Dreamscaper Reviews

Dreamscaper is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2021

Dreamscaper is a subtle, surreal ARPG that features compelling combat, engaging progression systems, and enchanting environments. If you enjoy roguelikes, don't miss it

8 / 10
Jan 6, 2022

Dreamscaper really is rather good; this is a game that certainly deserves more attention than it’s received. What it lacks in originality, it makes up for in heart. A surprisingly emotional story, rewarding progression system, snappy combat, and painterly visuals make for an experience that we’d suggest you give a serious look.

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God is a Geek
Mick Fraser
9 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2021

Dreamscaper is a stiff challenge, for sure, but it's also a beautiful, moving adventure that takes a very familiar genre and does something very different with it.

8.5 / 10.0
Aug 14, 2020

Dreamscaper is beautiful, deep and haunting, deftly combining elements of real-life pain and poignant character development with fast-paced combat in a surreal alternate world

8.2 / 10.0
Sep 2, 2021

In a crowded roguelike landscape, Dreamscaper tries to stand out by adding a narrative, advendure-like mini section, which is so well-crafted and interesting that it almost overshadows the action segments. The game offers good graphics and a cool soundtrack, but also repetitive puzzles and unconvincing enemy design. Luckily, the combat system is excellent, which makes a great pick for any action roguelike fan.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Aug 11, 2021

Dreamscaper is a game of contrasts and not all of the elements are cohesive. It combines the incredible gameplay loops of Hades and Persona 5, but wraps them in a slice-of-life package that doesn't quite fit them in properly. Weak characters and story aside, however, Dreamscaper is a great roguelike and worth checking out for fans of the genre all the same.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2021

Dreamscaper combines solid gameplay elements and narrative in an excellent and carefully crafted adventure. While there are occasional difficulty jumps that break the loop, there are mechanics to put things back together and push onward in a journey of discovery and heart. It's a good roguelike outright that also succeeds weaving in storytelling that most games are often too fearful to even try.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
8.7 / 10.0
Feb 9, 2022

‎Dreamscaper‎‎ certainly knows this, and that is why it allows us to help its interesting protagonist to fight to the last consequences to overcome his fears ‎‎with the help of a hilarious and easy to understand gameplay‎‎, which will catch us from the first moment, and will not let go until we are sure that Cassidy is free of the mental chains that capture her. This is a mandatory title for roguelite lovers, and I would even recommend it to anyone with a medium interest in the genre, especially if they have a Game Pass subscription, since at the time of writing this analysis, the title is available on the xbox star service.‎

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8 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2021

Dreamscaper was a rich, deep, intimate experience through the mind of a person suffering under the weight of her trauma. The gameplay and the story serve each other in a way that's rare to see in video games. There are a ton of little touches that make it a joy to play, and I found myself wanting to learn more about Cassidy and what happened to her after her sister died. While not everything wound up being a home run, I enjoyed the game overall. I'm grateful to the team at Afterburner for this sometimes satisfying, sometimes painful piece of art.

9 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2021

Dreamscaper is a randomly generated dungeon crawler with fun combat, breath-taking design and a premise that is both moving and expertly woven into the mechanics and structure of the game.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2021

Dreamscaper combines the polished gameplay and progression of a rogulike to tell a more grounded character-driven story with aplomb.

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Aug 10, 2021

Dreamscaper has been in early access for about a year, and based on my time with it, I can say that time was well spent by Afterburner. They’ve created a well-balanced and engaging roguelike Action RPG that perfectly pairs with its social simulator mechanics. I continued to play long after I conquered Cassidy’s dreams and enjoyed every run, whether it was all the way to the end of the game or stupidly dying in the first level. This is a super impressive debut for the studio, and I hope that Afterburner is already working on its follow-up title! If Dreamscaper is any indication, we will be in for some sweet dreams ahead!

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9 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2018

In an increasingly busier time for the roguelite genre of tunneling further into a game's loop, Dreamscaper is a surprising breath of fresh air, using a grounded tale of anxiety and loss as a catalyst for fantastical beasts and familiar mechanics.

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10 / 10.0
Feb 26, 2018

It's a moving and relatable narrative that allows you inside our protagonist's life and personal experiences of her subconscious. It's a damn good game.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 8, 2021

Afterburner Studios enters the gaming world with a very strong roguelite that has the gameplay to rival its ambition.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2020

Dreamscaper is a deep, thought-provoking journey packed with some truly enjoyable combat and realistic characters. If you’ve been hesitating to give it a try-don’t.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 19, 2021

For an unknown studio they come out swinging pretty good with Dreamscaper, the core game is fairly engaging and interesting, but the core loop has some serious progression issues, as well as bad difficulty balance. Trying new moves and weapons is the highlight of the experience, but the very slow lack of progress and difficulty walls hold this back from being truly great.

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8.1 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2021

There are many excellent indie games recently and you can definitely add Dreamscaper to the list. With its pitch-perfect game world, highly rewarding gameplay loop, imaginative premise, and personal boss fights; you'll regret sleeping on this one.

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Worth your time
Oct 2, 2021

Anyone who’s cut their teeth on the combat of a roguelite will have a headstart in Dreamscaper. With the ever-present threat of losing your life in just a few hits, your moves are calculated and careful – you’re put to the test with scaling baddies between each level and you’re bound to die. This is where my favorite part of roguelite comes in – you can manage some upgrades to make subsequent runs a bit more do-able.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2021

Dreamscaper has great gameplay mechanics, immersive and addictive gameplay, beautiful environments, enjoyable music, deep thought, and most importantly, passionate developers who give 200% to the title. The constant updates and listening to the community's feedback show how much time and love is put into this project. The affordable price is another plus that makes this engaging adventure almost a cinch to enjoy. Smaller details may still be tweaked by the developers before the full game is released, so I'm curious to see how far Dreamscaper will go in the future. However, I already find the title almost polished.

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