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1648 games reviewed
70.1% of games recommended's Reviews

Liked - Pocket Oasis
May 12, 2024

Pocket Oasis is chill, nice to look at, and a fun idle game to play while you are doing something else. It doesn’t require a whole lot from you, and your plants seem to grow even while the game is closed. It’s fun, but I think it could use a little bit more love from the development team. With a little tweaking, Pocket Oasis could be the best relaxing idle game I’ve ever played.

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Loved - Hand in Hand
May 11, 2024

Hand in Hand is a beautifully created game with a narrative which is sure to warm the hearts of young and old alike. It’s challenging without being frustrating, and I absolutely loved playing it. I have still yet to complete it, but my 11-year-old and I are working on it and enjoying bonding time while we do so. I’d definitely recommend this game in co-op mode rather than solo mode purely because it’s far easier to navigate one character than two, but if you’re up for a challenge, then solo mode is also worth a shot. Either way, Hand in Hand is a beautiful addition to the Nintendo Switch catalogue

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May 10, 2024

A round of ap-paws for Little Kitty, Big City. It’s the purr-fect offering of adventure, humour and collecting. There is the fun of exploring the big city and puzzling out how to get to different areas. The entertaining conversations with the various residents, coupled with the amusing actions of the adorable kitten. The plethora of quests and collectables will keep you busy for several hours.

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Liked-a-lot - Imagine Earth
May 9, 2024

Imagine Earth is an enjoyable sci-fi strategy to play on the Switch. It also has a pretty simple economic system that is not too complex to get to grips with. Plus, the game offers high replay value, as you can try out the scenarios using different strategies, so there is lots of replayability for your cash. I can see myself returning often to play Imagine Earth on my Switch. If sci-fi strategy games are your thing, Imagine Earth is a game to consider purchasing and adding to your game library.

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May 9, 2024

Tell Me Your Story is a heartwarming homage to our grandparents and their roles in our lives – by loving us and watching and helping us grow, telling us stories, and imparting us with life-learned lessons. This is a game that goes straight to my cozy go-to list of games, with the likes of Unpacking and Minami Lane to pick me up on a rainy day.

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Liked-a-lot - Jigsaw Puzzle Dreams
May 8, 2024

Jigsaw Puzzle Dreams is the best jigsaw puzzle game I have ever played. It only has one issue: it is pretty graphics intensive. It seems to run my computer a little hot, but nothing my gaming laptop can’t handle. I feel that most people’s computers would have a little trouble keeping this running well. But if you like jigsaw puzzles and you have a fairly decent machine, you cannot go wrong with Jigsaw Puzzle Dreams.

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May 7, 2024

Rainbow Cotton is okay but not great. The developers have had a valiant crack at bringing the game to Nintendo Switch and adding a few modern touches. Unfortunately, some core problems with the game still persist. Like many games that started strong in 2D, the transition to 3D hasn’t worked great for Cotton. Shooting doesn’t feel that satisfying; movement is sluggish, and difficulty is very unbalanced in places. The game does shine with its presentation and graphics. Overall, I settled on liking the game myself. But I would say this is really only for the retro and die-hard Cotton fans. If you’re starting your Cotton adventure, I would suggest trying Cotton Reboot and circling back to this if the series clicks with you.

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May 6, 2024

While writing my review, I kept going back and forth in my verdict on the game. I’m having a grand time playing Endless Ocean Luminous. Writing about it made me want to play it, which is always a good sign. The Story Mode, however, is a big letdown. It does an awful job as a tutorial, and it feels grindy to unlock the chapters. The treasures you can find and things you can do with your coins seem a bit meagre. I wonder if people will feel enough incentive to return once the novelty wears off. The game will have to prove itself with the upcoming Dive Festivals, as the Shared Dives are the star of the show. Looking at the price point, I feel it’s too high to warrant an I Like it a Lot. I’m enjoying Endless Ocean Luminous, but it needs some more oomph.

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Shockman 3 will not appeal to everyone, but I liked this game. The gameplay formula is very simple and probably hasn’t aged as well as other entries in the series. However, with its over-exaggerated anime presentation and tight controls, I had an absolute blast with it. Easy to recommend to fans of the series or retro gamers. But if retro is not your thing, you can give this one a miss. Still, for a low price point, even the curious should consider giving this a go just to see how great the PC Engine CD was.

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Liked-a-lot - Hexguardian
May 2, 2024

Hexguardian won me over with its simple but addictive gameplay. While the familiar foundations of a tower defence game are all here, the random generation and ability to manipulate the terrain made this a game I was keen to jump back into run after run. I guess if you absolutely despise the tower defence genre, this may not be the case for you. But if you’re looking for a fun game to enjoy in long or short bursts and you don’t mind playing on PC, then this is well worth picking up or at least adding to your wishlist. For me, the game is Hex-Cellent. If you want to try it first, there is a free demo available on Steam.

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Liked-a-lot - Surmount
May 2, 2024

I was delighted to find that Surmount was more than just a platforming adventure of climbing a single mountain. The side expeditions, storyline and humorous interactions with other climbers make it a joyful experience, even for those of us whose climbing skills are lacking. The coordination needed to control your little climber grabbing the rock face and flinging them in the right direction is harder than it looks and makes this a challenging adventure. The option of a local co-op is a great addition and makes Surmount a fun game to share. Unfortunately, my co-op player and I glitched a few too many times to give Surmount a Two Thumbs Up (our initial thoughts). But it made us smile and laugh, especially with low gravity, so it’s a:

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May 1, 2024

I’m having a blast playing this game while I know nothing about other Touhou Projects, or Gensokyo for that matter. For fans of the games who love a bit of time management simulation, Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya is a must-play. It’s not just about cooking dishes quickly and sufficiently; the simulation aspect is fleshed out nicely as well. Chatting with characters during the day and serving them the best dishes at night ensures their friendship level rises. Which in turn leads to hearing their unique stories and their help in getting recipes, ingredients and so on. Add a great soundtrack and good graphics to all that, and you’ll understand why I love this game.

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Apr 30, 2024

Another Crab’s Treasure has some bugs and some issues, it has some platforming challenges I prefer to never do again if I can help it, but overall, it’s a wonderful game. There is a lot of humor, a lot of beauty, and a wonderful story and music in this title (oh man, this review is already over 2,000 words, and I didn’t even talk about how good the story and music were! I have so much more I could say about this game). It’s a triumph of a Souls-like that is welcoming, accessible, and funny. I love this game more than I can say, and I think it’s art. But sadly, I can’t give it a very good rating based on the version I played. I can say that I recommend this game to everyone who has ever wanted to play a Souls-like but couldn’t get through it. I recommend this to everyone who ever loved absurdist SpongeBob SquarePants humor. I recommend this to anyone who loves Little Mermaid. If you want to laugh, cry, and have a really good time, pick up Another Crab’s Treasure. But if you have a choice, don’t pick it up on the Nintendo Switch.

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Apr 29, 2024

I don’t love The Lullaby of Life, but I do like it, and I did get quite attached to Bombo while playing the game. I enjoyed the music and how the game looks. But at times, it certainly was not as relaxing as the blurb on the Steam page would lead you to believe. However, if you have high dexterity and are quick off the mark when pressing the right buttons to send out the soundwaves, then The Lullaby of Life might be for you.

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Apr 29, 2024

Echoes of the Plum Grove is a charming addition to the well-populated farming/survival sim games genre. While none of the gameplay mechanics are particularly novel, the game’s unique look is sure to attract quite a few fans. At the same time, the game offers more than enough content to make you stay in-game for several seasons.

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Liked-a-lot - RoboSync
Apr 27, 2024

RoboSync is a short, sweet puzzle game that is cheap and offers a unique little gaming experience. It’s fun, challenging, and simple to learn. If you enjoy these kinds of puzzles that hyperfocus on one type of puzzle, you will most likely get a kick out of RoboSync.

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Liked - Cats Balance
Apr 26, 2024

Cats Balance is a delightful little puzzle game created entirely in a cozy color palette and pixel graphics. The music is pleasant enough, but it can be played with music off while doing something else, as I did.

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Mixed - Doctor Cat
Apr 25, 2024

In all honesty, I was pretty disappointed with Doctor Cat. I like the idea, and the artwork is spectacular, but the execution is not amazing. If you are looking for a jigsaw puzzle-type game and you are willing to shell out $6 USD for 12-24 puzzles, I can recommend this game. The puzzles are pretty fun. However, the rest of the game, from the music to the text, kind of let me down. I’m not sure how I feel about Doctor Cat. I am certainly not in love with it, and I know I am disappointed at what was missing, but I did have some fun with the actual puzzles. However, I’m not sure I can recommend this game.

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Apr 24, 2024

Poorzzle – Puzzle Alive is one of those puzzle games that is particularly frustrating. It’s clean, the action is great, and the sound design is okay, but the overall product is not as much fun as it could easily be. I was very disappointed with how this turned out, considering how good the basic idea, look, and feel of the game was. Free or not, I think this developer needs a few more playtesters and translation help.

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Liked-a-lot - Sagres
Apr 23, 2024

Sagres feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch, especially in handheld mode. It is an addictive adventure that can be picked up in long and short bursts that will particularly appeal to players who like numbers and stats. The difficulty can spike a bit unfairly in places, and missions can sometimes feel repetitive. But with an addictive gameplay loop and impressive detail to history and geography, Sagres is currently looking like one of the best hidden gems this year. If you’re looking for something different to become immersed in, then I highly recommend sailing the seas of the eShop to find this.

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