Crime Boss: Rockay City Reviews

Crime Boss: Rockay City is ranked in the 9th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
4 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2023

Crime Boss: Rockay City is an overly ambitious air ball on all fronts, from its sloppy moment-to-moment gameplay to its largely abysmal voice acting – the worst of which sound like single takes spliced in with mistakes intact. There’s an earnestness with which Crime Boss has been put together that I do admire – as a kind of direct-to-VHS knockoff of Payday on a promising ’90s backdrop – and there is an inescapable novelty in seeing these de-aged Hollywood stars steering the story here. Unfortunately, the hokey charm on display is nowhere near strong enough to offset the repetitive and regularly frustrating mission design, its roguelike single-player rapidly becomes a total chore, and its co-op juice just isn’t worth the squeeze. Sadly, Crime Boss: Rockay City’s coked-up ego has been writing cheques its budget-priced body couldn’t cash.

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Top Critic
Mar 28, 2023

There’s very little you could get out of Crime Boss that you couldn’t get out of Payday 2 next time it comes around in a Steam sale. And besides, I think those masks that “are for pussies” are actually really cool.

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3 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2023

Crime Boss: Rockay City is proof that star power isn’t everything. In fact, it’s a reminder that a celebrity cast does nothing for a game when it’s void of anything interesting or fun to support it. When run-ending bugs appear, Crime Boss is miserable, but even when I’m running a mission bug-free, I lay witness to a painfully dull take on organized crime. At its best, Crime Boss functions – I can shoot weapons at enemies, empty bank vaults and warehouses for loot, watch cutscenes with recognizable faces and voices, and grow my empire – but it never captures my attention in a meaningful or memorable way. Instead, it pushes me further and further away, leaving me with no desire to ever return to Rockay City.

3.5 / 5.0
Apr 1, 2023

INGAME STUDIOS should be commended for trying something different as they've previously worked on the Mafia series amongst other titles.

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Mar 28, 2023

A sloppy, buggy Payday pretender whose USP of using 90s movie stars is probably the worst thing about it.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2024

Crime Boss: Rockay City has expanded somewhat since it's original launch with has a lot of new multiplayer content.

4 / 10
Mar 31, 2023

I really wanted to like Crime Boss: Rockay City, but it just feels like it was haphazardly thrown together, and the result is a game that feels like a bad copy of a popular franchise, with the tired actors, awful dialogue and repetitive gameplay really putting the boot in.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
3 / 10
Mar 31, 2023

An unlikeable, repetitive, and blandly designed clone of Payday that wastes its celebrity filled cast on an equally substandard script.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2023

If you're looking for something similar to Payday 2 as a shooting experience to be played in a GTA-style metropolitan setting with some micro-management elements, Crime Boss: Rockay City might give you some satisfaction.

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5 / 10
Mar 28, 2023

It’s a massive swing and a big miss, with enough force to crack the sound barrier while the ball stays in the catcher’s mitt. It’s neither a cynical corporate cringe like Sharknado, nor is it a low-budget dud you’d expect to see a crew of robot puppets heckle. It’s weird, loud and uncanny. Frankly I’m surprised Christopher Walken didn’t show up.

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Mar 28, 2023

Crime Boss: Rockay City's execution isn't revolutionary or exceptional, but its shot at an innovative roguelike campaign is a praiseworthy proof of concept. It might not have the most versatile activities, best gunplay, or first-class writing, but Crime Boss: Rockay City does provide an interesting experience that, like a cheap B-movie, has that certain kind of charm you can't help but enjoy.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2023

Rockay City has something interesting in its novel campaign structure, and its modest price tag currently discounted to $31.99 makes it an outright bargain. But there’s not enough to appreciate that warrants anybody to stick around for more than a random night with some buddies. The whole project is clearly a loving homage to the glory days of ‘90s action flicks, but the tone-deaf execution misses the mark. But how long can that hold your attention for when your multiplayer game time is far better spent elsewhere?

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4 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2023

Crime Boss Rockay City deserved better, from the inexcusable number of bugs and glitches that players will come across while played the games narrative or the multiplayer missions to the just laughable performances of some actors who I used to hold in such high regard. In a different timeline this game would have just leaned 100% into the jank and made this a successful parody. But instead, it falls flat by trying to tell a serious story about an ambitious crime boss who wanted more, a story as old as time and one that’s been told a million times better before.

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3 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2023

If Crime Boss: Rockay City pulled off even one part of its package, it'd be passable. In reality, it doesn't do a whole lot of anything right. So we're left with a lot of wasted potential and a game that is about as pleasant and exciting of an experience as being stuck in a lift with Kevin Sorbo.

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55 / 100
Jun 16, 2023

For every infrequent good idea, Crime Boss: Rockay City seems determined to undermine it. First-person roguelike mechanics in a narrative-focused game is an intriguing concept, but between bugs, bland performances, and rote action, the killer concept is dead on arrival.

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Mar 28, 2023

The limited time to play the review build of Crime Boss: Rockay City felt unfinished and needed more gameplay activities and depth. With the game planned to be a live service experience, with more time, developer InGame Studios will hopefully add more features and gameplay mechanics to help the game stand out in the multiplayer shooter genre. There is fun to be had with a team of four friends completing missions together. Still, in its current state, Crime Boss: Rockay City feels like a low-level wannabe criminal trying to get rich quick on a street populated with multiplayer shooters who already do better.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Apr 18, 2023

Crime Boss could have been a nice experience, especially since there is no 400 Payday-like. There was clearly a niche to be taken while surfing on that nice cast of actors, but nothing was done. Minimal service, failed service with this. Since between the bad ideas of gamedesign, the absent direction, the failed dubbing and the far from great graphics, it's hard to recommend it. Especially since for less than twenty euros, Payday 2 does a better job, despite its age.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2023

Crime Boss Rockay City is a production with several critical issues, both on the purely technical front and on the situational variety offered by the package.

Review in Italian | Read full review

55 / 100
Apr 18, 2023

Overall, Crime Boss: Rockay City offers so many conceptually interesting gameplay mechanics that could work well together, but either doesn't give the player enough opportunities to use them, or fails to tie them into other aspects of the game. There is some minor depth to the game, but it's overshadowed by what could have been. On top of that, too many elements feel like they're out of the players hands, and lead to cheap deaths. If you simply need to play Crime Boss: Rockay City, then you'll be pleased to hear that it's only $40, and even less if you wait for a sale.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2023

Crime Boss: Rockay City's heist gameplay is squandered by a myriad of bugs, mindless, boring gameplay, and a severe lack of fun despite its best attempts to have the presence of GTA and the mechanics of Payday, both of which are much better games.

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