Super Bomberman R Reviews

Super Bomberman R is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Ken McKown
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2018

Overall Super Bomberman R is a great take on the classic formula. I enjoyed what it delivered and the extra characters add that nostalgia meter rise for me. I just wish Konami was bringing them to more franchises outside of this one. Still, this game serves its purpose and it is nice to finally see it on other consoles outside of the Switch. [OpenCritic note: Ken McKown separately reviewed the Switch (6) and Xbox One (7) versions. The scores have been averaged.]

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68 / 100
Jun 24, 2018

While future Bomberman games have the potential to assert themselves as more lengthy and strategy-demanding titles deserving of a mind-blowing rating, the current release really is just lighthearted and fun … and that's just fine.

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7 / 10
Jun 27, 2018

Despite a couple of flaws, Super Bomberman R is a strong entry into a long-running franchise. It doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, but offers enough variation to the gameplay to keep veterans of the series on their toes, while also helping newcomers ease into the format. It's a shame that online battles seem to be such a mess at the moment, because with that up and running to its full potential this would easily be the definitive Bomberman game.

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61 / 100
Mar 13, 2017

Additionally, the game lacks innovation and feels pretty much the same as any other Bomberman you may have previously played.

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Top Critic
15 / 20
Mar 16, 2017

Bomberman succeeds perfectly at establishig itself as a good party game on Switch. It manages to keep its fun spirit, mad and colorful that made its past glory. We can only regret that Konami doesn't take any risk and does not try to implement new items, and the precision gets sometimes ruined by the Joy-Con stick. If you're a fan of the ip or the stories lived by your elders got your attention, Super Bomberman R must appear in your Nintendo Switch library.

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Mar 7, 2017

Super Bomberman isn't the prettiest game in the long-running series, but its core multiplayer mayhem is as terrific as ever. [OpenCritic note: Jeffrey Wilson separately reviewed the PC (2.5 stars) and Switch (3.5 stars) versions. Their scores have been averaged.]

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7 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2018

Family? Friends? What are those? Super Bomberman R brings the fun and cutthroat rendition of the classic Bomberman formula, not just on the Switch but other consoles a year later. Positives include a story mode with crazy boss fights plus hectic online and local multiplayer with up to eight players. However, input lag and latency, which was an issue on the Switch release, continues to negatively impact the experience on PS4, particularly when playing online. Despite that, the game is still a blast, especially when you get four people together in your living room or with mics online.

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5 / 10
Mar 7, 2017

Super Bomberman R is not the perfect come-back we hoped for. The Adventure mode is completely disappointing, the Battle mode is only doing the minimum, and the handling suffers some issues.

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5 / 10
Mar 23, 2017

Super Bomberman R marks the return of the Bomberman series after a long absence and the result is a mixed bag. While the local multiplayer works as expected from a Bomberman game (the Joycon controls do everything right) and is by far the most fun component of Super Bomberman R, its story mode fails to stand out and several technical flaws prevent it from reaching a higher quality threshold. The game also seems unambitious, with very few innovations compared to what was already seen in the series.

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6.3 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2017

As much fun as I had with Super Bomberman R, I can't ignore the flaws. Online battles don't even work, and the story mode has tons of flaws.

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74 / 100
Mar 11, 2017

Super Bomberman R is the best multtiplayer option right now for every Nintendo Switch owner. Sadly its main flaw is its input lag, that makes the online battles hard to play in some occasions. Still the 8 player on TV is as fun as in every other game of the franchise. Its single player campaign is fun but too short.

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5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2017

There's not really very much to say about Super Bomberman R. It's the Bomberman you've come to know and love, which counts very much against its favour once you factor in its cost. It's no doubt fun, especially in multiplayer, but that fleeting fun is expensive.

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Ray Carsillo
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2017

The in-game currency decision was a head scratcher, as it adds an unwelcome grinding element to much of the gameplay. If you can look past that, then there's a decent campaign and the same addictive multiplayer Bomberman is known for sitting at this launch title's explosive core.

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Mar 8, 2017

I did have a little fun while playing Super Bomberman R, and it admittedly aroused my sense of nostalgia, but this revival feels too rushed and sloppy to earn a recommendation.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2017

Super Bomberman R is decent for a launch title on a system that is a little lacking in retail titles, but it has it's issues.

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2.5 / 5.0
Mar 8, 2017

If you’re thinking of picking up Super Bomberman R with your Switch, consider waiting a bit. Not only for the price tag to drop a bit and feel more reasonable, but also for the kinks in online multiplayer to get worked out.

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Top Critic
Mar 8, 2017
Super Bomberman R - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) video thumbnail
5.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2017

Super Bomberman R doesn't reinvent the wheel and might be hard to recommend to most players due to a lack of value. Its greatest strength is in its local multiplayer capabilities, but a combination of finicky controls, a high price tag for the amount of content the game packs, and a mediocre online experience holds back an otherwise fun game.

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4 / 10.0
Jan 28, 2017

Super Bomberman R falls short as a complete package. The single-player, while reaching for something a bit different with level design (and it achieves it), falls short with uninteresting bosses and slow enemies. The online play of the game is only good on a local level, while the actual online gaming experience is hindered by the lack of players and atrocious delay. Until Konami gets these things addressed, I can only say look backwards to the Turbografx or Saturn for the best Bomberman experience, as you simply won't find it here.

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6 / 10
Mar 14, 2017

Super Bomberman R is not worth the price of admission, but it is a surprisingly solid entry that plays best to the franchises strengths, rooted deep in multiplayer styles of play. While it does it's best to add value to the package, most of this content comes off as incessant filler. Online works, to a point, but if you're not grabbing Super Bomberman R for some fun multiplayer, it's probably best to skip it entirely.

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