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1688 games reviewed
80.4 average score
80 median score
64.0% of games recommended

Digital Chumps's Reviews

Nov 2, 2023

Ebenezer and the Invisible World has its moments of fun and rewarding exploration through completing optional sidequests and finding secrets. It looks great, too. However, its big swings in the form of ghost management and stiff traversal/combat lends to a less than stellar experience. May this experience become better in the future with more time and polish? Absolutely, but it's worth waiting to see what happens.

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Nov 2, 2023

You know at the end of the day, LOTF (2023) has a lot of great aspects, but man these bugs are numerous, significant, and very damaging to the experience. Hexworks is probably going to make this right — I believe they will. If Cyberpunk 2077 can do it, so can these guys and frankly LOTF does not have as far to go to be made right. LOTF could be a great investment of your money and time, but in complete transparency, it’s going to take them some more time to get there. I’d recommend waiting to bite on this one for a few more months until things are really ironed out and tuned. It’s not like we don’t all have a ton of other things to play anyway — but the state of LOTF right now is just too technically unsound to give it a glowing thumbs up. There’s still a great game undernearth all the mess if you can survive the bugginess, but give it a little more time to ripen for now and I think you’ll be glad you did.

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9.5 / 10.0 - The 7th Guest
Nov 1, 2023

The 7th Guest VR is a homage to a classic game from 1993. Developer Vertigo Games delivers a unique and remade vision of the original title and still includes the ambiance and puzzles that made the first game so memorable. The additional retelling of the narrative and how that narrative is presented in VR format makes this one of the best virtual reality experiences to date.

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9.8 / 10.0 - Dave the Diver
Oct 30, 2023

I wish I didn't have to review Dave the Diver because of how much I worry about letting too much of its best parts slip. It's a fantastic title that's worth "going in blind" simply because of how it continuously surprises players, including me. Its Switch port maintains its greatness, barring some slight visibility issues of the smaller fishies and the loading screens, so it's hard for me to recommend the Switch version if you're deciding on which platform to purchase Dave the Diver. However, one thing is certain: You should not miss out on Dave the Diver this holiday season. It's a pearl in an ocean of other holiday AAA titles vying for your attention.

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9 / 10.0 - World of Horror
Oct 29, 2023

World of Horror from developer panstasz is a wonderful 80s-inspired horror adventure game that brings a roguelite backbone, a turn-based component with a sprinkle of RPG, and plenty of horror that might make you wonder what the heck inspired the devs to create such unsettling tales. The only place the game falls short is in its overwhelming menu system, which is far simpler than it looks once you go through the tutorial.

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6 / 10.0 - PAYDAY 3
Oct 28, 2023

Payday 3's catastrophic debut has instilled little faith in me. Despite a strong mechanical core and knowledge of Starbreeze's past support, it's apparent the game needed months more to cook and even then it may lose all but a hardcore audience.

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'Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged' is a trip of childhood nostalgia for kids who grew up wanting to slam on the gas and experience speed...but if you're someone who played the first and is looking to see what's up with the newest edition, you might fall flat at the starting line.

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7.6 / 10.0 - Ghostrunner 2
Oct 24, 2023

On the whole, though, Ghostrunner 2 is a good game. It’s not my preferred type of first person action, but what it does is unique, cool, and rather well done. As mentioned out the outset, if you liked the first game and want to see a modest, but confident, evolution of that, GR2 is for you. It successfully makes the GR experience more robust without taking away from the unique action the first game offered.

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Oct 24, 2023

If you're wanting to expand your musical tastes or play some more of Invector: Rhythm Galaxy, I recommend that you get at least one of its song packs. The Spinnin' pack is more for EDM folks, whereas Latin Power contains great choices for those interested in reggaeton/Latin pop music. I'm a smidge disappointed that the packs only contain music and not much else, but hey – the tracks themselves are excellent candidates for a rhythm game and will assuredly join your "on repeat" playlist this holiday season.

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Oct 22, 2023

Jackbox Party Pack 10 is a step in the right direction for the series. What works is mostly new content with Fixy Text, Time Jinx, and Hypnotorious. The inclusion of Tee K.O.’d 2 is a firm reminder of why the first Tee K.O.’d is considered the best game in the Jackbox family, but also shows us that not much has changed with the sequel. As for the Dodo Re Mi game, it needs to get fixed on the backend side for it to be entertaining. The overall package is worth a look.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Haunted House
Oct 20, 2023

Haunted House from developer Orbit Studio and publisher Atari is a fantastic upgrade to the original 2600 game. The rogue-lite adventure is packed full of strategy with a properly grindy backbone that will encourage you to come back for more. The game also carries some faults which are small road bumps that you will occasionally feel on your journey. It is certainly worth a go, especially if you’re a fan of the original.

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6 / 10.0 - EA Sports FC 24
Oct 17, 2023

EA FC 24, the revamped FIFA, brings a breath of fresh air with its dynamic menu, "precision pass," and reintroduction of female athletes in Ultimate Team. However, it grapples with lingering connectivity troubles and a lack of innovation. On a positive note, the elimination of position-altering consumables, in Ultimate Team, and the introduction of "playstyles" offer enhanced gameplay depth. All in all, EA FC 24 caters to football enthusiasts, offering a small blend of new features while still wrestling with the same gameplay formula.

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Oct 16, 2023

Like its web-slinging hero, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 pulls double duty. Not only does this sequel vastly improve on the original, it has become the zenith of superhero features, bursting with blockbuster setpieces and sublime open-world action.

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8.8 / 10.0 - Sonic Superstars
Oct 13, 2023

Sonic Superstars has shaped up to be a Sonic game that is reminiscent of the Genesis days yet futureproofed for newer players to enjoy. It's in no way a perfect Sonic game, but it's a fantastic reinvigoration of some of the best facets of the Sonic series thus far.

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Oct 13, 2023

Even if ROTT does not stand the test of time as well as other classics of its day, I’m still happy that Nightdive and New Blood released the Ludicrous Edition. While not without its shortcomings, and honestly these are the same shortcomings its always had, the game remains pretty unique, challenging, and fun more often than not. I love that all three original Campaigns are included, as well as a big brand new one, and that several nice options are included as well that give players a more customized and slightly modernized experience. All of this for a very reasonable MSRP of $20 make ROTT: Ludicrous Edition an easy recommend for anyone that enjoyed it some thirty years ago or those that want to take on an old school, hyper-violent, and challenging FPS.

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8.3 / 10.0 - NHL 24
Oct 11, 2023

'NHL 24' is definitely a step back in the right direction...While there are still some negative spots for the game, this is still worth the price of a ticket to play in the NHL and makes me feel excited for the future.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Long Gone Days
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days makes an incredibly easy recommendation for those wanting a narrative-forward and cerebral RPG that will make you feel emotions along story beats. It excels in storytelling and creating feelings of fear out of a war-torn alternate reality where geopolitical tensions are as equally sensitive as they are now. But, if you want an RPG that encourages thoughtful party management and turn-based combat, you should look elsewhere.

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Oct 8, 2023

Assassin’s Creed Mirage from developer Ubisoft Bordeaux is a scaled-back version of the last three games. It puts more focus on story delivery than it does on gameplay options and complete execution of them. It’s a good game with a wonderful lead character, but at the end of the day, you’re probably going to leave the experience wanting more.

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Oct 7, 2023

The Fabulous Fear Machine from developer Fictiorama Studios is a test of skill as much as it is a test of patience. It’s a complicated game that is RISK-like and presents a wickedly good time in classic horror comic book form.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Summum Aeterna
Oct 4, 2023

Summum Aeterna is a good, but slightly difficult, roguelike that takes place in the universe of Aeterna Noctis. While it doesn't fully succeed in its world crawling fantasy of selecting starting biomes with benefits and detriments, it definitely removes much of the roguelike frustrations by giving the player permanent power in many forms. It's a gorgeous roguelike I can see myself returning to just so I can feel powerful, albeit not as powerful as I felt while playing Aeterna Noctis.

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