these frustrations is to deny its intoxicating thrill

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jan 16, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a colorful, cheerful and action packed adventure that does not look nor play like anything else. The camera and controls will take some time to get used to and may annoy at times, but overall Gravity Rush 2 is a very polished and enjoyable experience.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 6, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is way more beautiful and bigger in world structure and in a number of side quests than the original game, but it's significantly behind from it concerning the story. Camera problems appear very seldom, but significantly irritate, and stealth missions can be a serious obstacle for newcomers. Nevertheless, having spent tens of hours on the game and experiencing minutes of wild anger, disappointment and admiration after, I can assure you that besides some of the side quests Gravity Rush 2 leaves a positive impression. And if you are a fan of the original game and can deal with the camera difficulties and quests of the same kind, then you can add one point to the final score.

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Chris Wray
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is an excellent sequel to the first game. It's easier to control, has an incredible depth of quantity and while it doesn't all hit, the vast majority does. It has a few strange choices in story design, particularly a false ending in one of the worst places I've ever encountered. All things considered, it's an excellent game with some of the most entertaining gameplay around, set in a fantastically designed world with a great visual design.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jan 11, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 feels as great to play as it looks. It’s a true fulfillment of a premise with tremendous potential that was previously hindered due to hardware limitations. It’s a massive improvement in every possible aspect from the original and makes a strong statement as my very first pick for a game of the year contender of 2017.

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Jan 10, 2017

If only the combat were better, more dynamic and more precise, I would have loved this game instead of simply liked it.

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85 / 100
Jan 10, 2017

Whether or not you’ve played the first one, Gravity Rush 2 is a game you can’t afford to miss.

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7 / 10
Jan 10, 2017

Even though the core of Gravity Rush 2 remains largely unchanged, you'll be hard pushed to find a fresher open world title in a sea of Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed clones. Kat's traversal mechanic is still among the most satisfying that the sandbox genre has to offer, and an endearing cast of characters means that you'll actively want to spend time in their world. The combat and mission structure may still be this series' biggest shortcoming, but colourful scenarios mean that you'll stick around long enough to see the sizeable story and its many side-quests through. So, while not everyone will be dazed by what this release has to offer, the sequel should at the very least ensure that existing fans continue singing Kat's chorus.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a bigger, more varied sequel that still doesn’t feel like it takes the leap it could have. The gravity-shifting gimmick is still a big draw, as is the delightful art style, protagonist Kat, and the clever world design, but the there’s a nagging feeling it could have been even better. It’s still a very good game though, and it certainly offers up something a little different in terms of a console exclusive.

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Top Critic
90 / 100
Jan 10, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 offer us a big evolution to the series. The game is full of personality, full of relevant things to do, full of cotidian stories to tell, it has improvements to the variety of its gameplay and it has a beautiful presentation with colorful art and an exquisite soundtrack. All who played the first game should give this sequel a try.

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