Superliminal Reviews

Superliminal is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2019

Overall, the Pillow Castle experience is therefore a well-built puzzle game, certainly appreciated by fans of the genre, but unable to rival the sacred monsters of the category in terms of inspiration, originality and power of the story.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2020

Superliminal fails to justify itself or its themes and ends up as a rote puzzle experience you'll be fine to forget.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2009

As a metaphor for transforming inane frustration into gratifying solutions, Superliminal was a profound experience.

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8 / 10
Jul 15, 2020

Superliminal will challenge and confound but never punish. Pillow Castle's debut is inventive and occasionally mind-boggling, a short but engaging feast for fans of optical illusions and lateral thinking.

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9 / 10
Nov 26, 2019

Some may walk away from this game, thinking it was just a game, but I would say that they missed the theme entirely. Bravo, Pillow Castle Games.

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9 / 10
Nov 20, 2019

The more profound life lesson that Superliminal attempts to convey throughout becomes quite apparent in the final monologue from Doctor Glenn Pierce in the last few minutes of the game. Not only does it connect everything that you have done in the game with a higher purpose and meaning, but it has connected with my own life. Perspective is a powerful sentiment and one that many take for granted. Dropping an enlarged exit sign over two pressure plates to open a door is one thing, but understanding how you can become a better person, by looking at all the possible angles and outcomes, is a life lesson I was not expecting from a video game. Some may walk away from this game, thinking it was just a game, but I would say that they missed the theme entirely. Bravo, Pillow Castle Games.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2020

What do you get when you cross the mechanical structure and minimalist aesthetic of Portal with the self-conscious thematic drive of The Stanley Parable? You get Superliminal, an innovative and striking narrative experience, complete with mind-bending puzzles. Remember – perspective is everything!

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6 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2020

Superliminal borrows some familiar ideas and mixes them in ways that arouse interest. But the content doesn't match the price, especially for a game that might be more fun to watch than play. However, on sale, this can be an entertaining title if the puzzles click. Like some dreams, this one may linger with you.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2019

Superliminal, a mind-bending puzzle game from Pillow Castle, is a refreshing and inventive addition to the puzzle genre. This particular entry among puzzle games requires thinking from different perspectives in a new and exciting way. Curious? I thought so – you'll find all your Superliminal info right here!

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7.2 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2019

Walk up close and you'll find that it's now seven feet tall.

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Ben Sellwood
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2020

I really enjoyed this title. It caused me to think outside the box a few times, and gave me the impetus to proceed through its intriguing narrative. The use of forced perspective is absolutely genius to behold, but I feel that this is the prototype for something much bigger, more rounded, and more appealing in future. Pillow Castle is definitely one to watch as they have some really neat tricks up their sleeves.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2022

Superliminal offers one of the freshest ideas we have seen in first person puzzle games in many years. The main negative point here is the game's length, since you can complete it in just 2 hours.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2021

Overall Superliminal is a great puzzle experience, and you feel throughout it that the developers had fun putting it together. This is a dream therapy that actually works, being funny and creative at the same time.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2020

The forced perspective game mechanic alone makes Superliminal an essential buy for those looking for a new first-person puzzler. Both mind-bogglingly clever and hilarious use of environmental storytelling, the potential to be a classic is limited by its short play time and unnecessary exposition.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 12, 2020

It takes two hours or so to complete this, and it's a fun little experience, filled with some smart puzzles interspersed with the odd stinker

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8 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2020

Superliminal is the type of puzzle game that I would full heartedly recommend to fans of games like Portal. While it doesn’t have as interesting of a story as something like that it does feature a pretty unique puzzle design concept that had me constantly thinking in new ways. If you’re looking to spend a couple hours thinking outside the box then Superliminal is your game.

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70 / 100
Jul 21, 2020

Superliminal is a puzzle game that will challenge your perception. It has intelligent challenges, but at the same time it has very simple mechanics and a short duration. In a maximum of three hours you will finish the title for the first time, and what remains after that is to improve your time on puzzles that you already know the answer.

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Joel A. DeWitte
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2020

Superliminal is a breath of fresh air, the kind of game you want other people to play but don't want to talk with them about until you've both experienced it. An unassuming package on its face that as you peel back the layers, will be filled with surprises and gratification as you find out what point of view it wants you to see the puzzle from. With a moral to its story that is uplifting during a time which we could all use a new perspective, Superliminal is one of the more inventive games on a Nintendo platform today.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 16, 2019

It is usually easy to make comparisons with other games. Something along the lines of "if you liked this or this, then you'll like this as well." That isn't so easy for Superliminal, because there are simply no others like this. That's what makes this such an easy recommendation.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2019

Superliminal is fun. It may not be challenging, and it might not have a deeper message behind it, but it’s a hell of a ride – and on many levels it’s a technical masterpiece.

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