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901 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
59.2% of games recommended

MonsterVine's Reviews

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is a stellar RPG that anyone who enjoys monster-catching games has got to play. The technical issues can be frustrating and surprising, but they don’t impede the game enough to be a serious hindrance. The depth of the synthesis system and the intriguing story make The Dark Prince easily stand as one of the best RPGs of the year.

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Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a thrilling and compact continuation of the neverending and endlessly exhilarating adventures of Kazuma Kiryu. There’s plenty of content to make you feel fulfilled alongside the expectedly explosive story. This is a delightful little Like a Dragon experience that will tide you over until the next main entry.

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The DLC does fall into a lot of the problems the main game and prior DLCs did, mainly some overly large levels that take a bit longer than you’d like, and intricate hard to reach machinery that feels like you can just never get clean. It’s also very short, about the length of a Back to the Future movie. You’d also hope for a little more references to the movies themselves, there’s a cute moment when you finish cleaning the Delorean, but that’s about it.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Super Mario RPG
Nov 24, 2023

Super Mario RPG is a light and enjoyable return to the roots of Mario’s now-iconic presence in the role-playing game genre. Those looking for a more complex RPG may find it a tad too simplistic, but this remake thrives at being a straightforward and endlessly pleasant throwback to a simpler time.

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Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections is more Ultimate Ninja Storm. That’s great for me, as I enjoy the game series and the source material, but if you’ve played every Ninja Storm game, this won’t provide you with too much new content. Still, it’s a ton of fun – especially for Naruto fans who want to partake in battles between any combination of characters one can imagine.

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Nov 9, 2023

WarioWare: Move It! is another excellent entry to Nintendo’s strangest (and one of its most consistent) series. A couple of the games take a bit to get used to, but the variety of fast-paced and goofy microgames and modes provide everything you could want from a WarioWare game.

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Nov 8, 2023

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl takes all the good of its predecessor and builds upon it quite a bit. The roster is varied, the additional modes go a long way in giving the game some extra juice, and the combat is smooth and exciting. There are some bugs here and there that hinder things, but I have confidence that the future of All-Star Brawl 2 is bright.

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3 / 5.0 - Air Twister
Nov 7, 2023

Air Twister is a peculiar game that can be intriguing and fun despite its flaws. It’s neat to see Yu Suzuki go back to the success of Space Harrier all these years later, though the price may be a bit steep for those who aren’t arcade enthusiasts.

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Nov 1, 2023

They really did do a great job with this one, creating something fans of the game can fall back in love with, as well as creating what might be the best jumping-off point for new fans of the series. As I said earlier, I had NO intentions of going in as deep with this game as I did before I started writing, but here I am already wanting to go back to do some end/post-game things just because it was so enjoyable. This is a worthy entry into any RPG fans’ collection, and it does the original release great justice.

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Oct 30, 2023

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is largely the most fun Spider-Man game yet, even if its story is more uneven than I would have liked. I’m hoping the next game will finally drop the stealth missions, but fighting and flying is the best it’s ever been. Insomniac clearly gets Spider-Man, and how to make these games fun, so I hope the third main title (or whatever the next smaller spin-off is) continues to build on the best parts of this sequel.

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5 / 5 - Alan Wake 2
Oct 27, 2023

Alan Wake 2 is an incredibly rich narrative driven experience with such impressive visuals and performance that truly feels like a next-generation experience.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Gordian Quest
Oct 27, 2023

Games should exist and designers should always make games but Gordian Quest offers nothing new and does nothing exceptionally well.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Sonic Superstars
Oct 20, 2023

Sonic Superstars is largely a blast to play thanks to its various characters and wonderful presentation. Though a couple of segments drag on a bit, most of the game is a fast and flashy adventure that tries new things but stays true to what people love about Sonic, to begin with. If this is the future of 2D Sonic, then the horizon is very promising.

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Oct 19, 2023

Though Gargoyles Remastered is a bit bare when compared to other remasters, the game itself is worth revisiting (or trying out for the first time) if you’re fond of the show or just looking for a brisk retro platformer. I wish I liked the new visual style more, but even just as a retro title, it’s a good time. I’m glad to see less well-known Disney games come back to modern consoles, and I hope this trend continues going forward.

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Oct 19, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns might not push the boundaries in terms of graphics, and it certainly won’t bend your mind with its easy and straightforward deductions. However, it’s a charming game with cute character interactions, a good sense of humor, and an interesting story. Some games just make you feel happy when you play them, and I found Detective Pikachu Returns to be one of those games.

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Oct 12, 2023

Lords of the Fallen is a solid and enjoyable task but rarely goes beyond good, instead, it titters on the edge of being special. Great looking, but ultimately too safe and lacking a real bite, Lords of the Fallen may not push the genre in any real direction, but it’s a worthy addition.

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4 / 5.0 - Long Gone Days
Oct 10, 2023

It's hard for a game to live up to expectations when you've been waiting for years. As a result, I might have hoped for more from the story of Long Gone Days than it actually delivered. However, it has a good cast of characters and presents a view of how terrible war is for civilians, presented through an RPG-style structure. Despite some bugs and other flaws, Long Gone Days is still an enjoyable experience.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Mortal Kombat 1
Oct 4, 2023

Mortal Kombat 1 does a lot right, but it’s missing things that really made NetherRealm’s fighting games stand out in recent years. I hope future patches and additions build the game up to fulfill all of its potential, but the base game here feels a bit too thin on content.

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Oct 3, 2023

El Paso, Elsewhere is a solid, curious, affair. It’s unfortunate the gameplay doesn’t match the ambition shown in other elements of the game, but nonetheless, fans of a certain gruff tragedy magnet will find joy here.

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Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai could appeal to diehard fans of the anime, but its repetitive nature keeps it from being great. The game looks remarkably like the anime and the Temple of Recollection can be quite fun, but anyone who doesn’t love The Adventure of Dai can pass on this one.

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