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PlayStation LifeStyle

1732 games reviewed
73.0 average score
75 median score
49.7% of games recommended

PlayStation LifeStyle's Reviews

7 / 10.0 - Gotham Knights
Oct 24, 2022

Gotham Knights has a few interesting things going on. It’s just not enough to elevate it to the level of previous Batman games. Now, sure, technically speaking, this isn’t truly a Batman game, as the focus is on his legacy of proteges. But the Arkham series of games has elevated expectations quite high, and while Gotham Knights didn’t hit them, it has moments where it does feel like something interesting is brewing. With more to do in the city, and an easier method of switching characters, perhaps this could be the start of something greater.

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6 / 10.0 - No More Heroes 3
Oct 12, 2022

If this really is Suda51’s last major venture with Travis Touchdown, then it’s a passing ending for the “passing assassin.” There’s no re-invention here – if you got a kick out of the earlier games, then there is plenty for you to enjoy this time around. It might get a little stale as you fight a group of enemies in a Designated Fight for the umpteenth time, but at least you’ll look stylish doing it. If No More Heroes has never been your cup of wrestling-inspired ultraviolence, well, best move along then.

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Sep 14, 2022

Disney Dreamlight Valley lets players dive into a magical world full of Disney characters. It is a colorful, fun, and highly addictive adventure that is let down by a rather curious decision. It was strange to see so little love paid attention to the realms outside of the Valley that I was kind of left wondering why they even existed in the first place. However, inside the Valley is a world that sucks you in and keeps you invested in discovering all the recipes, fish, gems, and more. After 40 hours, while Disney Dreamlight Valley isn't without its flaws and odd bugs, it is well worth diving into for Disney and life simulation fans alike.

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Aug 31, 2022

If you can fling yourself over the price hurdle, The Last of Us Part 1 is absolutely the best version of the single-player game.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Saints Row
Aug 22, 2022

This may not be as over-the-top as previous Saints Row games, but it could be the start of something great.

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Aug 4, 2022

This game really snuck up and hit me with a massive combo that I wasn’t expecting, with a fully engaging story full of demons and deities, and magic and swordplay that was tons of fun. Add in well-crafted characters, beautiful graphics, simple yet enjoyable combat, and a breezy 15 hours to complete the package.

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7 / 10.0 - Digimon Survive
Aug 2, 2022

Though not as successful as Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Digimon Survive has the workings of a cult classic mainly for Digimon fans. The story, despite a few insufferable characters, explores a darker reinterpretation of the original series to its favor, and the combat system is executed moderately well for as simple as it is. The game’s art style and music have its moments too from composer Tomoki Miyoshi and artist Uichi Ukumo. However, many plot points drag on longer than necessary, the Karma system is forced, and the UI is lackluster. Developer Hyde has a spark of a good idea here, but it might not last long enough to merit a sequel.

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Overall, Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is a relaxing game where players can spend hours tending their farm without even realizing it. The experience never gets frustrating but there are a few design decisions that stop it from being great, mainly the machines that become time wasters while players wait for resources. The residents of Olive Town could be more interesting, but then the point of the game is to build a farm rather than socialize into the night. There are far worse farm sims out there, but this isn’t the best of them either.

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Jul 20, 2022

Bright Memory: Infinite feels like a tech demo someone made just to prove they could do it. It’s not a bad game, in fact it looks and feels great to play. It just doesn’t feel like a completed game, as you will reach the credits before the 2 hour mark. Sure, short games aren’t a bad thing, hell Journey was awesome. However, as I completed BM: Infinite, it left me feeling rather confused at what just happened and why it just abruptly stopped. The length is made a bigger issue by the lack of nuance in all the other aspects of the game. Lots of flash and sizzle, with no lasting impression and very little depth. It’s a bummer really, because with just a little more time paid to the story, characters, extending the game just a few more hours, and adding some location variation, this could have been so much more. I commend the developer for putting together a good looking game with solid combat, but it’s hard to recommend shelling out money to play this.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Stray
Jul 18, 2022

Despite the odd slip-up, Stray is a (mostly) relaxing game that takes clever cat interactions and turns them into a compelling adventure. The 8-10 hour story (on a completionist’s run) will certainly tug on the heartstrings in places but will not overstay its welcome. The gameplay is simple enough that it can be enjoyed by all ages although the younger children may find the Zurk imagery a bit scary. Those playing Stray on PlayStation Plus should definitely give this one a go, while those looking to buy the game on release should not have much hesitation.

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AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is an entertaining trip featuring a sharp story by Kotaro Uchikoshi, though it may not be for everyone. If you prefer to be told exactly how to solve puzzles, the easier difficulty levels can help, but ultimately the game’s nature is to be esoteric and reveal each Somnium’s secrets piece by piece. Fans of the first game will definitely enjoy this trip, while new players can hop right in without any major spoilers if they so choose. Either way, nirvanA Initiative is one game you’ll actually want to finish.

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Developers Dotemu and Tribute Games served up a most excellent pizza for everyone of all skill sets and ages to enjoy. The combat is fluid, fast-paced, and really a bodacious time full of combos. Characters' move sets were handled excellently, the sound work is top notch (that opening number!), and the levels are crafted to perfection.  There really isn't a lot to nitpick with this game, as what these developers have delivered is a masterclass of nostalgia and new-age delight.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Quarry
Jun 8, 2022

For the uninitiated, though, and there will be many on non-Sony platforms, The Quarry will deliver a memorable tale of horror full of intense moments that are wicked fun to navigate through.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Sniper Elite 5
Jun 6, 2022

Sniper Elite 5 makes small attempts at innovation but not enough to stop it from being a fairly safe entrant into the Sniper Elite franchise. The enhanced killcam, extensive weapon customization, and better skill trees help to improve the experience over Sniper Elite 4. Players will undoubtedly have fun roaming the large battlefields of France as long as they can get over the minor bugs, although we could do without those that can stop a playthrough in its tracks. While the standard multiplayer modes and Survival mode will keep players occupied for a while, Invasion mode is what will keep players coming back for more.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Soundfall
Jun 1, 2022

There is a lot of love with Soundfall. The music never fails to suck you in to each leve,l and the story and characters are cute. However it’s not all solos and encores, as the level design is rather bland and repetitive and the multiplayer leaves a lot to be desired. If you are in the mood for a dungeon crawler with a nice twist, you have a gem in Soundfall. Just don’t go expecting an overly deep loot system or anything too complex. It’s a rather straight forward game that’s all about getting lost in the sounds, which honestly can be rather nice to do.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Evil Dead: The Game
May 23, 2022

Evil Dead: The Game has a ton of appeal to fans of the horror franchise, while also offering up a good deal of gameplay for players who may not be so familiar with it. The resource management aspect to playing as a demon is intriguing, and for those who aren’t so good at strategizing, playing against AI is always an option to hone your skills. Occasional glitches take some of the shine off, and no checkpoints in the single player missions is a baffling decision. Can such a game grow long enough legs with the ever-popular games as a service model? Only time will tell. But for an asking price of $39.99, there is enough content at launch to appease most fans.

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6 / 10.0 - Dolmen
May 23, 2022

You probably could have guessed this by now, but Dolmen should have released before Elden Ring. All Soulslike games from here on out will constantly be in that game’s gigantic shadow. It’s not that there’s not enough room in this genre for more entries, especially ones that are in such a wildly different setting. It’s just that whatever games release in this space must now meet such incredibly high standards or face intense criticism and likely faltering sales. Dolmen will surely appeal to those who want a Soulslike adventure in a sci-fi setting, and perhaps were disappointed by 2020’s Hellpoint release. Just go in with lowered expectations owing to a smaller dev team, and perhaps you’ll have some fun smashing enemies to bits.

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I thoroughly enjoyed The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story, but it’s definitely an oddity in today’s gaming landscape. It’s more “interactive film” than a video game, and you should definitely go into it with the mindset that it’s something that’s meant to be watched instead of played.

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8 / 10.0 - Trek to Yomi
May 10, 2022

Trek to Yomi is a challenging, relatively quick trip to the past that is sure to entertain fans of old samurai films. The mechanics are easy to pick up, but difficult to master. The story is engaging, and surprisingly branches with different endings. With a campaign length of around 5 – 7 hours for most players and priced right at $19.99, this is a game that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Repeating sections is not easy with no real save management, and the 2D combat may not appeal to everyone, but it’s hard to ignore the authentic look and feel that such a design choice adds to Trek to Yomi. If you’ve got a day or two to spare, this is one to not overlook.

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May 10, 2022

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a good game that introduces you to a bright and colorful cast of characters and the world they inhabit. It’s short and sweet, with the main story missions costing me 10 hours, but it leaves just enough of an impression without overstaying its welcome. I do worry that it’s releasing a bit too early compared to the main entry and with a game focused around questing, it’s so disappointing how badly the questing system and UI is setup. There is also a lot of needless backtracking that could have been avoided. All that being said, it’s a good start and for those Suikoden fans out there, it brings out a lot of nostalgia and moments that feel like Suikoden. Great start from Rabbit & Bear, we can’t wait to see what’s next.

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