Leo Faierman

156 games reviewed
69.4 average score
70 median score
61.5% of games recommended
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May 21, 2024

Still, pitting it against the mountains of similar roguelite releases to dig through every month, Harvest Hunt stands out with its great style and unique concept. While it's not yet announced as Steam Deck compatible, the game plays perfectly on the handheld thus far, with a smart controller configuration to match. Harvest Hunt remains worth checking out for anyone into folk horror, roguelites, and asymmetrical games – just try and poke the game's bear whenever possible.

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May 9, 2024

Little Kitty, Big City fulfills its feline obligations and then some, offering a beautifully animated adventure packed with appropriate cat-ivities and whimsical, gentle humor. It’s all-ages, elegant, and over much too quickly, but it’s the best of its breed.

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May 1, 2024

As an existential piece peppered with surrealist agitprop, Indika feels successfully distinct. There’s even something convincingly personal about the story that ably cuts a path through its weirdness, a core built around toxic romantic relationships. None of its decisions and ideas seem beholden to interference, but like an original concept produced with integrity and personality. Even if stretches of Indika may not be “fun” in the conventional sense, it’s an intimate and stimulating experience that sticks around long after it's over.

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TMNT Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants wears its age as a nearly-decade-old port, and some of that is to be expected. It’s still hard to understand why any of its elements weren’t modernized to keep in line with beat ‘em ups released over the past five years, let alone the recent Shredder’s Revenge, which remains the conspicuous elephant of comparison in the room.

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Apr 9, 2024

Anyone who loves spatial puzzles or novelty action games should feel catered to here, and score-chasers will be battling over the leaderboards and sharing video clips of their best clears in the days to come. Overall, Children of the Sun is a great video game idea done well, a darkly beautiful assassin simulator with a worthy and fulfilling hook.

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Apr 9, 2024

Rise of the Ronin is an immersive open-world title that does a lot of work to value the time of its players, making for a rewarding journey.

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Alone in the Dark is a fun horror romp with a great cast and a visible love for the original, but the action is stiff and the puzzles are quite easy.

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6 / 10.0 - Slave Zero X
Mar 10, 2024

In the end, though, the repetitiveness makes it difficult to fully recommend Slave Zero X, especially at its retail asking price of $24.99. Aside from just enjoying the story, replay value is restricted to high-score hunters (who themselves will have to deal with an arguably unpredictable grading system), and anyone not completely smitten with the presentation will find themselves looking for an excuse to persevere, even with its relatively short campaign. For the right player, Slave Zero X will seem like a custom-made surprise, but it’s a little too short to box with the beat ‘em up gods.

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Mar 4, 2024

As it stands, though, The Thaumaturge remains quite special overall. Hanging out with Rasputin, shmoozing with turn-of-the-century elites, and exploring some unexpected golem developments with beset Rabbis make for compelling content, even when a few lines in the script fail to land. Anyone taken in by this setting will genuinely want to play The Thaumaturge, and it joins several other recent experimental Slavic fantasy adventures that prove the countless avenues video games have yet to fully explore.

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Feb 23, 2024

It's everything surrounding those battles and skirmishes that makes Skull and Bones a harder sell. The simulation aspects are limited and under-baked, the questing is almost always tedious, and there are only a few main ship models to work with. Lacking the ability to dock and explore, ocean exploration feels perfunctory and artificially hampered. Better ship customization options open up eventually, and it’s initially interesting to tinker with armaments, but it’s hard not to want even more of the best boat blueprints, more gear, more detailed inclusions that would make these vessels feel authored and unique, something to elevate the vacant core routines. Skull and Bones could have been a welcoming and rare new beacon for pirate game fans but, even with seasons of promised premium content yet to come, this boat is visibly sinking.

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Feb 19, 2024

With its unlockable deck types, tricky economy, advanced joker concepts, challenge runs, and ascension-like “stake” system, Balatro offers countless hours to engage its treacherous machine of diversion. If this was preinstalled with Windows in lieu of Microsoft’s mandatory, productivity-wrecking Solitaire back in the 90s, modern civilization as we know it could have very well ground to a halt. For fans of deckbuilders, Balatro is an addictively delicious, menacing creation which devours hours without mercy. It should be handled with great care.

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Feb 12, 2024

Further and further in, Ultros’ world seems one of creative, chaotic malleability instead of precision, opening up to sequence-breaking and weird shortcuts through experimentation. It’s a game about amassing the tools and time to carve a connective path with nature, learning the layout of the land, and collaborating with it to continue on. Ultros takes the common ingredients of the modern metroidvania, then transplants them into an utterly original DMT-infused Metroid fever dream, in the very best way.

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Lysfanga: The Time Shift Warrior is a curious combat-puzzle game, but solid aesthetics and worldbuilding can't rescue its stifling gameplay design.

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Dec 1, 2023

But perhaps Blood West’s strongest component is its exploration, and the pull to devour every inch of its creepy map design can be reason enough to turn the game into a 30-hour experience or more. The amount of that time spent dying and backtracking are all part of the hellish journey, but the difficulty is balanced such that gamers of all stripes should find enough equipment and upgrades to power their way through. For a combat-heavy horror game, Blood West focuses on the most important details and leaves the rest to rot, and their full release version delivers one of the year's best surprises.

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Nov 20, 2023

Additional achievements, challenges, unlocks, and secrets bring enduring value to Risk of Rain Returns, and the new graphics do just enough to contemporize the look of the game without sacrificing its creepy pixelated presentation. This all manifests into a project that feels like a true gift for fans and a premium prospect for roguelite veterans who may have missed its original launch. Risk of Rain Returns takes an all-timer which might have been overshadowed by its sequel and gives it much, much more than a fresh coat of paint.

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Nov 20, 2023

Sanabi is a stylish grappling hook platformer, but its cumbersome story and interrupting pace risks sacrificing the parts of the game that work.

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Nov 15, 2023

At the end of the day, Super Mario RPG has not received much love, outside of a surprising appearance on the SNES Classic and some Geno ephemera in the Smash series. To describe it as a purely niche oddity would be wrong, as it was a massive seller back in its day and has popped up on best-of lists ever since, but it still comes off as an oddball first-party Nintendo game. Super Mario RPG Switch fulfills most expected obligations and even surprises with a few new features, making it a predictable crowd-pleaser for those in the know who should welcome it with open arms while left wanting for even more content. The House of Mario doesn’t bless us with many full-spectrum remakes like this, and maybe this will be enough to spark interest in a real sequel some day.

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Oct 31, 2023

It's a matter of taking that memorable original score, the over-the-top firefights, the thoughtful questlines, and the raw retro/pseudo-90s shtick that ultimately leaves less residual concern over a clumsy facial animation or a tedious boss here and there. Every chapter of RoboCop: Rogue City gives players something interesting to do, an unexpected encounter to resolve, or a sly reference to decipher. The result is a great game that accomplishes everything an adaptation could wish for, breathing new life into its source material and setting a new high bar for the franchise.

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Oct 18, 2023

And still, there’s the bones of something great here. A mystical underworld to explore, secrets to unearth, terrors lying in wait in the darkness. A heretofore-unseen, fully realized original Hellboy adventure is screaming to be properly told, to be freed from the trappings of this torment. Hellboy Web of Wyrd is a tragically beautiful blunder.

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Oct 16, 2023

Pixel Ripped 1995 hits the PSVR2, a nostalgic and brief all-ages adventure through classic gaming that leverages 3D interactivity in inventive ways.

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