Demon's Souls (2020) Reviews
The Demon's Souls remake on PlayStation 5 is almost the exact same experience, gameplay-wise, as the 2009 PlayStation 3 original. And considering how great the original Demon's Souls was, the Demon's Souls remake on PS5 is an easy recommendation. Imagine one of the best and most influential games ever made, but with significantly improved graphics, and that sums up the Demon's Souls remake perfectly. It's the PlayStation 5's first must-have exclusive game, and it should leave fans very excited to see what developer Bluepoint Games decides to work on next.
In Demon's Souls, a touch of smart quality of life changes and gorgeous visuals go a long way in modernizing this tough PS3 classic.
Demon's Souls Remake is a faithful reconstruction of the original game with subtle modern-day improvements. A genre-defining masterpiece, it's one of those games that is not for everyone but should be tried by everyone. Running beautifully in 4k and smoothly at 60FPS, Boletaria will entice you to go further, explore deeper, and dare to die again. Fully worth the PS5 launch price.
There's friction between the original and this lavish remake, but this is a scintillating launch title that shows off the PS5's strengths.
Demon’s Souls is the best PS5 game you can play at launch, and I’m sure it will go down in history as one of the best launch titles of all time. The Old One has awoken and I hope this review feeds it more souls. It deserves a full belly.
At once both a fascinating history lesson for the now ubiquitous Souls-like genre and an enjoyable romp in its own right, this remake gives plenty of reasons to return to the Nexus
Bluepoint delivers a Demon's Souls remake that is as much its own as it is From Software's, and it shows off the power of the PS5 with it.
One of the nicest new additions to Demon's Souls is a photo mode. In addition to giving players the option to actually pause Demon's Souls - something you couldn't do in the original - it also takes some lovely screenshots. (See: every image in this review.)
Demon’s Souls on PlayStation 5 is very much the Demon’s Souls you remember from PlayStation 3. It doesn’t miss a beat, nailing the same melancholy atmosphere and compelling gameplay that would eventually spawn fellow instant-classics like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. While there were bound to be a few aspects that could have been more faithful to the original, PlayStation 5’s Demon’s Souls remake stands out as an incredibly fun way to revisit the cursed land of Boletaria. It’s creepy. It’s gloomy. You’ll get invaded by laggy assholes near the end of a long level and have to do the whole thing over again. It feels like coming home.
Though somewhat stylistically uneven, Demon’s Souls PS5 manages to capture the spirit of the original game. The experience is certainly not for everyone, but if you manage to get your head around its steep learning curve and obtuse mechanics, Demon’s Souls will give you a rewarding experience, seeped in an unrelenting and oppressive atmosphere that you will almost certainly never forget.
A must-buy for PlayStation 5, should you have the stomach for the original gameplay formula.
Demon's Souls is not only the best PlayStation 5 game, it's the next-generation experience you were hoping for.
Demon's Souls is the standout title among the PS5's launch lineup, combining tight gameplay, gorgeous graphics and an unforgettable setting.
If you’re a seasoned Souls-like fan, then it’s worth picking up a PS5 just for Demon’s Souls. If not, I still recommend having your passport stamped in Boletaria, but know what you’re getting into beforehand and proceed with caution … and plenty of Moon Grass.
Fans of the Souls genre will fall in love with Demon's Souls, and anyone who picks it up and manages to push through the fog of challenge will find a stunning world of danger and excitement to get lost in.
If you wish to see what your new console can do, this is the game to get; it provides the most whimper for your buck.
Overall, Demon’s Souls is still the most interesting and varied game in the Souls series. This remake not only looks lovely on the PlayStation 5 but is also a joy to play with all the tweaks and improvements that have been introduced. Now if only people would look past its supposed difficulty and see its carefully crafted intricacy instead.
Demon's Souls continues Bluepoint Games' hot streak of excellent remakes and gives early PS5 adopters a next-gen experience that they can sink their teeth into.
Demon's Souls on PS5 lead the launch of a next-generation console while lovingly respecting the original work of 2009. One of the best remakes of all time.
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