Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Reviews

Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Aug 26, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed is a gorgeous, destructive romp across multiple cities dragged down by its original platforms' limitations. Unshackling Crypto from the confines of previous gaming hardware might give him the ability to jet to new heights, but it’s unknown how much a new game would be able to maintain the raunchy spirit of its predecessors. Perhaps enough interest in these remakes will encourage THQ Nordic to think about creating new adventures for the constantly aggravated and devilishly malicious Furon named Cryptosporidium.

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Dan Stapleton
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Crypto's material has worn a bit thin. While Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed does a respectable job of making his second rampage look good, its small assortment of new weapons and enemies makes it feel like an unambitious expansion rather than a sequel.

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3 / 5.0
Aug 26, 2022

Like many of the B-movies that inspired it, Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed isn't something that will be considered great by a general consensus, but does have a certain appeal to the right audience.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Destroy All Humans 2! - Reprobed is a chaos-induced joyride through various cities on Earth, using plenty of weapons to get the job done. Some of the humour feels outdated, but there's no denying the fun to be had causing tons of destruction.

7.5 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed is a really good game that doesn’t take itself seriously. In some ways, it’s a relic from another era, a reminder of how simple and fun games used to be; a time before the endless grind. Heck, there’s even couch multiplayer, once a standard feature in games that has slowly faded out over the years. Despite its heritage, Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed feels and plays modern enough with refined controls, decent visuals, and enough over-the-top fun to easily overlook the few shortcomings.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 2, 2022

Solid and definitely have an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun.

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6 / 10
Aug 28, 2022

Destroy All Humans 2 - Reprobed is a good-looking remake and certainly has its fun moments, but the repetitive missions of its predecessor remain, and there's a lot of bugs that need addressing. Crypto remains a fun protagonist and the gameplay is entertaining, but it feels this remake needed a bit more care.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

The judgment on Destroy All Humans 2: Reprobed is very similar to that given for the remake of the first episode, two years ago: a game that under a renewed graphics doesn't bring anything new compared to its original incarnation. A nice and light pastime for those who miss the series or for those who have never approached it. Excessive ease is its biggest flaw, because it leaves wide prairies to boredom when you realize that it all boils down to a series of tasks to be done with the brain off, and comic skits that make the cinema verse of the '50 and '60.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2022

Whereas another kind of Crypto is making waves in the world, THQ’s is a welcome, nostalgic character that will take you on a literal mind-bending trip. If you can overlook the frustrating technical issues that try to mar your enjoyment throughout your Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed! journey, then there’s a cracking game here to soak in! From start to finish, its story, characters, and satisfying gameplay reinforce that this remake lives up to expectations and delivers a stellar sandbox stay that doesn’t look out of place in 2022.

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3 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed might be a brutally honest remake of the original game, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant to sit through all its rough parts. Few elements of the core gameplay remain as fun as they were on the PS2, but it's far too shallow to be worth it, especially when it is still riddled with performance issues that can seriously effect your experience.

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8.2 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Krypto is back... well, not the original one but an all-in-one clone that this time must face the KGB menace. This second adventure is better than the previous one, thanks to wider levels, new powers and a better mission design.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed is yet another solid remake of a franchise that somehow hit a downward spiral after the first couple outings. This remake is definitely a lot of fun even if it screams a product of its time. There are some things that have not aged well, but I had a lot of fun with what is here. I would love to finally see a new game now, do NOT remake Big Willy Unleashed…I beg you. As it stands this latest remake is great, I just wonder how well it will do being limited to only new consoles as well as PC.

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4 / 10
Aug 26, 2022

It's apt that the character you play as in Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed is named Crypto. Like crypto, the game is an interesting idea on paper, but we don't really need it, we don't want to hear about it, it keeps crashing, and if you invest any money into it then you're probably going to end up with buyer's remorse.

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75 / 100
Aug 26, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed is not hard to recommend for gamers who missed it the first time around, or remember it fondly and want to play it again. It looks, sounds and controls like a current title, and most of the jokes hold up just fine. Not all the gameplay mechanics and mission designs feel that fresh anymore, and it can feel simplistic and repetitive against the backdrop of recent action games. Like the remake of the original Destroy All Humans!, it’s hard not to wish that Black Forest had gone further into actual reboot territory, because the narrative bones, characters, and style could be something special in a more open-world, contemporary game.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed looks and sounds great, like a well-made game from 2022 should. The issues start to arise with the gameplay. Open world maps feel small, missions are short, and the story lacks depth. I never hated my time spent with Reprobed; it started as pushing a pea up a hill but felt like heaving a boulder up a mountain by the end. There are times when I like to think back to being a 13-year-old boy who finds fart jokes amusing; you just don't see games with the same raunchiness to them as you did back in my youth Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed has kept that level of humor, for better or worse.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Destroy all Humans 2: Reprobed catches us in a great funny, spicy and frantic story. Do not miss the opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of Crypto and use all the arsenal that is at your disposal to save the planet.

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7.8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Crazy shootings, a successful script that mixes comedy with clichés, and not least a graphic restoration of the highest level, make Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed an excellent remake that we are convinced will entertain both those who have already loved the saga, as well as players who have never approached it before.

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Aug 26, 2022
Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed: Dumb Fun, Done Right! - Review (PS5, Xbox Series X/S & PC) video thumbnail
Top Critic
Aug 25, 2022
Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
4 / 5.0
Aug 26, 2022

For now, though, I highly recommend Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed. While Reprobed left me feeling a bit empty because it is another exact one-to-one recreation, the new updates and additions as well as a beautifully recreated world gives me just enough trust that Black Forest Games is the team to resurrect the Furon Empire.

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