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1735 games reviewed
71.7 average score
75 median score
55.3% of games recommended

WayTooManyGames's Reviews

May 23, 2024

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is a tricky beast. On one hand, I was impressed by the realistic visuals, the voice acting, the music, and Senua’s growth as a character. On the other hand, its pacing was awkward, even though it was short. It suffered from a lackluster third act. It’s pretentious, to an arrogant degree. It was also quite devoid of gameplay, focusing more on spectacle than substance.

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May 23, 2024

I enjoyed my time with Duck Detective: The Secret Salami a lot more than I was initially expecting. It proved to be a more engaging experience than what I first thought from the trailer. Sure, some of the gameplay and interrogation elements could have been fleshed out more, but at its core, it’s a game that has more intricacies than it lets on at first.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Indika
May 20, 2024

INDIKA might have been hit and miss with some of its gameplay elements and had some pacing issues, but one thing is certain: it’s definitely a game that swung for the fences and took a lot of risks. It’s weird and bizarre in all the best ways. It’s a game that hooks you right from the start and will hold your attention until the credits roll. I can’t say it’s a happy experience, but it’s one with a very clear vision and strong message, controversial as it might be. INDIKA is one of those rare games that takes you completely by surprise and sticks with you long after you’ve finished it.

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May 19, 2024

It was sweet, good-natured, and the directionality allowed me to just enjoy the interactions without worrying about saying the wrong thing and getting a bad ending. The score is lovely, the character design is bright and engaging, and the settings change enough to have plenty of variety.

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May 19, 2024

In a world absolutely oversaturated with Soulslikes at the moment, it’s hard to say that Another Crab’s Treasure will even make a splash. While it’s cute, and has the difficulty levels to fit the genre, the actual controls don’t feel particularly cooperative, and I found when I was trying to dodge attacks, I would very rarely move the way I feel like I should. Unlike other games in the genre, Another Crab’s Treasure starts to look bland very quickly.

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Outside of that all, Please Leave Me Alone, I Need to Poop is a short joke, not overpriced or overstaying its welcome, but is decidedly hard to motivate players into unlocking everything.

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May 17, 2024

Is there a reason to pick Samurai Warriors 4 DX up if its sequel has been readily available on PC for the past couple of years? Yes. That is, if you’re into Musou-style catharsis. It might not be as pretty or polished as its sequel, but it makes up for it with a lot (and boy, do I mean a LOT) of content.

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May 17, 2024

I still think it’s not the single greatest indie of all time, but there’s no denying there’s a lot to like about Braid, especially if you decide to pick up this Anniversary edition. Having this on the Switch, with downright gorgeous visuals, a neat screen resolution, and so many additional levels, is just a no-brainer. Even if you don’t consider it to be the big daddy of the indie scene, it’s an important title, and it’s worth checking out, at the very least, for you to learn a bit more about the history of gaming, and how this little piece of software changed the world without even trying that hard.

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May 16, 2024

Reviewing PO’ed: Definitive Edition is weird because, sure, the game is actually terrible, but it’s not Nightdive’s fault at all. On the contrary, they have done quite a lot of work remastering its visuals and improving its controls. Sadly, the core ideas, the original level design, those haven’t changed at all, and Nightdive wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it.

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7 / 10.0 - Animal Well
May 15, 2024

It’s impeccably well-designed, with a ton of secrets to unfold, but I also feel it wasn’t that much fun at all times. I’m all for a game not holding my hand throughout its entire runtime, but it didn’t need to feel so cryptic, and so focused on trial-and-error, especially when its checkpoints were way too far away from each other. At times, I loved exploring its many secrets. Other times, I felt so frustrated I wanted to throw my Switch across the room. All in all, it’s still worth checking out if you’re into a deceptively complex metroidvania, but be aware of some truly obnoxious design choices and roadblocks.

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May 14, 2024

Awesome. This is Mullet MadJack in a nutshell. It could have easily been just another first-person shooter with a neat visual gimmick, but its developers went above and beyond with a lot of style and a fantastic gameplay loop, which is equally enjoyable in either Easy or Hard difficulties, for completely different reasons. It doesn’t matter if you just want to feel overpowered against an army of robots, or if you’re looking for a challenge: Mullet MadJack delivers in spades.

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May 14, 2024

It’s a disheartening game that is tedious, seemingly random and honestly runs so terribly slowly on console. I Am Your President is trying to poke fun at the establishment and probably provide some spoof-esque humor, but the delivery is underbaked, flat and just a slog. For Americans, unless you’re already a zealot about the elephant or the donkey, this isn’t going to ingratiate the political circuit to you any further. If you’re from outside the U.S., I cannot imagine the appeal of this game in any capacity.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Heading Out
May 11, 2024

Heading Out combines genres and styles which might sound incompatible at first glance, but did so in a very interesting manner, resulting in a truly unique roguelike experience. I, for one, really liked the presentation as well, with its slick visuals and soundtrack. It’s not entirely perfect, as the driving could have been more polished, and the pop-in glitches really took me out of the experience at times. That being said, it’s a game unlike any other out there, which wlll definitely keep you engaged through a good few runs.

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8 / 10.0 - Sker Ritual
May 11, 2024

Overall, Sker Ritual was a lot more of what I wanted and way more than I could have expected from it. Is this going to be a Call of Duty: Zombies killer? Maybe not as of now, but it’s clearly a really good step in the right direction, as that series simply doesn’t care about having to improve anymore. Even though it’s completely different from its predecessor, Sker Ritual is a pleasant surprise, a well-polished game, and something I definitely plan to continue returning to often, especially if there are any big content updates in the future.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Sagres
May 10, 2024

The gameplay loop became repetitive after a while, as there is just so much you can do in terms of trading, loot, and exploring. The combat was an utter joke. I appreciate the effort, but this just didn’t land with me at all…

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May 10, 2024

Tales of Kenzera: Zau is a great concept that was clearly pushed forward by a good writer and storyteller. There is a deep narrative here that I enjoyed and it really carries the whole package here. While it starts out as a fairly simple, run-of-the-mill metroidvania gameplay wise, it is unfortunately brought way down by its lack of polish and design. Too often I felt like I was fighting the game itself instead of actually enjoying a good challenge. While the story shines bright, its enjoyment is diminished by its frustrating gameplay design.

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3 / 10.0 - Rainbow Cotton
May 7, 2024

Maybe it was too difficult to incorporate, maybe it made the game too easy, I couldn’t tell you. What I can say is Rainbow Cotton is the magical girl wrapped version of a Cybertruck. Quirky and odd, the novelty wears off when you can’t control it and it ultimately crashes and burns, killing you with design flaws that the creators were well aware of.

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May 7, 2024

You need the proper mindset to enjoy it properly. If what you want is a relaxing, exploratory game, and if you’re into collectionism and task-completion, without having to actually resort to any complex mechanics or hardships, this will be a perfect fit. If not, you may find this game to be quite boring, possibly a bit pretentious. Thankfully, I sided with the former.

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All in all, if you like Demon Slayer and you like Mario Party, there’s a really good chance you’ll have fun with this game, as niche as this condition can be. At least for a little bit. Much like Mario Party though, it may just be saved for parties when you have people around to play with because it’s not exactly the most thrilling thing to play alone, and as mentioned already, you won’t be able to find people online to play with unless you’re really, really lucky.

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May 2, 2024

It does have a lot of issues, but Outcast: A New Beginning also features its fair share of saving graces. It is flawed, but a somewhat good time in smaller bursts. It’s a shame its open world design felt generic, never succeeding at captivating me, because the core combat mechanics and admittedly great visual design did a lot of heavy lifting. It’s an unapologetic old-school game in its premise and content; it doesn’t try to be anything else, nor does it try to punch above its weight. Whether you think this is commendable or not is up to your opinion.

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