12 Minutes Reviews

12 Minutes is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Aug 22, 2021

12 Minutes is an excellent narrative experience thanks to its chilling story, top-notch voice actors, and unique and intriguing gameplay loop.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Aug 18, 2021

There's quality within this intriguing time loop, though by the end you're left wondering whether the core idea is a good one after all.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
53 / 100
Aug 18, 2021

A clever time loop setup devolves into frustrating repetition.

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Ryan McCaffrey
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes injects a compelling time-loop mystery into a traditional point-and-click adventure game to create original gameplay that complements its story's curiosity factor.

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Andy Kelly
Top Critic
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes is a good adventure game, but its puzzle design makes it feel— mature, cinematic presentation aside—like something of a relic. If it was released in 1995, you'd be ringing up the LucasArts hint line for help and getting scolded by your parents for running up a massive phone bill. But it has its charms, and the way the story is gradually peeled back, growing more disturbing with each loop, is effectively done. There's a huge amount of emotion, drama, and conflict squeezed into this tiny, dingy three-room apartment. But also a lot of frustration as you struggle to determine precisely the correct sequence of events to let you move the story forward and finally get some closure.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 18, 2021

A clever and idiosyncratic time loop detective thriller with top notch voice acting, which suffers from circular gameplay that quickly descends into monotony.

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Aug 18, 2021

A miniature time loop thriller that will burrow into your frontal lobe and stay there long after you've solved the mystery.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes sinks its claws in from the get-go and doesn't let go until the final, brutal revelation

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Aug 18, 2021

12 Minutes is a point-and-click adventure in a clockwork world that's as expertly crafted as a Swiss watch.

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Top Critic
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes is an uncomfortable journey — maybe too uncomfortable

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8 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2021

So with every repeated loop, and every new piece of info that leads to more narrative threads to pull on, Twelve Minutes is certainly fascinating to unravel. Some of it might start to feel a bit clunky, when dialogue starts mashing up against itself and characters move in awkward ways, but on the whole, it’s a puzzle I kept wanting to piece together, both fascinated and afraid of the answers I might find. It keeps the story driving forward, and if some deep, dark character drama set in a time loop sounds appealing, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

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80 / 100
Aug 21, 2021

A unique graphic adventure, sometimes thrilling and sometimes frustrating, that makes the most out of three characters and a time loop. Not a game for every kind of player, but definitely worth a try.

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6 / 10
Aug 27, 2021

Twelve Minutes has an intoxicating premise about a man stuck in a time loop, backed by a Hollywood cast of voice actors that immediately presents the game with a veneer of cinematic prestige. But just as it quickly captivates the player with the tantalising promise to unravel all its mysteries, it also loses all that steam just as rapidly with its unbelievable twists and unspeakable violence, resulting in a conclusion that's as mind-boggling as it's nauseating. In the end, Twelve Minutes can't seem to rise above its film influences, as it grinds to an unsatisfying, disconcerting halt.

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Top Critic
Aug 19, 2021

Twelve Minutes isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the very few games I’d recommend everyone should play. While it’ll offer an experience many won’t enjoy, understand, or figure out, it’ll stays with you for a long, long time–even if its repetition results in Pavlovian conditioning. I now can’t hear my doorbell without thinking I’ll be choked to death within 60 seconds.

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8 / 10
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes tells a gripping story through a unique, time-jumping point-and-click adventure experience.

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IGN Spain
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2021

‎12 Minutes is a statement of intent on the part of Luis Antonio, a video game that elevates him as a designer, and places him on the map after having gone through Rockstar Games and having participated in projects as disparate as The Witness or What Remains of Edith Finch. Now, he puts on the table his particular vision of graphic adventure, with a video game that exudes a love for textual enigma, cinema and mystery. A title that, at most, can take you a couple of afternoons, but that will leave a great taste in your mouth and, quite possibly, the brains smoky.‎

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Alex Donaldson
Top Critic
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes ultimately presents a compelling, thrilling experience that feels more than worth the price of entry. It has interesting things to say through its looping core conceit, and it’ll tease your brain more than a few times - sometimes genuinely, sometimes through slightly cheap requirements to progress. I also admit I was less of a fan of where the story went in its later stages - but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t hooked. The journey matters more than the destination, after all - and a gripping journey this is.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2021

I would not call Twelve Minutes just an experiment, because the result is convincing in every aspect and the perfectible parts are absolutely minor. The experience packaged by Luis Antonio and Annapurna is another excellent example of the possibilities that videogames can offer, both in narrative and interactive terms.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 18, 2021

Twelve Minutes features a compelling time loop story with strong performances that will keep players hooked, even when the lack of guidance brings that momentum to a halt.

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Aug 18, 2021

Despite taking place solely in a tiny apartment, 12 Minutes delivers hours of captivating mysteries.

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