Monster Hunter World Reviews
Monster Hunter opens up for the most accessible, most detailed and most magnificent entry yet.
Bold and newly beautiful, Monster Hunter: World demands to be played on its own terms and rewards you with an amazing RPG.
With gameplay that will appeal to newcomers and veterans alike, Monster Hunter World is a dense, addicting adventure that hooks its claws into you and never lets go.
Monster Hunter: World's thrilling fights with fantastic beasts never get old, even if they require tiresome item management during downtime.
This beautifully implemented port is a perfect PC introduction to the joys of Monster Hunter.
A triumph for the series and one of this generation's greatest games yet. Monster Hunter World takes the beating heart of a vital, niche franchise and elevates it toward universal appeal.
Intense battles, rewarding progression loops, and excellent multiplayer experiences make this the best Monster Hunter game to date
Monster Hunter's attempt to reach the PC audience performs beautifully and plays well
Monster Hunter World successfully proves that it's both about size and how you use it.
The other key loop in the game lies in all the armor you can craft, and the massive trees of weapon upgrades available. Most armor comes from harvesting parts from monsters, with some extra bits of ore or bone thrown in for good measure. Each set of armor comes with strengths to different types of elements, but what will surely sway many players between one piece and the next is the look; there are certain sets I still covet. Since there is no feasible way to get a full five-piece set from killing a monster one time, it takes multiple kills to collect all the scales, membranes, quills and pelts required.
The things that have been simplified are things that were needlessly time-consuming in the first place...What hasn't changed is hunting monsters with beautifully balanced weaponry, and that was always the point.
The truth is, Monster Hunter has always been brilliant – but it's always been niche. Monster Hunter World feels like the right game to finally crack that – a game that makes smart changes that might finally mean that a wider audience will at last fully understand, experience and enjoy that brilliance.
For the first entry into a new generation, Monster Hunter: World wastes no efforts in making itself a sprawling experience with enough content to keep people going even without the planned free DLC quests.
Monster Hunter: World is one of the more rewarding action role-playing games I've played in recent years.
From the gorgeous visuals to the design in its monsters and ecosystems, Capcom has made the best Monster Hunter game yet. It's just a shame it doesn't help with its complex systems an occasionally poor explanations of them.
This long standing series makes an outrageously good current gen debut. The size and scope of the environments, and the monsters in them, is awe inspiring, making Monster Hunter: World a true (lizard) king of games.
They created an immersive living and breathing world, allowing players to fully enjoy the charm of the titular monsters within a credible ecosystem. Combined with solid improvements in story and gameplay, this makes Monster Hunter World a must-have game for veteran fans and novices alike.
Capcom will hunt new players with his biggest Monster Hunter game. At the same time it continues to feed the hardcore fans with a title that has all the keys to the series and important news. But now we will be facing bigger and more beautiful monsters and environments.
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Monster Hunter World has brought Capcom back to the forefront of the industry, and has expanded its players base thanks to launching the game in the West and Middle East at the same time with Japan. The game has provided an amazing game world that will be difficult to achieve its quality from any other game this year, It is a promising start to another year marked by stunning games.
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