Star Wars Battlefront 2 Reviews

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 4, 2017

Battlefront II's campaign is a failed attempt to make an expensive blockbuster that, without a popular license, would look very boring. Online multiplayer in Battlefront II, on the other hand, is significantly better than in original in all respects.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II stumbles out of the gate with its progression system. I hope it gets ironed out because the underlying multiplayer is extremely fun. The campaign is short and sweet, but a little too fan-servic-y for me. As it stands this is a solid sequel with some highly noticeable blemishes. I will continue to play because of my love for Star Wars, but I do hope it gets ironed out before players lose interest.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2017

After all the ruckus and the controversies, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 finally reveals itself for what it is: a great Star Wars experience. The new Campaign is definitely well written and thrilling (with some memorable dogfights in the space), and the multiplayer improves everything we already loved in the first Battlefront. There are still some issues with a progression system that relies a little bit too much on randomness, but the game is definitely better off without microtransactions.

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Nov 22, 2017

In so many ways, Battlefront II is exactly what fans want it to be. It finally feels like the games so many cherished from many years ago. It's hard to ignore the problems caused by purchased Star Cards, but if the creators can find a way to fix the system so that it is fair for everyone, what will remain is one of the year's best video games and a Star Wars experience for the ages... but again, that's a big "if."

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7 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2017

A highly entertaining Star Wars shooter with polish for days finds itself blemished by boorish progression systems and uneven game modes. That said, in its current form, I greatly enjoyed Star Wars Battlefront II and chances are, if you have a hankering for a mostly well-executed and enjoyable Star Wars FPS, you will too.

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6 / 10
Nov 20, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront 2's saving grace is its multiplayer. A strong offering provides you with a number of ways to play and a variety of locations to battle on, and if it manages to stick to a level playing field once the infamous microtransactions are added back into the game, it's an experience we'll continue to return to. But this is not enough to excuse the abysmal campaign. Any uniqueness dissipates all too quickly, and what follows is a boring set of missions that often feel misguided and unrealistic.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Nov 14, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront is back and EA has switched an expensive season pass for a ludicrous microtransaction system. The game sure does look and sound good and the gameplay is somewhat nice but it doesn't respect the players time and the much hyped single-player-campaing is undercooked to say the least.

Review in Swedish | Read full review

86 / 100
Nov 13, 2017

Depending on what you're looking for in a Star Wars game, Battlefront II might be exactly what you need. It's clear that the developers have been paying close attention to player feedback, as this feels like a significant improvement over the previous entry in the series.

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Top Critic
Nov 20, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II has entertaining multiplayer modes and great visuals, but it is held back by a complicated upgrade system and the impending return of microtransactions.

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Nov 24, 2017

The force is weak with this one.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront was akin to Jar Jar Binks, a game with its share of fans and haters that turned out to be flawed but was an annoyance at most. Battlefront 2, on the other hand, is like Anakin Skywalker, a game with so much potential that it fails to realize thanks to what many see as a sinister turn. It’s a shame as the game actually does several things quite well and can be a blast to play. While it deserves credit for rectifying some of those issues prior to launch, however, the aftertaste of its questionable decisions continue to be a lingering issue in what otherwise could have been a stellar game.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II's campaign is merely okay, and its multiplayer is hamstrung by an awful upgrade system. There's also the spectre of loot boxes hanging over it like a Lightsaber of Damocles. However, it looks and sounds amazing, and gameplay-wise delivers the goods.

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Top Critic
71 / 100
Nov 20, 2017

Behind the beautiful Star Wars façade are elementary design flaws, making Battlefront 2 just a good shooter

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II is a gorgeous, incredibly fun shooter that builds on its roots with a host of new content, welcome gameplay tweaks and a fun single-player campaign. But all of its improvements are overshadowed by the Star Destroyer of crooked business decisions and terrible progression, making it a hard sell right now.

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Nov 21, 2017

With Battlefront 2, DICE has done everything to please Star Wars fans short of bending space and time so they can experience the original film's 1977 release as excitable ten-year-olds. There are problems, but the biggest are the fault of EA; a publisher publicly, frantically figuring out how  to run a game as a live service, and which crossed a line now well-defined by its mistakes.

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Nov 16, 2017

Battlefront II is actually a rather fitting sequel to its immediate predecessor, which was itself a fun, visually phenomenal but woefully shallow and convoluted experience. Everything that was right with the original game is exactly as it was before. Everything that wasn't, however, has mutated into something more craven and significantly uglier.

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Daily Dot
Top Critic
Nov 21, 2017

Uncomfortable microtransactions and questionable changes completely ruin a faithful, fun Star Wars experience.

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Justin Woo
Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II has solid core gameplay and offers a wide variety of content to enjoy, but at the moment it's hard to look past the loot crate issues in order to appreciate what the game does well.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II still tips more toward the causal side of multiplayer competition, but that doesn't mean there isn't a fair amount fun to be had. That said, the game's potentially pay-to-win progression model doesn't do it any favors.

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Top Critic
Nov 15, 2017
Star Wars Battlefront II Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail