Dark Souls Remastered Reviews

Dark Souls Remastered is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10
Jun 20, 2018

From Software and Miyazaki’s triumph with technical upgrades, dedicated servers and the DLC included. There is nothing better.

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Top Critic
4 / 5.0
May 25, 2018

Much like going back to play Ocarina of Time, you’re witnessing the foundations of many modern games here. And some pieces of magic that no other game – even a Souls game – have managed to replicate since.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2018

A well aged fantasy/horror action RPG, that even those who have never played before should definitely give a chance. Don't be scared off by the stories of how difficult it is. (Though also know, those stories are true.)

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2018

It's Dark Souls, but better

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4.3 / 5.0
Jun 5, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered is still essentially Dark Souls, just slightly better looking and with better online functionality.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered is truly the definitive way to play the game. Thanks to tons of polish and technical improvements, the infamous RPG now feels much more competent and coherent, giving players little excuse to blame the game itself when they die. FPS chugging is next to non-existent, creating one of the smoothest Dark Souls experiences to date.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
May 24, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered keeps the original feelings with advanced graphics performance, which gives many players a chance to try this game on the latest console. But obviously 60 dollars is way too much for a remastered game that almost changes nothing, some old fans may think this edition is lack of sincerity.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
May 23, 2018

Nearly perfect, and one of the greatest games ever made, now you can prepare to die on a modern system. Missed opportunities and all, I have to argue that in the end, that's more than enough.

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8 / 10.0
May 23, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered is a solid reminder of the incredible strength of the original entry in the series. There are certainly some comforts lost by going back the start but the game is still incredible. Whether you have never played it before or you miss the good old days, this is a great remaster.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
May 23, 2018

A wonderful trip down memory lane, in 4k and 60FPS. Engaging combat, thrilling multiplayer and intriguing lore make Dark Souls Remastered a worthy purchase for veterans looking to polish their backstabbing skills; and a mandatory buy for those who never got around to playing the original 2011 release.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 23, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered is the best version of a wonderful classic game, with 60 fps rock solid, a great netcode and a real high definition. Too bad for some low quality textures and the oversaturated colors that create a bad coesion between characters and locations.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2018

While there are lingering issues with Dark Souls as this is simply a remaster, they are largely inconsequential as this is a spectacular game. Sure, the game may simply be channeling old school difficulty and storytelling, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you're tired of modern games treating you like an infant, please give Dark Souls a chance. Enjoy undeath.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
May 23, 2018

Overall, I think QLOC dropped the ball here. I love Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 1 will always be my favorite of the all the games in the series, but there was simply no love put into this remaster. However, if you've never played the game, or if you've only ever played the console versions, then I would highly recommend picking up Dark Souls Remastered Edition, as it fixes a lot of issues that were present and unfix-able in the original console version of the game and still plays just as well now as it did in the past. But if you own the original Dark Souls 1 for PC, and you have no desire to PvP, don't even bother buying the remaster. Even with the $20 discount, it's not remotely worth the price tag when you consider you already get all these improvements (even if slightly buggy) for free.

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8 / 10
May 23, 2018

Dark Souls: Remastered is not the definitive version of the game, but it's close enough.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered is still great choice for players who don't care dying a lot. Especially on Nintendo Switch.

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Arash Parsapour
Top Critic
75 / 100
Jun 5, 2018

If you played the original game at the time of release and now you're missing it, Dark Souls Remastered is like reliving that memories with a 4K resolution. Otherwise, the remastered version is nothing different which would make you love it if you hate the original one.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2018

It feels odd to say that a video game pushed me to my limits, but as a relatively calm personality I experienced some emotions I haven't felt since my teenage years. I haven't broken a controller since an infamous late night with my Nintendo 64, but on a few occasions playing Dark Souls Remastered I came close to crushing my Joy-Con between my fingers. Not everyone is going to find the soul-crushing difficulty as therapeutic, but amidst the rollercoaster of rage, frustration and depression, I learned the importance of perseverance and patience, and just how good it feels to accomplish something that you once thought impossible.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2018

Dark Souls Remastered doesn't make any dramatic changes to its original release several years ago. The struggle to progress is constant, but just as every moment could be another death, it could also be a moment of great triumph and self-accomplishment. Playing at 60fps makes me wonder how I ever managed to play at half of that rate several years ago. It's a beautiful remaster, even if it isn't a complete overhaul. It's a great entry for newcomers or a great walk down memory lane for fans of its original release.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2018

Despite its shortcomings, Dark Souls Remastered is a welcome release that will hopefully breathe new life into the community and multiplayer activity with both new and old players. It may also be the last "souls game" release for quite some time, given From Software's latest endeavours.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jun 28, 2018

Strictly as a videogame, Dark Souls Remastered is the fantastic original, but with a bunch of welcome updates. Purely as a remaster, however, it's disappointing, to say the least. This had the chance to offer the best 'Souls' title (Bloodborne excluded), while also adding improvements from newer instalments - instead, it's just a patch/visual upgrade, and a low effort one at that. Plus, the PC version is currently the buggiest one.

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