Final Vendetta Reviews

Final Vendetta is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
82 / 100
Jun 17, 2022

‎It does not compete with the titans of the genre, but it is certainly a great tribute to the street and pixelated tollinas. It's hard to overcome, but it's very satisfying.‎

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7 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2022

Final Vendetta is a love letter to classic beat-em-ups like Streets of Rage and Final Fight, offering just enough to keep you playing.

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7 / 10
Jun 17, 2022

Final Vendetta does an able job of using and enhancing tried and tested formulas of the past, and is great fun for either one or two players. Its brevity is ameliorated by its single-credit format; a bold but welcome move that makes learning to clear it rewarding for all the right reasons – but it's a setup some may struggle with. There's still room for experimentation in this genre with regard to original systems, and sadly Final Vendetta doesn't really attempt any of that, instead opting for more traditional '90s arcade fare – albeit with lots of variation in how you smack people around. If that's enough to tickle your fancy, you'll feel well-served by Bitmap Bureau's stab, but others might feel like they've walked this street before.

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Jun 20, 2022

Final Vendetta is a great homage to classic Beat ‘em up from the 90s that will really please fans of the genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2022

Despite its small steps toward evolution and innovation, Final Vendetta feels like a wistfully romantic and well executed, if ultimately conservative take on those side-scrolling brawlers that held our attentions (and quarters) so rigidly in years gone by. Nonetheless, despite the fact that Final Vendetta doesn't push the genre forward with any sort of strident vigour, it's certainly true that it's still a lot of fun all the same and that enjoyment is only amplified when played with another friend locally.

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7 / 10
Jun 17, 2022

Final Vendetta wears its heart on its biceps: it’s a burly and brutal beat-‘em-up that serves as a love-letter to the 16-bit greats from a bygone era. Ass whoopins have never felt quite this good.

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Jun 17, 2022

Final Vendetta is so very nearly another scrolling beat 'em up revival that could have rubbed shoulders with Streets of Rage 4. Instead, it's scuppered by an egregious level of difficulty that slowly sucks the fun away. If you crave retro beat 'em up nirvana, then do yourself favour, and play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge.

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Jun 20, 2022

Final Vendetta looks and sounds like a mountain of games that came before it but does nothing to separate itself from those same games.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2022

Final Vendetta is a love letter to the late 80’s and early 90’s era of arcade and home console brawlers that fans of Final Fight, Streets of Rage 2 and SNK’s Neo-Geo console, will immediately appreciate, though the high level of difficulty, lack of continues and no online play might make it a hard sell to newcomers.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2022

It can feel too derivative at times, but Final Vendetta’s adherence to the past has its value for daring to offer something that most devs are too afraid to do. It isn’t the best, but you will likely not find a more spicy and unrelenting beat ’em up than Final Vendetta.

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5 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2022

Final Vendetta isn’t a bad game, but in trying to ape the classics it loses sight of the true goal post: the games that currently rule the roost. Even then, we’d still rather play the original Final Fight or Streets of Rage than this middling effort that just simply doesn’t feel as welcoming or enjoyable. Ultimately, if you’re a huge fan of the genre and have a great deal of patience you might get some fun out if it, but it’s never going to be remembered as a classic.

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Jun 16, 2022

A short burst of nostalgic cartoon violence, Final Vendetta is uneven but mostly entertaining.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2022

Final Vendetta is the closest 90's classic arcade beat 'em up you'll find being released today. This is a challenging and sometimes frustrating title, ideal for the hardcore fans of the genre who want the ultimate challenge of the old school arcade experience.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2022

Final Vendetta is an ideal option for fans of the most classic beat'em up games. The title maintains a very classic base and the lack of ambition is its main problem.

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Jun 17, 2022

Get your favourite shell suit out, put your Pogs away, slap a Mega Drive label on it, and add it to your collection now! Final Vendetta, although short is fun from start to finish with tons of replay value and I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of beat-em-ups. Even if you’re not a fan, I would recommend it because it is that much fun! I found it hard to put down without picking back up and saying “just one more game”. The biggest lie we all tell ourselves. The combat is classy and the beats are sick. Therefore Final Vendetta gets the Thumb Culture Platinum Award.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2022

Final Vendetta's gameplay is dated but solid and fun. It's more than worth it for any fan of fast action games.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2022

Final Vendetta is a brilliant time capsule of an era currently making a comeback. While it doesn't exactly move the needle in innovation, it does provide fans of the genre a much-needed booster of brawling fun.  Deliciously 90s in all the right areas, this is certainly one for the retro enthusiasts who like a bit of a challenge when they roam the mean streets dishing out some justice.

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Jun 22, 2022

When it comes to the humble arcade brawler, I’d like to think that I’m a bit of an aficionado. From high-flying titles of Streets of Rage, and Final Fight, to the niche of Knights of the Round and Alien Vs. Predator – my combo-button mashing prowess have saved countless worlds and cities from the forces of evil. Next in line is Final Vendetta, an arcade side-scrolling beat-em-up that’s just as much a homage to the genre’s greats as it is original.

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75 / 100
Jul 1, 2022

Final Vendetta is a game heavily inspired by the early 90's beat'em up classics, perhaps too much so, but it wonderfully conveys the feeling of really being in front of an arcade from our childhood and that's something that not everyone achieves. On the contrary, the system of combos and movements pales compared to other more current games, in addition to having a high difficulty and a reduced number of levels.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jun 17, 2022

With its excellent production values and weighty melees, Final Vendetta is a fun throwback to the glory days of arcade gaming if you can look past its occasionally frustrating challenge and some quality of life issues. Still, I can’t help but think that with a bit more spit and polish, it could have been something exceptional for fans of the beat-’em-up genre. If you have the patience to see your way through to the end, you’ll be able to unlock a few extra game modes such as Survival, Boss Rush, and even more challenging Ultra difficulty mode. Though I have trouble imagining many players will have what it takes to make it that far. If you’re looking for an unabashedly old-school brawler that doesn’t pull any punches, Final Vendetta certainly delivers that much. But only the most patient of pugilists will be able to get the most out of this package.

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