Art Sqool
Top Critic Average
Art Sqool Trailers
ART SQOOL 🖼🎨💻[Mac/PC -- out now]
ART SQOOL [release date announcement]
ART SQOOL [Mac/PC game — trailer]
Critic Reviews for Art Sqool
It's difficult to assign a score to a title as esoteric as Art Sqool, an art game that seeks to encourage players to tap into their creativity and doodle in the midst of a captivating, candy-coloured universe. Be it ruminating about the themes of your assignment in a cozy corner, or messing up your homework by haphazardly scribbling over your blank canvas, Art Sqool requires you to discover your potential and assign your own meaning to the experience. Even though I've found the game to be a ceaselessly charming one, there are also times when I quickly tire of its lack of incentives and activities. Give this a twirl if you're looking to indulge your artistic capabilities and moments of quiet introspection.
Art Sqool fails as both an "art school simulator" and a video game. There's nothing educational here, and its gameplay is the equivalent of scribbles I might've drawn as a toddler.
Art is certainly subjective, but most people will be hard pressed to get more than an hour's enjoyment from ART SQOOL.
Gosh I was all ready to love going to Art Sqool. But either I or it have failed. Nowhere near as odd or quirky as its trailers suggested it could be, and offering no surprises, its fun is over in the first few minutes. Bums.