A Hole New World
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Critic Reviews for A Hole New World
A competent and authentic 8-bit experience, A Hole New World will be enjoyed by many a retro fan out there, but the some of its mechanical elements are faithful almost to its detriment. Travelling between the dual worlds is cool, but utilised without much ambition or variety. While certainly not a bad game, the methods employed to enforce difficulty feel cheap and frustrating, rather than motivating or rewarding. A few of the bosses are visually impressive, but there isn't much here structurally or gameplay wise that particularly stand out . If you're looking for another title with more nostalgia and 'traditional' challenge rather than sadistic, fast-paced, twitch-based platformers, then A Hole New World is an adequate game that will bring back many memories of the 8-bit era, for better or worse.
A Hole New World is a fun homage to old-school action platformers from back in the day, with solid gameplay mechanics, a good pixel art style and a considerable challenge. Other than a couple of specific spots in two stages in which the game's framerate slowed down considerably when things got too hectic, I didn't run into any major issues during my run. If you're looking for a hard but not unfair 2D adventure to take on then you should definitely check out A Hole New World on PlayStation 4.
A Hole New World is a solid game with a ton of content to enjoy. Along with the main campaign you also have a Boss Rush Mode, a Challenge Mode, and different endings, thus increasing the replay value. There are also several NPC to find in each stage, not to mention trophies tied to it! I definitely recommend that you check out A Hole New World on PS4!
Despite the difficulty spike at the end, I really enjoyed playing through A Hole New World. The game scratched a very specific itch for me, and despite its problems, it ended up giving me a far better experience than revisiting the fascinating, clunky horror games of my childhood would have. Let's hope the planned fixes elevate the game even more.
A Hole New World is a fantastic tribute to retro 2D action games and it also crafts a unique gameplay formula that's both challenging and rewarding.
While many times I find throwback titles like this to be tedious, failing to inject enough modern touches into classic gameplay styles, once I got rolling I found A Hole New World to be very satisfying. With some creative level layouts, a diverse set of enemies, and some memorable boss fights the developers behind it put very visible effort into giving you an incentive to forge on and get through the tough sections. If you’re itching for a mix of the old, new, and the unexpected A Hole New World is easy to recommend.
A Hole New World is decent enough to blast through for some nostalgic kicks. While there’s certainly a challenge to this title, the difficulty balance between the bosses and levels do seem worlds apart. It’s a brief experience on the whole, but the New Game+ and Challenge mode you unlock once you beat it do provide some longevity aside from collecting the 150 gems, at least. The upside down element does give the game an interesting spin. Although, the lack of platform puzzling that could have easily taken advantage of the mechanic can, unfortunately, leave it feeling a bit gimmicky overall.
I’m not going to lie when I say that had A Hole New World been released on the NES back in the day, there’s no doubt in my mind it would be considered a classic of the console along with Mega Man, Castlevania, Zelda and so on. Times have moved on however and even though there’s a case of quality retro about it, it’s still held back by some of the pet peeves of the era. It has some nice visuals, music and decent controls but I think modern gamers won’t have the patience for it and that’s including me, the last two levels really soured my enjoyment since they went about difficulty in the wrong kind of way. I’m pretty sure retro fiends will still get a kick out of it though. It’s above average, bordering on good, but not quite there for me. A few tweaks and it could have been an excellent retro adventure.