Ryan Poxon

2 games reviewed
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Dec 23, 2013

Super Mario 3D World is a joy from beginning to end, and is the best game for the Wii U so far. The game features the same perfected platforming mechanics and endlessly creative level designs that fans have come to expect from the icon of gaming. It may not be as grandiose and epic in the vein of the Galaxy series and does perhaps feel a little too familiar to 3D Land, but this would have been a much stronger title to kickstart Nintendo's first foray into high definition gaming. It's possible that with the pretty frequent releases of Mario games in the last couple of years may lead some to feel fatigued with the franchise, but nevertheless 3D World is an astounding game, and one of this year's very best titles.

8 / 10.0 - Pokemon X and Y
Nov 21, 2013

Outside of the new social features Pokemon Y and its counterpart do largely stick to the traditional JRPG formula and mechanics that have made the series the global phenomenon it has become. Hardcore Poke fans will still find a lot to like in this instalment and even players who may have lost their way with the series might find the new features and major visual upgrades worth jumping back on the wagon for. It may be iterative and lacking in radical innovations but Pokemon Y is still immensely fun, even if catching them all from a fresh start does feel more than a little daunting.