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1028 games reviewed
73.3 average score
80 median score
55.3% of games recommended

Game Rant's Reviews

As the universe celebrates the prevention of its extinction, there is much debate about what awaits the future of Destiny and our Guardians. After all, the universe is a big place, and threats unknown or unresolved are bound to rear their heads sooner or later. There might be uncertainty in where the Guardians go from here, but there is also comfort in the certainty that this is not the end, but a new beginning – one where each Guardian makes their own fate.

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Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance offers a lot for players, both old and new; an impressive enhanced art style, multiple story paths, and a definitive sense of the series progressing from what it once was. There may not be a ton of new things to justify purchasing the game again, but the additions that are here are excellent at keeping fans intrigued about what's going to happen next. Long-time fans will likely already know what they're getting into, as the game hasn't changed its turn-based combat and capture loops in a while. Still, those same fans have kept these games going until now, and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is another in a long line of enjoyable titles in the long-running series.

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Jun 11, 2024

Minor issues of pacing and controls aside, V Rising on PS5 is a more than worthy port. Its expressive customization options, unfolding combat mechanics, and flexible build options have made it a must-own for PC players, and now the same can be said for PlayStation players. If you're a fan of survival games, action-RPGs, and Gothic horror, you can't do much better than V Rising.

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Overall, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut feels like a fantastic port. The game was already an amazing open-world adventure, and the PC has made that even better. While the controls may be cumbersome at times, this is still probably the best way to play this game. Whether players are playing it for the first time or jumping in again, Jin Sakai's journey is definitely worth the price of admission.

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Jun 1, 2024

Hypercharge: Unboxed doesn't revolutionize the shooter market or offer anything new, but what it does provide is a highly polished, chaotic, and lovingly crafted experience for players who have an itch for retro games and addictive combat loops. There's certainly an argument to be made that this version is coming a little too late into its life cycle, but if Hypercharge: Unboxed can find a consistent and renewed audience with this long-awaited release on Xbox consoles, then perhaps the future is indeed bright for this zany, old school shooter.

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Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game is not going to convert anyone that isn't already a fan of these types of games, and honestly, there are better, more polished versions of this already out there. Hardcore fans of the Killer Klowns movie will get the most out of the game adaptation, and it's hard to recommend it to anyone else, really. The game has its moments, but it's unlikely to keep most players entertained for all that long.

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There is simply nothing else like Hellblade 2 on the market and that alone kept me enthralled the whole way through. Its pared-down elements might not be mechanically complex, but they give the story a momentum that makes it hard to put down. Ninja Theory tackles themes that are challenging and not often seen in games, with a backdrop that vacillates between the epic and the intimate. It's approach doesn't have widespread appeal, but Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is as close to an interactive movie as we’ve seen yet.

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It's a good thing that Braid's puzzles are hard enough for players to get stuck on, because otherwise, the game would be an even shorter experience than it already is. Back in 2008, some critics singled out Braid's short length as one of its flaws, and that rings true in 2024 as well. Even with the added content, Braid: Anniversary Edition is very short, to the point where most players will be able to finish it in about three hours. A consequence of its short length is that the time-manipulation gimmicks feel like they don't really reach their full potential. There are only a handful of puzzles for each gimmick, and then players move on to the next world and the next gimmick. It would have been great to see a bit more meat on the bones for the Anniversary Edition.

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Lorelei and the Laser Eyes can sometimes feel like the Dark Souls of puzzle games, but no one will regret challenging themselves to solve its many mysteries. Players who enjoy analyzing complex stories will have a blast taking apart the many layers to Lorelei and the Laser Eye's bizarre tale, while those looking for an addicting puzzle game will find it to be an incredibly satisfying adventure. Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a must-play puzzle game and one of the genre's best.

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May 11, 2024

Overall, Homeworld 3 feels like a great return to form for this iconic RTS franchise. Diehard fans will love experiencing what comes next in this turbulent galaxy, while newcomers can use this as the perfect way to jump into the series for the first time. And even though some of the controls can be unintuitive and the camera needs a bit of work, the battles seem to be as exciting as ever. It really feels like Blackbird Interactive understood just what makes Homeworld and the RTS genre tick here, so hopefully there are plenty more adventures in store for the future.

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May 1, 2024

Indika hits incredibly high levels of zaniness and suspense and mixes the two so well that it creates a sought-after experience. Players will want to keep playing just to know how it ends, and most storytellers would love to hear that is their listeners' motivation. The game dips its toes in both the surreal and real in equal measure, and winds up being an enjoyable tale even through the most boring walking simulator-like parts. Odd Meter is doing interactive story-telling right, and Indika is a tale that will delight many and have them questioning everything.

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May 1, 2024

Fans of classic survival horror games don't need to think twice about picking up Crow Country. The game is a love letter to old-school horror titles from the 90s, and is one of the better attempts at recreating the feel of PS1 horror on modern platforms. It's a short, but sweet adventure with solid replay value and fun puzzles that perfectly captures the feeling of playing an old horror game on a PS1. The optional Exploration mode, which does away with combat to let players focus entirely on puzzle-solving, means that even horror fans who don't like 90s-era survival horror combat and ammo management can safely pick up Crow Country and have a great time.

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Apr 25, 2024

It's hard not to suspect that deciding to put SaGa Emerald Beyond onto mobile gaming platforms hurt the game in many ways. From its lackluster art style, to a bevy of mostly un-engaging characters, the few hints of that Square Enix touch can't be found anywhere except within the cinematic combat moments and the length of the story overall. While interesting combat can carry a game a long way, there isn't enough of it to satisfy the majority of users. There will be some players who don't mind the pages and pages of dialogue, and won't care about the seemingly made-for-mobile art styles, but it's hard not to see these dragging SaGa Emerald Beyond down towards mediocrity and below.

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Apr 24, 2024

There's a difficulty spike with the last couple of boss fights, but for the most part, Stellar Blade is like a breezier, sci-fi Sekiro. The near-naked main character is unsurprisingly stealing a lot of attention, but remove that element from the equation and what's left is an absolutely incredible action game that provides a satisfying challenge and rewarding melee combat. Simply put, Stellar Blade is the next great action game and one of the PS5's best exclusives.

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Apr 24, 2024

Sand Land's story, characters, and progression are among its best features, all of which stand out in the JRPG genre and are fondly remembered, even after the credits roll. While its open world may rely a bit too much on the open-world model that many gamers have come to dislike, its exploration still proves to be a rewarding venture that feeds into its satisfying progression system. ILCA and Bandai Namco Entertainment have created something worthwhile in Sand Land, suitable for fans of the original manga and newcomers alike.

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While the Soulslike genre is no stranger to cute indie entries or a sense of humor, there's nothing quite like Another Crab's Treasure on the market. It affectionately parodies many Souls games in its Sands Between, while executing their tropes with all the passion of a hardcore fan. Another Crab’s Treasure's family-friendly face hides surprising savagery, but doesn't neglect anyone who wants the relaxed experience it teases. Even its mechanics are often recycled from other Soulsbornes, but used in novel ways, even if there's some polish missing here and there. Delving into Another Crab's Treasure will unearth a mixture of the familiar and the unknown, the perfect accomplice to its quirky journey through the deep, blue sea.

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When playing through The Last Case of Benedict Fox, it's clear that the developer had high ambitions for the project, but none of it really comes together in the end. Combat feels unresponsive, puzzles quickly become tedious, sound design is lacking, the story is hard to follow and delivered with sub-par voice acting, and that's simply too much for some nice lighting and visual effects to paper over, especially when games like Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and Ultros exist.

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Apr 16, 2024

Lucid Dreams Studio's Biomorph is a solid Metroidvania that should definitely scratch the itch for any fan craving more from the genre, and with a neat Kirby gimmick to boot. Its strong platforming and level design elevate Biomorph's otherwise straightforward approach to the genre, while its main issues mostly come from a desire to see the game do more with its concepts. Despite some lacking elements that do take away from the overall experience, there is nothing here that stops Biomorph from being an easy recommendation in a genre already filled with great releases.

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Apr 13, 2024

Despite it never really standing out from the crowd, Inkbound does a decent job of creating a fight, die, and repeat cycle that is equal parts entertaining and challenging. Running the gauntlets of the various books with friends or strangers is an undoubtedly fun experience, and since unlockables can be earned in-game, it will perhaps drive a lot of players to keep at the grind a bit longer than they normally would. Those looking for something familiar but with a new twist should keep their eyes on Inkbound, and be ready to dive into the books and write their own adventures.

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Apr 11, 2024

While Broken Roads' combat system is not bad, it does feel a bit lacking when compared to other titles. The map sizes are rather small, the enemies and allies are not that varied, and there does not seem to be a lot to do, especially in the early game. Most combat encounters simply boil down to moving to a spot, shooting a gun, and then waiting for the next turn to come around. There are very few exciting abilities, but it feels like most characters play the same. Things improve as players progress further through the game, but nailing down the early game combat is important to keep players engaged, and it feels like Broken Roads fails to do that.

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