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1633 games reviewed
73.5 average score
80 median score
51.4% of games recommended

GamingBolt's Reviews

Dec 24, 2023

With a shiny presentation and swashbuckling charm, Gangs of Sherwood portends to be more than your average co-op title. Unfortunately, it turns the legendary outlaw's tale into even less than a placeholder beat 'em up.

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5 / 10.0 - Custom Mech Wars
Dec 22, 2023

Custom Mech Wars is an underwhelming mech game that's plagued by issues like repetitive mission design, a boring story, and an underwhelming visual presentation. There's a glimmer of hope within its customization options and certain gameplay sections, but those aren't nearly enough to redeem this game.

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6 / 10.0 - Trinity Fusion
Dec 21, 2023

For almost everything that Trinity Fusion does right, it fumbles equally in some other crucial aspect.

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Dec 18, 2023

God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla is not only a fun and addictive roguelite mode where the game's excellent combat is allowed to shine brighter than ever, it's also a rewarding, introspective narrative experience, and one that's especially unmissable for long-time series fans. Given that it's free, there's really no reason not to play it.

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Dec 18, 2023

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising improves on the original in almost every way, and while not quite at the level of the very best in the genre, it still offers enjoyable fighting experience.

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1 / 10.0 - The Day Before
Dec 14, 2023

There's a reason the phrase "Buyer beware" remains relevant, and it's because of games like The Day Before. The only bright side to its miserable existence is you can no longer purchase it.

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Final Fantasy 16: Echoes of the Fallen offers some high-octane boss fights and a gorgeous environment to explore, but the exploration remains as linear as ever. Those looking for something more substantial in terms of story may want to wait, but there's plenty for combat fans to enjoy.

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8 / 10.0 - The Finals
Dec 11, 2023

THE FINALS has room to improve, but it shines in all the ways that matter. If you're keen on a new first-person shooter that mixes chaos with strategy in a sleek package, it's worth a look.

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8 / 10.0 - Blood West
Dec 8, 2023

Blood West is an excellent game for fans of stealth games. It makes use of classic design ideas from games as wide ranging as the seminal Thief titles, to more modern ones like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in order to shape its mechanics and general gameplay loop. The progression system encourages exploration, which is made all the better thanks to excellent level design.

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The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is a cheap attempt at capitalizing on the survival game hype through the mass credibility of the books. It borrows almost each and every element from contemporaries, but none of them work well.

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Dec 7, 2023

Though Arkham Asylum and City's inherent strengths are able to shine through on the Switch in spite of some performance issues, the Arkham Knight port is nothing short of a disaster of epic proportions. The flagrant disregard with which WB Games has treated this shoddy mess of a port should not go unnoticed.

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Dec 6, 2023

Paying extensive homage to the source material while weaving a compelling tale of its own, Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is an involving experience with fun combat and memorable characters.

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Dec 6, 2023

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora may not be for those suffering from open-world fatigue, but it delivers an immersive experience for fans with some solid gameplay and storytelling.

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Dec 4, 2023

The Awakened King isn't a terrible addition to the base game, even if its highlights don't quite reach the same highs. While the content is decent and offers some fun new gameplay options, it's nothing amazing.

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Despite being from a time when console shooters had awkward controls and terrible visuals, Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion has aged really well thanks to this remaster. The campaign is incredibly fun and offers plenty of replay value thanks to its multiple characters.

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8 / 10.0 - SteamWorld Build
Nov 27, 2023

Whether you're a fan of the series or looking for a well-made city-builder, SteamWorld Build has much to offer, even with the odd annoyance or two.

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3 / 10.0 - Flashback 2
Nov 23, 2023

Flashback 2 could have channelled the first game's spirit while presenting a new spin on the action. It fails spectacularly, lacking polish and nearly any redeeming qualities.

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Realms of Ruin features a fun campaign that showcases four unique factions. Unfortunately, when it comes to gameplay, there just isn't enough depth to allow for more tactical and strategic options.

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Nov 21, 2023

It wouldn't surprise me if someone told me The Walking Dead: Destinies was put together in a matter of weeks. Nothing about this game works, and every inch of it is weighed down by significant issues. It's incredibly barebones and shallow, which is made worse by the fact that even in the execution of its utterly straightforward and simplistic ideas, it fails in spectacular fashion. Worst of all, it does absolutely nothing with its intriguing central hook. This may very well be the worst game of 2023.

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The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria offers an intriguing set-up, and Moria is a compelling location to explore. However, even with decent progression, the fundamental gameplay - from building to combat - leaves much to be desired.

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