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Shenmue III

YS Net, Deep Silver
Nov 19, 2019 - PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

5.9 / 10
PC Gamer
83 / 100
Easy Allies
7 / 10
4 / 5
Metro GameCentral
6 / 10
Game Informer
6 / 10
5 / 10

Shenmue III Review Summary

FairCritic Consensus

Truly Shenmue

Fans of Shenmue won't be disappointed.

Dated Systems

Many of its systems feel like they were taken out of the early 2000s.


Poor voice acting and a roundabout plot make it feel somewhat irrelevant to the broader storyline.

For better and worse, Shenmue III feels just like the Shenmue games that launched nearly 20 years ago.

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Shenmue III - The Prophecy Trailer [PEGI]

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Critic Reviews for Shenmue III

Rejoining Ryo Hazuki's quest to avenge his father is exciting, but Shenmue 3 feels like a game that has ignored the innovation and progress of the last 20 years of video game development.

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A seamless continuation of the series that makes up for its limitations with pure heart. It's like Ryo never left us.

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A bewitching time capsule that transports us to late 80s China, and to turn-of-the-century video games.

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A magnificent, authentic, totally uncompromised sequel that crucially ignores virtually every gaming trend of the past 18 years.

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Metro GameCentral

Unknown Author
6 / 10
Metro GameCentral

A literal dream come true for fans and while most others will struggle to understand the appeal it's impossible not to admire Yu Suzuki's vision and tenacity in not only making the game but making it his way.

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Exploring small towns is still fun and rewarding until you have to engage in battle and dialogue. Then it falls apart

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Shenmue III hasn't changed much from its Dreamcast-era roots--and it can't reach its full potential as a result.

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OpenCritic Coverage

Shenmue 3 Post-Credits Message from Yu Suzuki Plans for Shenmue 4

Shenmue 3 Post-Credits Message from Yu Suzuki Plans for Shenmue 4

Shenmue 3 features a post-credits message from designer Yu Suzuki in which he offers a heartfelt thank you to fans and expresses his hope to continue the series with Shenmue 4.

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Shenmue 3 Embargo Details

Shenmue 3 Embargo Details

Shenmue 3 is a sequel nearly two decades in the making. Reviews will be a hot topic, and we can now share exactly when the review embargo lifts.

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